PHOTO: Charles Bergquist
“The Sanskrit name for the heart chakra is anahata, which means ‘unbound.’ It refers to how we become free from the material measures of success.
Money, automobiles, fame and fortune cease being the measurements of achievement.
Freedom, joyfulness and an abiding peace become the hallmarks of a person who dwells in his heart center.”
~Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D from Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas
Kristin Vance says:
Dec 1, 2011
Thank you! I am moving through a 10 week series of Spiritual Principles to offer this season, to end the year and begin again, through teaching Yoga and offering as a gift to students and friends who I practice with. If you look at my website Mystic Mama is in my Inspiration page. I love Mystic mama and want to share it with everyone I know especially my mama friends and sisters, This post fits perfect with the first week, we meditate and focus on LOVE! We will be opening the anahata chakra in heart opening asanas songs of love songs of love, While asking ourselves WHAT DO WE LOVE? remebering to practice and be what it is we love…
From the Roots
Krisitn Vance
mm says:
Dec 1, 2011
Hi Kristen~ Sounds wonderful! What a great offering~ Thanks so much for your support and the link! May be all we continually inspired by each other’s gifts ;) much love to you~
Stacy Anuttara says:
Dec 27, 2011