Here is the energetic theme for April 2015 channeled by the insightful  Lena Stevens from The Power
“This is truly an eccentric month that will test us at every turn. There will be highs and lows, higher than you have experienced before and lower than you ever thought you would be able to handle.
Flexibility will be key to navigating the month as your best-laid plans change and then change again and then change again and then change again.
“Don’t get attached to anything. Some of the work this month will be about releasing your attachments to the past. If you are waiting for all of this to be over so things can ‘get back to normal’, you will be waiting a long long time.
“There is no going back and your attachments will only weigh you down and keep you from the higher centered experiences that offer inspiration for creating something new and wonderful in your life.
“Waiting for things to go back to what your comfort level expects is not a productive use of your time and energy this month. It is better to take a deep breath and dive into the unknown.
“It will be very important to stay out of Martyrdom and to be in acceptance of feeling ‘in no man’s land’ as well as embracing the unknown in a proactive way.
“This month supports action, and action will be key to staying out of stuck places physically, emotionally and mentally….”
“What we suggest instead is to do things that are outside of your ‘normal’ activities. Try new things, be busy, clean stuff out, wear something you normally don’t wear.
“Be a little bit eccentric, be more social, extend yourself, take a risk and do something you don’t normally do. The expression and adventure needs of the year show up strongly this month and the artisan role is definitely activated….”
“You will likely have experiences this month where you just cannot believe your good fortune as a long time dream begins to manifest. You may also have unexpected events and opportunities fall into your lap. They may throw you out of sync with your attachments to your daily routine and order of your life.
“Watch your resistance to just ‘going for it’ and watch your old habits of doubt and mistrust that what is coming your way might be too good to be true.
“If you suddenly come across something you always wanted and there it is, buy it. If you suddenly get contacted and offered your dream job, take it. If you meet someone you feel instantly connected to, follow up.
“If an opportunity comes your way for a trip or an experience you always dreamed of doing, go for it. Don’t be afraid to dream big this month, as anything is possible and possibly very probable. Trust that what is coming your way as an opportunity is real, and accept it with enthusiasm and gratitude.
“On the other hand, there is always something that needs to fall away and dissolve whenever you are moving into a new experience. This falling away may come as shocking news, a jolting and unexpected change or a huge disappointment.
“Get to neutral as quickly as possible so you don’t dwell in the lower emotions of despair, unworthiness and doubt. It is critical this month to keep your vibration as high as possible so that the new experiences and opportunities are fed instead of the disappointments and negative emotions….”
You may experience both the highs and the lows very close together. For example you may get some news that puts you into a place of depression, despair and doubt and then 10 minutes later you may get news about some great opportunity that has the potential to put you into a higher vibration of excitement and inspiration and gratitude if you allow it.
“These extremes are hard to hold together in one space in any rational way that the mind understands. It requires a stretch of your container to hold this diversity and it is a good idea to make this a practice…”
Expect the unexpected and you will be well prepared. There is also an anchoring influence later in the month that will either drag you down into the negative quagmire of your negative emotions or anchor some new and wonderful energy as long as you keep your vibration high…”
“You have a good opportunity here to let go of a really old story as well as your attachment to routines and expectations. This month will build personal flexibility that will serve you well in the future.
“Observe and witness your tendency to define who you are today based on your past experiences. Let go of the need to ‘heal’ old emotional wounds in the old method of re-hashing, re-living, and analyzing what happened, what should have happened and why you are not living the life you want.
“Move to neutrality and LET GO. This will free you up for something new and wonderful.
“As we already mentioned, this month is ripe for stretching your energetic container so that you can hold the extremes of the experiences you are likely to encounter.
“Stay out of Martyrdom, get to neutral as quickly as possible and get comfortable with UP, DOWN and SIDEWAYS as it is the new normal. You have the opportunity to end up way more resilient, powerful and manifesting incredible things in your life.
“Up and down and sideways! Make sure you are not judging the whole relationship by individual incidents. Everyone is in the same boat this month of figuring out who they are in a new story and a new experience of self.
“This will affect relationship dynamics and it is important to hold a bigger container for things to work themselves out. Good communication is key. Neutrality is crucial. Acceptance of other’s decisions will be important as not taking anything personally.
Look to your own relationship with self as you navigate this month. Improve it, be excited about it, and feed it with love and inspiration. Be courageous in your spontaneity and allow yourself to have a bigger experience.
“Be open for opportunities for new relationships to form, old ones from the past to come back around and ones that are not serving to fall away. Community is important this month as well and you will find yourself drawn to spending time with members of your community that you can relate to.
“Beware of shifting and changing plans, alliances, trust, agreements etc. and remember not to take any of these unexpected events personally…”
“This is and has been a difficult time for the physical body. The body resists the kind of change we are in and the kind of instability and sense of being afloat in the sea without an anchor. It moans and groans and comes up with all kinds of aches and pains to get your attention. It just simply does not know what to do with all this new energy.
“Action and staying active physically is important. Staying busy and distracting the body personality by keeping it busy will be very helpful. Make sure you are not just sitting home alone in front of the TV. Get out and do something, change your perspective and try something new.
“It is also a good month to pay attention to what you put into your body in terms of food, water etc. Eat a clean diet of unprocessed foods and increase your intake of minerals especially if you drink purified water. Minerals will be essential this month to staying healthy and keeping your energy levels up.
“You may find this month that there are more projects and exciting possibilities coming your way than you have time or energy to consider. Don’t be overwhelmed. Follow the thread of the one that seems to carry the most synchronicity, perfect timing, good feeling, support, creativity and inspiration.
“The new projects and partnerships that you enter into should never be a compromise to your sense of integrity and the bigger picture of who you are. On the other hand don’t sweat the small stuff but focus instead on the potential of what the end result may provide you with.
“The unexpected highs and lows will definitely affect business and finances. One day it looks like everything is coming together, the next day it is falling apart and then suddenly it takes a different turn and comes back together again in a new configuration.
“This is definitely a month for creative financing, creative management and thinking outside the box. The most fantastic unrealistic ideas may gain some purchase during this wacky eccentric time.
“It is important however to watch that you do not go too far off in either direction. Be careful and pragmatic within reason in excessive spending or being too miserly and stingy with your finances. The middle ground is always best…”
“Words of wisdom for navigating this month:
Keep your vibration as high as you can
Don’t get stuck
Stay active no matter what
Don’t take things personally
Accept and stay neutral and flexible
Welcome change
Have fun!”
© Copyright 2015 ~ Lena Stevens All Rights Reserved


 You may also want to read >>> Astrology for April 2015 by Sarah Varcas~