Kaypacha says:
“We might all be getting our little bubbles burst these days as we unconsciously use/help each other to see our shadow self. Whether we overestimate ourselves or underestimate ourselves, Life is ‘self-correcting,’ and will find a way to show us ‘reality’. When that happens, our approach, reactions, and choices are what really determines our character, capacity, and future. May you require but slight adjustment to keep your boat on course…”
Mantra for the week:
“It can be hard to see that I have been wrong,
Be told to sing a different song,
I can get angry and go into victim,
Or open my heartmind and learn a new lesson.”
In the report he says:
“Surrender when life brings you something or takes something away and when you’re blocked…it’s time for you to listen, it’s time for you to reflect, it’s time for you to be in your soul, in your self…. you have been taken out of the picture, out of a relationship, out of a job, out of the country, out of a house…ultimately releasing and opening.”
And also:
“There’s a lesson in every experience, there’s something to be gained, some awareness to be expanded upon, something unconscious to be brought into the consciousness. Pain is our great teacher and if we can get our little self out of the way…and really see that Spirit is behind us, nurturing us, serving us, saving us, in the long run…”
Ece Fatma Aslan says:
Mar 12, 2014
Heeey, what is the name of the song that you play at the intro of the video!!! It sounds fantastic… :)
Naomi says:
Mar 12, 2014
it’s my music!
I am so excited to hear it featured on the pele report :)
martha says:
Mar 12, 2014
right on
michal says:
Mar 12, 2014
exactly the words I needed to hear – thank you
Heidi says:
Mar 12, 2014
I discovered this site a few months ago, and it has helped me so much. Thank you! So inspiring and right on!!
Sara says:
Mar 12, 2014
Thank you Kaypatcha….I really needed this today….tears streaming down my eyes….I am in the middle of so much right now, I have been in a relationship and I have needed to leave it for a while now, but we have a child together and I have been a stay at home Mom and making the transition into working again has been really difficult, mostly because I have some amazing visions and great work I want to manifest, but I keep missing the mark when its time for me to take action and its so HARD!
Its like I have been playing smal for so long that who I actually am and Where I am are so different. I am walking the bridge to freedom.
<3 love and hugs to all you beautiful sisters
Jenn says:
Mar 12, 2014
It’s my birthday on Monday right after the Full Moon! Yay! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!I really love watching these, so much wisdom and TRUTH. Much love and strength to you all!
Nico says:
Mar 14, 2014
it’s EXACTLY something I needed to hear right now…
I’m grateful for the synchronicity leaded me to this page.
And thank you Kaypatcha!
amber says:
Mar 14, 2014
what you are saying is so true but also as you say..soooo hard! thank you for you beautiful and enlightening posts