Here is Kaypacha‘s Astrological Report for this week of June 25, 2014.
He says:
“I’m actually picking up on some melancholy feelings since the Sun entered Cancer last weekend.  Some of those past feelings that are getting stirred up these days are not always pleasant, but it is part of the healing process to feel them, allow them to be what they are, and soften your heart.  We’re still in the reflective time of Mercury retrograde, and you maybe getting emails or communication that triggers some introspection.  Some confusing emotions can come up as Venus squares Neptune and Mars opposes Uranus. “
Kaypacha also says:
“Let’s use this New Moon in the watery sign of Cancer to sow seeds of deep feeling within the depths of our souls and allow healing to happen as a result. It may be all too easy to get lost in the airy Gemini Venus/Mercury maze of mental wanderings…… Come home this week….. Come home to the heart…”
Mantra for the week:
“Beneath the surface so full of tension,
Contradiction, opposition, and miscommunication,
There are watery realms of deep feeling and bliss,
Where I open my heart to love all that is.”
