Posts tagged "KAYPACHA"

Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: Ready to give it all I’ve got~
Mantra: "My creative juices are flowing, As I'm ready to give birth, Ready to give it all I've got, For I have seen the new earth."

Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: I feel the energy rising, like a volcano I could blow~
Mantra: "I feel the energy rising, Like a volcano I could blow, But my job as a conscious loving person, Is to heal, not hurt those I know."

Kaypacha Report: Being polished, tuned, and prepared~
Mantra" "Life is a celestial symphony, Now wanting to be shared. I’m one of many instruments, Being polished, tuned, and prepared."

Kaypacha Astrology Report: I open my heart to love all that is~
Mantra: "Beneath the surface so full of tension, contradiction, opposition, and miscommunication,
There are watery realms of deep feeling and bliss,where I open my heart to love all that is."

Kaypacha Astrology Report: There’s no escape from consciousness~
Mantra: "There’s no escape from consciousness, I can no longer stay asleep, Without a rude awakening, To keep me on my feet."

Kaypacha Astrology Report: It’s hard to face limitation~
Mantra: "It's hard to face limitation, I can kick and scream and complain, But sometimes Source needs to use a straightjacket, Before I am willing to change."

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Reflection and Frustration~
Mantra: "Reflection and frustration, Push me to create, The new world I imagine, And am here, now, to make."

Kaypacha Astrology Report: We’ve been told that we are separate~
Mantra: "We’ve been told that we are separate, it’s either me or you,There’s not enough for everyone, we’ll never make it through, This mindset of division, has robbed me of my strength, Its fostered fear and lack of trust, it’s...

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Time holds the keys to my future expansion~
Mantra: "I am so anxious I’m ready to burst, It’s hard to decide what to do first, I must remember that in this dimension, Time holds the keys to my future expansion."

Kaypacha Astrology report: Love grows in the garden of humility~
Mantra: "Sometimes my ideas are bigger than me, And Life bursts my bubble for me to see, That Love grows in the garden of humility."

“I come home to the Mother, when I need to recover” Kaypacha insights for this week~
"I come home to the Mother, when I need to recover,
She shows me I AM all that I need
And my fears are old programs I need no longer believe...

Kaypacha astrology report through Full Moon Eclipse on October 18, 2013~
Kaypacha says: "The tests, trials, and tribulations serve to push us out of our comfort zones and familiar stomping grounds and reach out for the NEW..."

Kaypacha Astrological Report for week of September 18th 2013~
"Sometimes it hurts when my bubble bursts, I can no longer pretend, I just am what I am, And that's all I can be in the end!"

Kaypacha Astrology Pele Report for week of August 28th 2013~
"Though I may feel uptight and alone,
Wanting to sleep, rebel, or just stay home,
Now is the time to make big decisions,
Grow up, commit, and make it all happen!"

Kaypacha Pele Astrology Report for week of July 31st 2013: Healing~
"What past experience, wound, or belief needs to be released to diffuse the tension you are now feeling. It is a week of either looking at your “stuff†and healing it...

Kaypacha Pele Report for July 17th 2013 >> Grand Trine Birthing Goodness~
Kaypacha mantra for week: "The dark, wet womb of the Mother, Is preparing to birth yet another, New World unlike any other, As MY TRUTH now lies

Kaypacha Pele Astrology Report for week of July 10th 2013~
Astrological report says a storm is brewing... Great to have an understanding so that we can allow and flow, move with the cyclical nature of things. Become empowered. Spirit rise!

Amazing Kaypacha report: Black Moon Lilith and the whole download~
"My thoughts emerge out of my feelings, Like plants that grow out of the earth.To find the roots of my happiness, I must loosen and dig in the dirt..."

Kaypacha report on New Moon in Gemini and upcoming aspects~
"It’s time for me to speak my truth, Whether the world is ready to hear it, I won’t know until I share it...

Kaypacha’s Pele Report: Mind is here to serve the heart~
Illuminating message from brother Kaypacha about how to center with all the Gemini energy. How to align all the mental energy with the heart....

Kaypacha’s Pele report for week of May 15th~
Here is the weekly lo-down from brother Kaypacha explaining the astrology coming our way as we move into the energy of Gemini...

Kaypacha on the Solar Eclipse May 9th 2013~
"The main thing would be not to take the last two weeks too seriously. Our experiences have been designed to bring up the old emotional patterns and responses so we could see them and let them go...

Kaypacha’s “Hang in there” Pele Report for week of May 1st 2013~
"This is definitely a time to be cleaning the karmic house before being 'allowed' to move on. We’re in the eclipse season with the Sun and Mars joining the Moon’s south node symbolizing the light shining on the past so...

Kaypacha’s Pele Report for the Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse on April 25th~
Here is Kaypacha's Astrological Pele Report for the week of April 24th 2013 where he discusses the FULL MOON and Lunar Eclipse on April 25th and all the things that are coming with it...

Kaypacha Insights for week of April 18th 2013~
"Whew! We’re almost outa’ the fire and comin’ home to Earth! The Sun (and Mars) move into Taurus this weekend signaling a time to slow down, cool your jets, and regroup...

Pele Astrological Report from Kaypacha >>> Courage~
"I now summon Spirit Warrior, From the depths of my inner soul, To vanquish my fear with the sword of Love, and lead me to my goal."

Kaypacha Holy week Pele Report Powerful configuration~
"Just when I thought it was over, And I could finally settle down, Life continues to challenge me,To rise up and hold my ground!"

Kaypacha’s soul wisdom + insights for week of March 8th 2013~
Here is brother Kaypacha in a very honest report, where he shares how things are unfolding in his own life and the insights and wisdom to be gleamed when we completely surrender...

Kaypacha Video: Emotional waters breaking down the walls of Separation~
New video from brother Kaypacha sharing his insights for the week of February 27th 2013 into March. Lots of watery energy stirring up the emotional waters... Some great advice about asking for forgiveness and letting go...

Kaypacha’s Astrological Pele report for the week of February 20th 2013~
"May the mysteries of Pisces reveal themselves to you this weekend and through the Full Moon Monday. This is a time to be very aware that Spirit is working in your best interest when things seem to go crazy..."

Wonderful Astral Insights from Kaypacha: Mustard Seeds of Awareness!
Mantra of the week: "When I allow the world and myself to change, letting go of the guilt and all the self-blame, I un-freeze the picture and release all the pressure, thereby discovering the buried treasure."

Amazing MOON insights from Kaypacha for the week of January 23, 2013~
Spot on once again from insightful brother Kaypacha! Listen to the download of the week as we move from Cancer Moon into FULL MOON in Leo...