consciousness videos
Awaken the MOTHER Mind: Powerful message from Zulu healer Credo Mutwa~

Awaken the MOTHER Mind: Powerful message from Zulu healer Credo Mutwa~

Zulu Sangoma (healer) Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa from South Africa calls on all human beings to awaken the mother mind, that part of human consciousness that feels what is happening in the world.
Terence McKenna ~Reclaim your Mind

Terence McKenna ~Reclaim your Mind

Must see 2 minute video/visual of Terence McKenna speaking on becoming a creator. Check this out for sure!!
Vintage Ram Dass Gem

Vintage Ram Dass Gem

This video is a GEM. Just hang in there past the one minute intro and listen to his words as he begins to speak. You will not be disappointed. Very interesting and relevant talk on feeling the anger underneath the...
The Dream of Life by Alan Watts~

The Dream of Life by Alan Watts~

Wonderful speech from the late great Alan Watts... 4 minutes, mind-expanding, enjoy. "If you awaken from this can feel yourself not as a stranger in this world, not as something here on probation..."
David Abram on the Ecology of Sensory Experience~

David Abram on the Ecology of Sensory Experience~

David Abram is a Cultural Ecologist, Philosopher and Author of one of my all time most favorite books! >>> The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World.
Earth and beyond: A view like no other~

Earth and beyond: A view like no other~

This is one of the most amazing gifts that technology can grant us. PERSPECTIVE. This view of our beautiful planet and the universe beyond it says it all. If you only we could all simultaneously tune in to this Reality,...
Brené Brown why some people feel connected and others don't...

Brené Brown why some people feel connected and others don’t…

Wonderful, wonderful talk. When you have a few minutes sit and watch this. Amazing. Brené Brown is sociologist who was doing research into what makes people feel connected, truly connected and what makes others feel alone. Fascinating!
Wonderful! (1969 Interview of John Lennon)

Wonderful! (1969 Interview of John Lennon)

Awesome animated audio interview of John Lennon recorded in 1969 by a 14 year old fan that snuck into his hotel room to ask him some questions. Check this short video out for sure, you won’t be sorry. “Director Josh...
"We are all Connected" science+music

“We are all Connected” science+music

The Symphony of Science is a musical project headed by John Boswell, designed to deliver scientific knowledge and philosophy in musical form. “We Are All Connected” was made from sampling Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, The History Channel’s Universe series, Richard Feynman’s...
Anita Moorjani's near death experience and miracle~

Anita Moorjani’s near death experience and miracle~

If you have not heard Anita Moorjani tell her story yet, then when you have about 45 minutes to sit and watch something, take the time to hear her amazing story. It is one that will not only stay with...
Louise L. Hay sharing her wisdom on positive affirmations and loving ourselves~

Louise L. Hay sharing her wisdom on positive affirmations and loving ourselves~

This is a great interview with the legendary and wise Louise L. Hay. In it she discusses one of her powerful, simple and life changing affirmations of saying "I love you" to yourself in the mirror every day...
This is a time of Awakening!

This is a time of Awakening!

New little short video message from Abraham about the awakening… Some powerful words about the power of “seeing” and being able to see someone in their highest light and in doing so reflect that vision back to them…enjoy~  
The Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers "Walking the Talk"~

The Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers “Walking the Talk”~

"The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, believe that our ancestral ways of prayer, peacemaking, and healing are vitally needed today. ...
Grand Mayan Elder sends out call to Awaken~

Grand Mayan Elder sends out call to Awaken~

MUST SEE! Check out this beautiful video clip of Mayan Grand Elder Wakatel Utiw, Wandering Wolf, Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlajâ from the movie Shift of the Ages. Beautiful!
Moving into VIBRATIONAL EXPERIENCE- Lilou and Panache Desai~

Moving into VIBRATIONAL EXPERIENCE- Lilou and Panache Desai~

"Right now we are moving from an intellectual way of understanding to more of a VIBRATIONAL WAY of EXPERIENCING life..."
Sacred Uproar by Rob Brezsny~

Sacred Uproar by Rob Brezsny~

This feels timely to share. You may know the famed astrologer Rob Brezsny from his Free Will Astrology: "As we stand on this brink, as we dance on this verge..."
Stoking the FIRE of LOVE: Manifesting your Heart's Desires: Sonia Choquette~

Stoking the FIRE of LOVE: Manifesting your Heart’s Desires: Sonia Choquette~

This is really GOOD. "See the FIRE of bright light of who you ARE and feed that FIRE >YOU LET YOUR SPIRIT BE SEEN >THAT'S HOW YOU ATTRACT."
THRIVE: Must see *Eye-opening Documentary*

THRIVE: Must see *Eye-opening Documentary*

Thrive presents extremely eye-opening and compelling information that truly needs to be considered by everyone. It takes you from one idea to the next unraveling not only what has been concealed to us by the powers that be, but also...
Amazing documentary movie "Wake Up"

Amazing documentary movie “Wake Up”

“There’s another Reality apart from the official one.” WAKE UP, is the amazing MUST SEE documentary directed by Chloe Crespi and Jonas Elrod, which follows the fascinating story of  Jonas, an ordinary guy who woke up one day to a...
Consciousness Video...worth checking out.

Consciousness Video…worth checking out.

It's exciting to witness, experience and be a part of this huge shift. I'm all for helping to raise the consciousness here on earth and I'm thrilled to see this information being put out there in the public arena to...
"You are your own Mandela, your own Gandhi, your own King"~

“You are your own Mandela, your own Gandhi, your own King”~

Watch this wonderful short clip from Leymah Roberta Gbowee who was awarded the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, Oct. 7. She shares her journey to finding her connection to a higher power which gave her the strength to overcome...
"Miss Representation" of women in the media~

“Miss Representation” of women in the media~

Women are amazing, powerful beings whose innate strength, wisdom and power has been lessened for far to long. Collectively we are awakening to this realization and must spread knowledge and awareness to create the new paradigm...
Watch this film: 2012 La Palabra Maya (The Mayan Word)~

Watch this film: 2012 La Palabra Maya (The Mayan Word)~

If you really want to know the inside story and be tuned to the larger shift that is occurring on the planet then watch this film. It brings to light the story of the contemporary Maya people in Mexico, Guatemala,...
A conversation between Grand Mayan Elder Don Alejandro and Incan Elder Willaru~

A conversation between Grand Mayan Elder Don Alejandro and Incan Elder Willaru~

I saw this clip a while ago and was quite blown away by the information shared between the Grand Elder of the contemporary Mayans Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj “Wondering Wolf” and the esteemed Incan elder from Peru “Williru”. In...
WE LOVE YOU documentary on Rainbow Gatherings since 1972

WE LOVE YOU documentary on Rainbow Gatherings since 1972

AMAZING 4o minute documentary for when you have a second to kick back and watch the whole thing. Fascinating inside look into the Rainbow Gatherings which have been occurring since 1972 in a different US National Forest. A temporary city...
Mark Nepo on Relationships with Lilou Mace~

Mark Nepo on Relationships with Lilou Mace~

Here is an illuminating video of Mark Nepo speaking on relationships, in particular when to end or stay in a relationship, with the always wonderful Lilou!
How to connect with your angels~

How to connect with your angels~

I've had these videos on MM's You Tube channel, but felt compelled to bring them over because the information shared is unique and not something you ever hear about. So perhaps if you have been curious and are interested in...
"Message of Hope" Video~

“Message of Hope” Video~

This is a very inspirational video. If you have not seen it yet, when you have some time, make sure to watch it. It will inspire you and give you hope! Enjoy!