We must nurture and deepen our connection to our Earth Mother. It is up to each of us to awaken to our direct relationship with her and bring ourselves and our lives into right-relation and harmony with her cycles and rhythms.
This Earth Day take the opportunity to go out into nature and connect your heart with the heart of the Earth. Lay on her, feel her support. Put your hands on her belly and thank her for all that she provides for us, for being our home. Send healing energy and light from your hands into her and connect with the feeling of unity as collectively we come together to recognize ourselves as daughters and sons of the Earth.
If you can, try to do a special ritual or ceremony to honor her. It can be as simple as getting a tiny quartz crystal, holding in your  hands, blessing it, and putting it in the land, burying in the earth, throwing it into a river. Mayan teacher Miguel Angel Vergara says that if we do this the elementals will jump with joy! For everything is alive! She will feel it.
“Or simply offer up a song from your heart, or a silent meditation, or an expressive dance. DO something to honor your connection, your oneness with the Earth. This is what has been missing from our lives and what we are all deeply longing for. Don’t wait. Do it now and begin this incredible relationship with our Mother Earth~
“Mother Earth sighed with pleasure because more human beings were learning to respect the ancient ways that supported harmony. She could feel the commitment of her human children who had passed many tests in order to take their roles as Keepers of the Earth Medicine.”
~Jamie Sams
I offer this invocation for all of us…
I come together with others to send forth upon the Changing Mother a new spirit with power to rise upon a foundation of peace. I come to praise mountains, to honor visions of those who have gone before. I come to make my heart one with others, to make my soul an offering, to make my mind open to receiving.”
~Maria Yraceburu from Prayers and Meditations from the Quero Apache


And so it is. And so it be. It is DONE.
Peace and Blessings~~~~~