On September 19th we will have a Harvest Full Moon in the mystical sign of Pisces! Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights on the collective energy that will be illuminated…
First from the always wonderful Kelley Rosano:
“The Pisces Full Moon on Sept 19 is a powerful portal for your spiritual growth. This is the Harvest Moon. We are harvesting what we have sown this year.
“Neptune is Pisces ruling planet. Neptune can take you beyond the boundaries of time space reality. You can experience a breakthrough into higher consciousness. You can see the bigger picture of your life…”
“Saturn wants you to analyze where you are on your life path destiny. You are to do a sober evaluation of your relationships, work and resources. Saturn is the great teacher and tester. What is working for you? If something is not working, this is the opportunity to let it go.
“Saturn will reveal the truth to you at the Pisces Full Moon. You have to be willing to see the truth and people as they are truly. And not as you wish them to be. We need Saturn’s grounding and reality check. Avoid spinning in negative thinking. This is a heavy energy. That keeps you down. Take action. Action speaks louder than suffering..”
“The Pisces Moon is about faith, spirituality and intuition.You are being asked to dream, meditate and be creative. Your sensitivity will be heightened. You may have to move away from loud noise, crowds and negative people. Be in nature. This will nurture you.”
“Have compassion for yourself and others. Your spiritual growth is real. Real growth can feel painful. Your intuitive and psychic muscles are being developed. You may experience psychic moments. Trust your intuition. Trust your gut instincts. The ego mind can keep us in fear. The ego (edges God out). Your Higher Self is never in fear…”
“Rest your brain. Do what balances you…We can either come from love or fear. Choose love. Love is our secret weapon. Love is more powerful than hate.
“Pluto turns direct on Sept 20. Pluto is power and transformation. Pluto is asking you to own your power. Take responsibility for yourself. Evolve in the area of life Pluto is traveling. This would be revealed in your natal birth chart.
“Pluto is associated with obsession and regeneration. Power struggles often accompany Pluto transits. The secret to your success is to let go. There is no need to struggle. Be fluid. Accept the changes and/or losses and make plans for your future…”
“We are to release the structures, limitations and behaviors; that we have out grown. Pluto is saying that it is time to take a giant step forward on our path…”
“The Pisces Full Moon message is that assistance is available. One way or another the universe is conspiring to provide you with what you need. You may not win the lottery. However, you are getting a push in the right direction. The support you receive is to empower you on your life path destiny.
“Open yourself up to the magical forces of Pisces. Don’t be limited by the five senses or the ‘how’s and ‘when’s. Instead, believe in yourself and live from a place of magic and miracles.
“Be generous. Give and receive when necessary. By sharing with others you attract what you need. Some people have a problem receiving both money and love. Love and money are the same energy. Love is not earned. Love is received. Are you ready to receive your heart’s desires?”
© Copyright 2013 ~Kelley Rosano All Rights Reserved
From the always insightful Cathy Pagano from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“This Harvest Full Moon occurs on Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 4:13am PDT/ 7:13am EDT/ 11:13am GMT.
“The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 27* Virgo is: A group of aristocratic ladies meet ceremonially at a court’s function. The aristocracy was comprised of people who had power to affect change or stop it.This image seems to imply that feminine power focused through ritual might be important now.”
“We’ve experimented for years with the power of meditation to affect reality. Let’s use our feminine, feeling, intuitive right-brain to imagine and refine what we want to co-create with Spirit. As we embody our spiritual vision, we can create a new world.It’s Time to start the Evolution!
“The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 27* Pisces is: The harvest moon illumines a clear autumnal sky. Dane Rudhyar says that this symbolizes ˜the light of fulfillment that blesses work well done.
“The Harvest Moon always seems to be bigger than the other full moons of the year perhaps because it rises at the equator.It’s time to reap what we have sown and cultivated this year.
“Our harvest is the culmination of our efforts to manifest a deeper and fuller life for ourselves and the world. Name what you have harvested and bless it and yourself for the good work you have done.
“The outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto describe the collective tone of the moment. The background upon which we create the future! We are immersed in those energies culturally and globally…
“…the collective planets are telling us that things have to change our culture is no longer a viable option for continued life here on Earth.
“The on-going Pluto square Uranus challenges us to find a new, bigger self-identity to meet the chaos of these changing times. Neptune opens us to other dimensions of reality, helping us to cope with the big changes coming our way with imagination, compassion and spiritual awareness of our oneness…
“The Cosmos is with Us! Evolution happens.“
© Copyright 2013 ~Cathy Pagano All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“The Full Moon in Pisces at 26 degrees on September 19th, 2013 is the energetic opening right before Pluto in Capricorn at 8 degrees stations to go Direct motion on September 20th and the Equinox doorway on September 22nd, 2013.
“This makes for a pretty intensified Full moon phase. It will urge each of us to be compassionate and of practical service wherever possible to help channel this potentially healing energy.
“Full Moon in Pisces puts us in touch with the exquisite realm of the non-visible, the Cosmic dimension of life. It will be all about ‘feelings and dreaming.
“It’s ok to cry a little and wipe the slate clean in your heart now. Pisces is water element therefore emotions and feelings are strong now. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you may be feeling ultra sensitive.
“With Pisces/Virgo axis being activated during the Full Moon in Pisces, the archetypes of Victim/Martyr arise. It is helpful to examine this and where and when it manifests in life’s interactions and places where one seems to suffer the most.
“There is healing that needs to take place. Now more than ever, with big planetary changes occurring, it is helpful to move into the core of certain issues. Take off the rosy colored glasses and see things as they are.
“As the time of the Full Moon in Pisces, there is a strong energetic current of healing available for those willing to sacrifice the suffering and pain story.
“It may require you to rise onto higher ground through power of choice and the willingness to move out of Victim/Martyr archetype, find the lessons, learn them thoroughly and move forward to heal and reclaim your power.
“Once the strong waves of emotions and irritability pour out, cleansing happens a noticeable peacefulness returns. As Soul you are compassion and peace and so this quality will come forward after the symbolic rain and pours out and the Sun returns to shine brightly.
Intention:‘I AM peace itself and therefore my quest is to BE peace itself.’
© Copyright 2013 ~Dipali Desai All Rights Reserved
From Sarah Varcas from her
“…she invites us to consider an inner harvest and where we now find ourselves on our path of spiritual enquiry.
“It can be a rare thing, to contemplate ourselves aside from the conditions of our lives. We can easily feel an unnerving dissolution of self when we remove the external trappings of our identity and turn within to see what’s left in their absence.
“But today the Full Moon bids us to do exactly that: to turn towards and embrace the truth of who we are aside from anything created around us. To embrace what is left when our identification with things, circumstances, experiences, wealth (or lack of it), role (or absence of it), is released.
“She encourages us to let even our name go, to move beyond the I ness of existence, in order to experience the essence which energises us from the heart…”
“This Full Moon in the final sign of the zodiac reminds us that the true harvest of our path is experienced within, in the very core of our being, not externally in the trappings of our lives.
“If we fail to connect with our essence we may miss the harvest, forever seeking it outside of ourselves, which can be a more seductive and absorbing path, but also a distracting and deceptive one. As with all Full Moons, something comes to fruition at this point, but today the harvest is within us awaiting our inward gaze in order to be known…”
© Copyright 2013 ~Sarah Varcas All Rights Reserved
Lastly from astrologer Divine Harmony:
“…with venus aligned with karmic saturn and the evolutionary north node right now we have MAJOR NEW CYCLES being seeded- ones that are based on massive endings and/or massive new beginnings in relationships, finances, business, partnership, commitment and contractual arrangements of all kinds.
“With mars square all three there is a push-pull quality at hand. mars is raring to go and wants action while venus/saturn/north node know that it’s a long journey ahead and things cannot happen overnight.
“Ultimately we need to find a place where we are not procrastinating on taking action in our lives or dragging our feet in the sand, but also know that there is a timing that is unfolding and we need to tune into it and align with it for best results.
“The ruler of this full moon is neptune, who is currently in pisces- the sign he rules. Neptune opposes two of the asteroid Goddesses in the sign of virgo- vesta the sacred priestess energy and ceres the Great Mother energy.
“Neptune is blurring the lines between reality and unreality and we likely may find that a lot of the women in our lives (including ourselves and for men the feminine that lives within them) are moving through some very deep stuff right now. There is a deep activation going on of the Priestess archetype as well as the Divine Mother archetype- which both men and women can feel.
“Tuning into Mother Earth is huge right now- she is trying to communicate with us but many are so shut off from her they cannot listen. This is a great time to pay attention to dreams, intuition, psychic impressions and synchronicities happening in your life.
“A lot of stuff is playing out on the subtle, etheric realms and taking time away from your busy life to retreat and meditate will help you tune into what is going on.
“..if at any point you have gotten stuck along the way- then this full moon will help you see where that is (maybe kindly, maybe not so kindly) so that you can do something to shift yourself and move forward.
“For all of us this full moon is a great time to be kind to yourself! Self-care is of the utmost importance- so take a bath, mediate, do some yoga, get a massage.
“Return to the womb of the Mother and let her nurture you, and when you are done extend that nurturing energy out to others and to the world around you.”
© Copyright 2013 ~Divine Harmony All Rights Reserved
Metrov says:
Sep 17, 2013
Lovely readings. Thank you!
KATY says:
Sep 17, 2013
Thanks… the ‘light of fulfillment that blesses work well done’ A timely day for us to have Dad’s Funeral & to remember him with so much love
Temple says:
Sep 19, 2013
Very timely <3 Condolences on your loss Katy …as I overstand the bodies death process the spirit can see and hear (maybe even smell) everything that happens for days. Know that he will be present to your expressions.
J-Libra says:
Sep 17, 2013
So my pisces ex-boyfriend owes me a lot of money and he will be in town on the 19th. What’s the best way to approach this with him?
Temple says:
Sep 19, 2013
Tell him everything you appreciate about him and ask him how he would like to start repaying you beginning immediately – imagine that he is receptive and gracious and have no expectations. Allow the universe to work majic and be grateful <3
suzanne says:
Sep 17, 2013
Looking forward to this Harvest Moon to share all the abundance. Thank you for the lovely reading~
feather says:
Sep 18, 2013
I’m so grateful for the beautiful guidance that you share with us all!! <3
Noelle says:
Sep 18, 2013
im so happy and looking forward for the energy! lots of people are nervous for the day, but i thik they should use their own power to control themselves no matter what comes their way. :-)
Sherry Glaser-Love says:
Sep 18, 2013
Most grateful for your combined wisdom. Our dearest community Astrologer passed away last weekend and we are left without her guidance. So, it is with that, I’ve come for clarity. Planning radical peace demonstration with Breasts Not Bombs this Saturday afternoon in San Francisco. Reading this makes me feel more confident. Especially this part, “…the collective planets are telling us that things have to change—our culture is no longer a viable option for continued life here on Earth.”
Temple says:
Sep 19, 2013
(((((Good vibes for an awesome event!)))))
Anna says:
Sep 18, 2013
Very helpful and enlightening, ty, for the guidance:)!
Trish says:
Sep 18, 2013
Feeling the powerful full moon effects at 09.12am this morning. Being a Pisces, it’s quite overwhelming!
Natashia says:
Sep 19, 2013
Wow….tonight I was walking my puppy. Had no clue as to what was happening to me. I saw this beautiful bright sight so I took the puppy in the house, got me a chair, binoculars, and sat on my front lawn. All types of things was being revealed. Tears were flowing, I started thinking about love ones that passed over, and I was having all kinds of emotions. I had no clue what was happening until I was googling to find out why was I crying while gazing at this full moon. I had to try different searches to get the answer but here I ended up. I feel so relieved to know what I was experiencing and I look forward to a wonderful harvest season with infinite bliss.
Michelle says:
Sep 19, 2013
@@This is very helpful…in finding my way to clarity….I have been in a rut for the past few months … I am an Aquarius..and today I saw a puzzle picture starting to make sense..although.still very abstract. In my case this article is the push my babystepping cautious ego is needing. thank you.
Michelle says:
Sep 19, 2013
shamely…I finally dreamt after so long…and I can’t remember at thks moment but it seemed very positive and “changing”. Note to self: dream journal…or when i wake up journal..
Lianna says:
Sep 19, 2013
Woke up right when this moon turned full . Love it , thank you for the wisdom <3 blessings
Shanelle says:
Sep 19, 2013
Me and my girlfriend are opening our first business. We are in need of financing and need guidance on how this full moon guidance will help us.
Sancia says:
Sep 19, 2013
I love this but everything is related to the Northern Hemisphere – I live in South Africa – does it still have the same kind of impact here or changes slightly as we get ready for summer ?
mm says:
Sep 19, 2013
@SANCIA Yes, the astrological insights apply no matter where we. The only Northern Hem-leaning is that it is referred to as the “Harvest Moon” because the names for the Moons date back to what the Native Americans called them. In these reading though, the meaning also comes from the “Sabian” symbols and the Sabian symbol for the Moon at 27* Pisces is also the “Harvest Moon.” But as with everything, I always says just take what resonates and is helpful to you! Full Moon Blessings!
Kendalyn says:
Sep 19, 2013
This was such a great compilation post and so much of it was spot on for me. Thank you for putting this together!
Cyoga says:
Sep 19, 2013
What’s the best way to mend a broken heart caused my cultural differences not lack of love, I just ended a relationship last week with someone who was very special to me. We both miss each other everyday but sadly cannot make the relationship work be he has to marry within his race.
Astrid Maas says:
Sep 19, 2013
Inward, onward. Heart forward … Thank you for the map :)
Sue says:
Sep 19, 2013
MM, I appreciate these posts you gather from the astrologers more than I can say.
I’ve many challenges in my life these days and it helps so much to slow down, take a deep breath and read these insightful writings. I’ve been doing this several months now and it has been so helpful.
You are providing a public service! Thanks.
Lorraine says:
Sep 19, 2013
My beautiful cat weasel passed away this evening and I miss him so much this post brought me comfort as such a memorable special evening and I did not.realise how special the moon was tonight as I gazed up sending prayers and safe journey to his spirit passing over now bringing him and me peace within. Thank you :-) rest in peace my sweet weasel :-) x
Peggy Aspinwall says:
Sep 20, 2013
Thank you for bringing this together for us. My moon is in Pisces. Now I know why I felt peace when others were fighting the energy.
melanie says:
Sep 20, 2013
am a pisces too and felt the energy big time.
wow! what a day, what a night!
heartfelt conscious manifestation super powers
Stacy says:
Sep 20, 2013
I thought this was interesting…
Love says:
Sep 22, 2013
I had the most horrible feeling from about 3 or 4pm of that day….horrible state of mind and deeply sad…hated it.
Julie says:
Sep 22, 2013
Natashia I was crying to it was aweful….
Annabelle says:
Sep 23, 2013
My employer informed me that I was laid off on the 19th. I really loved this job, but the company’s financial situation is not in the best shape. I suppose this was something was bound to happen. This is the second lay off in about 3 years, so, I’m starting to think that what’s not working for me IS work! :)
chandra deka says:
Oct 13, 2013
nice. i felt loss.but now guide.