Here is brother Kaypacha with the weekly astrology report:
“It’s never very easy,
To close the book of dreams,
But if I connect my head to my heart,
It’s not as bad as it seems.”
Kaypacha says:
“With the astrological aspects this week we can channel the highest energies and info from other worlds and/or get lost and confused and have a hard time distinguishing what is real…”
“It is not a good time to be making big decisions, signing contracts…It is a good time to retreat, chant, dance, meditate and connect with our highest aspirations.
“Time to use and develop our extrasensory perception to see, know, feel, and understand what our limited ego is unable to grasp.
“This energy will be passing by next week so stay calm, cool and collected allowing/trusting Spirit processes beyond your control. Namaste!
Sarah Christensen says:
May 27, 2015
Thank you for this! Love it.
yvette says:
May 27, 2015
Thank you SO much for once again bringing so much love and clarity to this space. Bless you!
Helena says:
May 27, 2015
Thank you! So true…
mj says:
May 27, 2015
Welcome to Montreal, i hope you had a wonderful time. Thank younfor sharing uour insights, i always find them very helpful.
A montreal follower, MJ
Vanda says:
May 27, 2015
Amazingly brilliant as usual. What a spirit you have Kaypacha! Thank you! Vanda
sandi poncedeleon says:
May 27, 2015
Choosing from the number of possible projects every morning has been a situation involving priority instead of irritability for 3 days. I am amazed by your ability to collect the right ideas for your report.
Amazing to ME ME ME? Maybe but not likely.
peg says:
May 28, 2015
This talk was truly from Neptune. I did not understand what you were saying. And I follow you every week! Have your dreams …don’t have your dreams. What!
Lisa says:
May 28, 2015
Thank you Mystic Mamma and much love x
Wildflower says:
May 28, 2015
This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear. This week suddenly makes sense. Lovin’ you Kaypacha. Thanks for the cosmic insight. <3
Leight says:
May 28, 2015
I’m from Neptune so this made total sense. Great delivery, too.
Lisa says:
May 29, 2015
Glad to discover this. Thanks!
coco says:
May 30, 2015
I just love him and everything about the beauty of mystic mamma. thank you
Jessica says:
May 30, 2015
Amen Brother Goose! Even better the second time.
MARCIA says:
Jun 1, 2015
i love you and your way…
Ali says:
Jun 1, 2015
Guess I’m feeling the Neptune confusion and all the stuff in Gemini and now the full moon in Sag (I’m Gemini with Sag rising..) – for once, couldn’t understand or get a grip on what Kaypacha is saying in this last report! I’ll just have to have faith that clarity will dawn again soon..! Meanwhile, starting to feel I’m in Groundhog Day, waking up with the same old issues and illusions day after day (apparently for months/years..) and despite my best efforts wondering when I’m going to break out of it and feel like I’m moving forwards again if ever..
ali says:
Jun 1, 2015
Or perhaps I’m in one of those repeating time loops in Star Trek and have only just woken up to the fact.. but still can’t figure a way out of it.. Is anyone else experiencing this phenomenon? If so, and you find out way out, some inspiration would be welcomed! x