*prints available soon*
Alchemical magic this second FULL MOON in Sagittarius coinciding with the SOLSTICE!
Both SUN and MOON at their peak align to bring us illumination of the patterns that need to be rewoven within our own psyche, within our relationships and within the greater collective Reality. The arrow of Truth is swift and on point bearing the way.
On this ¤FULL MOON SOLSTICE¤ day, take time to be still and connect your heart to the beating, pulsing heart of the cosmos. Like our ancestors before us, we are reminded that we are part of it, an intrinsic part of the cosmic weave.
Whether we are welcoming Summer in the Northern hemisphere or Winter in the Southern, we are One planet, one breathing, living collective of Being.
Let’s unite our prayers for an more expansive, inclusive energy on our planet so we can coexist and mend the way for a brighter future for our children and our children’s children, and all living things on our planet Earth.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured readers of the stars. First from the wonderful MOLLY HALL from
“This is the second Sagittarius Full Moon this season, and a bright note that coincides with Summer Solstice!
“In this perilous sea of delusion and overwrought emotion, Sagittarius makes a beeline for the fiery trail that’s true.
“It’s on June 20th, and at 29 degrees, which is the master degree, a kind of last blast.
“The Sagittarius Moon is jolted awake with Uranus in a stimulating trine from Aries. It’s one of those moments, you know the kind, where the pieces fuse together in a new awareness — and suddenly the future looks brighter…”
“What’s outstanding, too, is that Mercury (in Gemini) forms a triggering T-square with Saturn-Neptune. If you’re being triggered by life, and overwhelmed, this could be one of those breakthrough moments.
“My tip for this peak is to trust your higher moral conscience, and sense of what’s true.
“If you sense you’re drowning in confusion, the steps to awareness could be giant ones now.
“You can blaze your own trail with moral courage, an open mind and willingness to question all you know…
“…it’s possible to see through many filters, and have an exhilarating breakthrough — the kind that becomes a kind of addiction to truth seekers.
“The leap of logic here is that if we don’t get swamped by facts or delusions, there is a bright path to walk ahead.”
© Copyright 2016 MOLLY HALL
From the insightful DIVINE HARMONY:
“It’s been a very confusing time for many and with the second Full Moon in Sadge illuminating the skies there is a big energy up around personal and collective Truth which necessarily requires that we also look at personal and collective delusion, deception, illusion and denial.
“This Full Moon is at 29’32 Sagittarius- activating the karmic completion degree which occurs at the last degree of every sign…
“So we have this image of not only chapters completing but perhaps a whole volume of life ending.
“The Sun/Moon opposition straddles the 29th degree of Gemini and Sadge- showing that major crisis points, completions and endings are occurring in regards to our perception of Truth and our capacity to live aligned by it…”
“The desire to escape is strong right now and yet the path of mastery requires we stay the course, stay embodied and show up to do the work.
“It’s interesting to note that the Sun/Moon opposition is not the only activation of the karmic completion degree.
“We also have Juno, the asteroid Goddess of partnership and marriage, at 29 Libra…”
“Juno essentially comes to a standstill at 29 Libra- so from now until July 7th we are in deeply karmic territory in relationships, commitments and contracts in our lives. There are definite major karmic completions going on right now.
“Whether significant relationships are ending for good or longtime karmic patterns of relating to others is what is ending (or both)- there’s some deep stuff to navigate in the realm of relationships…”
“Libra is the sign of the scales which brings to mind the justice card in the tarot. Right now the scales are being rectified- with all parties needing to account for their part in things in order for healing or closure to happen.
“Navigate this month wisely- and focus on completing karmic patterns you are finally good and ready to leave behind!”
“Another layer of energy gets added in when we notice that Juno is journeying with Black Moon Lilith right now as well. They conjoined on May 29th and will do so again on September 11th…”
“With Juno traversing with BML we also have an interesting juxtaposition of the Goddess of commitment and the Dark Goddess of freedom and independence.
“With both in underworld Scorpio there can be big shadows up right now around fear of engulfment (BML shadow) or fear of abandonment (Juno shadow) and the things we do to avoid feeling all the emotions that arise when either of this are experienced…”
“To add to the relational focus we have Venus, the Goddess of Love and beauty, conjunct the Sun and opposite the Full Moon- so we have another indicator that we are being asked to redress imbalances in relationships…”
“Luckily Venus trines Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio- bringing a deeply psychic, intuitive, spiritual and magical energy into the chart.
“Add in the trine to Neptune in Pisces and we have a Grand Water Trine formed between the lower heart (Venus), the Higher Heart (Neptune) and the fierce Dark Feminine (Lilith).
“When we can access deep compassion and unconditional Love and at the same time see beyond the facade of the ego to get to the heart of the Truth– no matter how dark or hidden or wounded that Truth may be- then real healing can happen.
“The Full Moon is also in a wide trine to Uranus, Eris and Ceres- a triple conjunction of the Rebel and Revolutionary, the Goddess of upheaval and chaos and the Great Mother asteroid Goddess of loss and renewal…”
“Uranus comes in like wild fire- clearing out what is no longer valid and supportive for our growth. Eris is similar in nature- she throws the apple of discord into our lives to show us what is out of integrity and needing to be faced and addressed.
“And Ceres is in there to support us in moving through the transitional spaces of loss and renewal so we don’t get stuck in the birth portal between death of the old and birth of the new.
“Luckily the ruler of this lunation is Jupiter- the planet of expansion, growth and positivity. His alignment with the evolutionary north node is bringing in MAJOR POTENTIAL for new growth, evolution and positive change (Jupiter aligns with the mean north node on June 24th).
“Add in Pluto in Capricorn’s trine to both Jupiter (June 26th) and the North Node (June 16th) and we can see that this portal of time from June 16th to the 26th is POWERFUL.
“It’s a potent time of manifestation and actualization- but the key to make it work the most for you is that you have to be very clear on what you are calling in/anchoring into and you have to be very clear on what you are leaving behind…”
“I leave you with Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks meditation for the last degree of Sagittarius:
“There is an assignment, a destiny task which falls to me. I am asked to take each and every situation I come into and to witness the pattern, the design, the way it goes. Then I release it through me.
“I take everything that has been and I let it all go. Sometimes this is very arduous. Other times it is instantaneous, effortless. It doesn’t matter. Whatever way it is, I’ll be there.
“I am fascinated and engrossed in the human dilemma, the soul drama. I have an endless appetite for putting things together and taking them apart. But I am very serious and intent in all that I do.
“It is one of those tasks that is almost too crucial to let myself be aware of. I don’t want to get in the way. So I pretend it’s just the way I pass time. I act as casual and cool as possible, even with myself. Oddly enough, it works.
“The truth is, though, that there is nothing more vital than what I do. Because I’m around, things move differently. I’m a cross between a catalyst and a loyal follower of the existing pattern as long as I possibly can.
“My impulse is to preserve, if possible. When that’s not happening, I will get in there and make it obvious that this is not the way the flow is supposed to go.
“I am immensely powerful and deeply hidden. I work between the lines. But I am so good at what I do. I can spend extended cycles in the outlandish assignments. And I will look and act straight the whole while.
“I’ve got a job to do. I am witnessing the whole thing but sometimes you just gotta pay close attention to the weave.”
(~ Ellias Lonsdale from his Star Sparks)
© Copyright 2016 DIVINE HARMONY
From the wonderful PAT LILES from The Power
“Oh De-Light! Full Moon is paired within 12 hours with the powerful point of solstice boosting both their energies. Wowser! That’s astrological gold!
“We have the unusual situation of having the second Full Moon in Sagittarius in a row. Last Full Moon in May was in the first degree of Sagittarius, and now we have Full Moon in the last degree of Sag.
“Initiation and culmination are emphasized and magnified. The last degree of any sign is a bridge to the new way of being, integrating and then releasing all that has gone before…”
“The chart of the Cancer Solstice is significant for the ongoing Grand Square or Cross in the four mutable signs…Suffice it to say, it’s an extremely powerful influence aligned in sacred geometry of a challenging nature.
“We have great opportunity to turn this summer time frame into preparation for major growth and movement in our ability to align our hearts, our lives, our vision, our thoughts with Spirit and center our selves in true power like never before.
“We must strengthen our personal and collective containers to receive these gifts; otherwise, we cannot hold the increased energies coming our way.
“Neptune allows us to dissolve the past story of separation and to imagine a new dream of unity and deep feminine, inclusive love.
“With slow-moving planets like Saturn and Neptune, one has to take the long view. We pass the second Saturn/Neptune square on June 17 and look to the final pass on September 10. Think pressure cooker…”
“Saturn wants us to show up, do the work, accept the limitations, challenges, or cosmic reprimands, and put into demolition anything that just isn’t working and is no longer in line with what we want to embody…”
“Jupiter rules this Full Sagittarius Moon so the message is set your sights on where you want to end up and examine and root out dogma, judgment, and fearful prejudices of all kinds within yourself so we can move on to create a more creative, inclusive collective drama…”
“Solstice is such a magnificent, powerful time; engage it with presence and gratitude and reap the rewards.
“The Sun in the Northern Hemisphere is at its zenith – as high overhead as it can travel. Our bodies instinctually receive this powerful influx of light with the early dawns, long light, short nights and fertile growth and bloomings surrounding us.
“Ancient peoples recognized the life-giving power of the Sun and honored this powerful elemental with ceremony and even built vast structures for collective gatherings aligned with the solstice points like Stonehenge, New Grange in Ireland, Hitching Post of the Sun in Machu Picchu, the Sun Dagger in Chaco Canyon and the Egyptian pyramids to name only a few.
“Balance the strength of the fiery, yang Sun with the water element when your energies become overheated.
“If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere and experiencing the yin energy of the shortest days and longest nights, balance your energy with the warmth, strength and light of fire.
“The South is the direction of the summer when our hearts are in full bloom, where we celebrate our connections to all living things and the web of life. Use your drum to connect your heart to that great web and send out your gratitude for all that there is.”
© Copyright 2016 PAT LILES
“You are getting a huge blast of positive energy from the Cosmos…”
“Solstices are power days. This is one of the most powerful days of the year. You can feel the shift in your being. The light of the heavens are pouring down into your being…”
“Use the light of this Full Moon to find your way home...”
© Copyright 2016 KELLEY ROSANO
Illuminated blessings on this FULL MOON¤ SOLSTICE!
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TO SHARE >>> You may use the links below or quote a small paragraph from the report by using quotations (” “) and fully crediting 1) the person whose words you are sharing + 2) MYSTICMAMMA.COM with an active link to this Full Report. Thank you for supporting this work! ♥
RA says:
Jun 19, 2016
Thank you very much. Very insightful and filled with love and rejuvination x
Ethel says:
Jun 19, 2016
I sincerely wanted to express my “gratitude” to all who wrote the very helpful and by awakening my inner self!!! I know in my heart that I’m not here by mistake, BUT, to find answers to some of my questions and what is happening in my life!!! More power to all!!!
Jean Lumsden says:
Jun 19, 2016
Wow! Is powerful an understatement? Deeply grateful for assistance in making some sense of what is presently going on in this wonderful world of ours.
Teresa says:
Jun 19, 2016
Oh my! What a privilege to be alive at this time…thank you all so much for the interpretations you have given. Utterly incredible x
Lily says:
Jun 19, 2016
Oh My, Divine Harmony you said it so beautifully!! Thank you for your gift of writing, you so touched my Heart!
Love and Light,
KellySue says:
Jun 19, 2016
So right on. Thank you. I always love these reports, but this month what is written here is so true for me and a few people very close to me, going through the shifting of personal truths, karmic relationships ending and beginnings, etc. Amazed.
Lily says:
Jun 19, 2016
May all souls feel the blessing of the fire within 💟
Patricia says:
Jun 19, 2016
Thank you for this. It’s my birthday too tomorrow, and my inner workings are waterfalls of fire. Foot to have gotten some clarity. :) <3
Patricia says:
Jun 19, 2016
*good :)
M.A. Boccio says:
Jun 19, 2016
According to my calendar tomorrow, 6-20 is the fist day of summer- but here in Florida we have two seasons- Hot and Hotter(Lol) so thanks for this Information as all Information you share with me!!!
HUGS, Michael Anthony Boccio
Elni says:
Jun 19, 2016
This is one of the most uplifting and insightful compilation I have read in a long time. Thank heavens! Love and Light to you, beautiful people
Libra says:
Jun 19, 2016
Omg..thanks so much. Emotionally I am on a roller coaster my ex of 6 years was married 6.17.16. It hurt me so bad but he last of my bad relationship karma. I will meditate on 6.20.16 for full deliverance. He is a cappy 12.26 and I’m a libra 10.1. Ur article was amazing.
TriciaFreespirit says:
Jun 19, 2016
Thank you so much for the positive suggestions and sharing different readings. It gives the reader many perspectives for what is required pertaining to their own understanding.
Miella says:
Jun 19, 2016
This is wonderful, thank you for this lovely words! Much love ~ blessed be
Andrea says:
Jun 20, 2016
Love & Thank you*!
Andrea says:
Jun 20, 2016
A beautifully crafted and incredible resource. Thank you so much Mysticmamma xoxo
Shirley says:
Jun 20, 2016
I am so grateful for the time you spent writing this article. It’s very uplifting and what I was searching for today!
Love and Blessings,
Shirley from San Diego, CA
in prayer says:
Jun 20, 2016
what if i am scheduled to have surgery on 21st? inauspicious? due to sudden unexpected misfortune.
Laurel says:
Jun 20, 2016
Thank you all for sharing your powerful insights. Transformation is so greatly needed. Blessings to the Great All.
wren says:
Jun 20, 2016
thank you so much for this. my mother died suddenly last week and her ceremony will be tomorrow … such a powerful day and new beginnings are inevitable … love + blessings
Angel says:
Jun 20, 2016
wow… wow wow wow! no words… just love and gratitude
Phyllis says:
Jun 20, 2016
Thank you, I have been approaching this day for a long time. I’m glad that I feel ready for all that’s coming and I have this to read when things look difficult.
Robin says:
Jun 20, 2016
My name is ROBIN, and I was pleasantly suprised that such a site existed. My date of birth 21/12/1947
Lija says:
Jun 20, 2016
The blessings are abundant and I am truly grateful for what I am receiving. Thank you Cosmos for all these insights for clarity, wisdom, abundance, truth and enlightenment on the journey of my path going forward in love. What a glorious day and night! Blessings All!
grace says:
Jun 20, 2016
What a beautiful gift to all. Blessed be to all.
Emily says:
Jun 20, 2016
Thank you for another beautiful post! ✌💙
Kelly says:
Jun 20, 2016
Love it thank you! Blessed be!
Jacqueline Day says:
Jun 20, 2016
Powerful time for clarity indeed! Thank you for sharing this. Being a Sadge…well, this just explains so much of what I am becoming aware of and experiencing. Blessings to you <3
Amit Anand says:
Jun 20, 2016
Thank you for sharing this amazing insight!
Selector Lopaka says:
Jun 20, 2016
Question for the experts: I keep reading that this shared day of full moon and solstice is the first in 70 years, however I have always been under the impression that it also occurred on June 21, 1986. I specifically remember that day for I have a (corny) personal reference, I saw my 50th Grateful Dead show that day in Berkeley, CA, and I always thought that was a cool alignment that I experienced. I double checked, and it appears true. What gives? Also, so much gratitude to you for this site! The New and Full Moon posts especially are most helpful, inspiring and aligning. Blessings!
Lígia says:
Jun 20, 2016
Beautiful in everything! Words, energy, message, people… all! Immense Gratitude I express. Honored to be here. Love & Light from Mozambique (South-East Africa)
Lindsay says:
Jun 20, 2016
BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Feeling this energy so powerfully within. It’s no coincidence that this day is the hottest day of the week at 104 degrees here in California. Celebrating and honoring this day by the pool surrounded by beautiful life energy. Sending so much love to you All! 🙌🏼🌞🌙
Yumyumboobs says:
Jun 20, 2016
Loved the boobs on the Artemis. Not too much and more than a handful.
Tommy Twohawks says:
Jun 21, 2016
Shayla says:
Jun 21, 2016
I noticed that too!
elzbeth says:
Jun 20, 2016
Bob brown says:
Jun 20, 2016
We have only just now in New Zealand become aware that it is obvious that nearly 2000 years ago, New Zealand was settled by a great fleet of vessels from the far East, via Easter Island the birthing place of the Earth. New Zealand was the new promised land for the New Aeon of Pisces.A land breathed in rainbows.The promised land of the ten lost tribes of Israel.Causing a twin event to occur at the time of the birth of Christ. New Zealand at Castle Hill is where Gaia promised to a man called Maui to give birth to the Messiah. Heralded by the New Zealand bird song. Which as I write is about to be almost totally destroyed by 1080 poison over 800,000 hectares. As a massive cloak of the most cruel evil poison. Eco warriors are needed to bring global awareness of this.most massive evil cloak being cast upon the promised land of all human beings. It would appear.
Joanne says:
Jun 21, 2016
My heart is with you and yours in this oncoming corporate financed death and darkness. And with the animals and birds and their loved ones as they face yet more mass murder by man. These filthy heinous Eco crimes are being increasingly carried out globally by ordinary men and women who are choosing to be wilfully spiritually ignorant.
I do not know how we will survive these inhumane materialist narcissists who seem to live simply to rape and destroy anyone or anything else, acts self-justified by personal profit. They want to win and be in charge and Right at any cost.
Sooner rather than later as a species we will have to choose to either take on these individuals who are embodying our filthy murderous Shadow, face to face and mano a mano, or collectively become extinct.
I rage daily in grief for those millions of beings that are presently being extinguished by these individuals and those that are no longer on this earth plane as a direct result of their personal choices to destroy them.
One can and should, no matter how dark it will become, continue to bear heart witness to this Eco Holocaust.
Stay caring and know you are not alone in your rage and sorrow.
Veronica says:
Jun 20, 2016
I can’t sleep with this full
Moon.. It s like too much energy
Ivana says:
Jun 20, 2016
I will be reborn today as I embark on this new journey with gratitude, clarity, abundance, health, happiness, forgiveness and unconditional love. The energy is so strong….what a wonderful feeling it is…INDEED! love and light! – Ivana
Anna Henry says:
Jun 20, 2016
Thank you, this is such a beautiful piece x
Colette Garrick says:
Jun 21, 2016
“Here comes the sun, little darling, here comes the sun and I say its all right”
Randall says:
Jun 21, 2016
How do I open up my inner being?
Tasha says:
Jun 21, 2016
I’m so glad I stumbled upon your page 💖🌟 This post was very insightful and feels very on point… There were many things that resonated within my soul. With love and light, -Tasha
Lu-Anne says:
Jun 21, 2016
Love, Light and Blessings
The Sage says:
Jun 21, 2016
Fantastic offering, thank you, All.
ML says:
Jun 21, 2016
Peace! This is amazing…super on point, on target. Thank you for being in tune. Love + light ✌
Taye says:
Jun 21, 2016
So blessed to have come across this at this time in my life. So many things I’ve felt have more meaning now. Love, light, and positive growth
Dorothy says:
Jun 21, 2016
I shall my life end this world that God bless me all the time i went through and I felt so good and love and happy
Gail says:
Jun 21, 2016
Thank you so very much…. So many things….
bluet says:
Jun 21, 2016
And my natal sun is at 29’33 Sagittarius so, I followed this gorgeous moon and took amazing pics .
One of them was a big surprise as the moon on the back was orange gold, there were clouds around and right at the time I took the picture, a plane was crossing right in front and you can see the huge orange ball and a tiny little plane crossing it.
Beautiful post of yours, thank you :)
The Hummingbird says:
Jun 21, 2016
Oh my god that wildest thing just happened to me
The Hummingbird says:
Jun 21, 2016
Im standing on this giant rock beside my cabin in north newhampshire and this once in lifetime moon is absolutely beaming, and this juvenile bear comes walking right out of the woods and stopps three feet in front n 3 feet below the rock amd just stops and looks up at me lime he’s gonna tell me something. That is the craziest nature thing thats ever happened to me. It walked straight up to me and looked at me.
Marilyn Mattson says:
Jun 21, 2016
Just wanted to thank the many contributors to this inspirational Summer Solstice Full Moon June 2016. I gained great insights and will share with family and friends. Marilyn
Shimmer says:
Jun 21, 2016
Hi, I’m a sagitarian woman, born in 63, Australia. Today has been extremely depressing for me. My energy is boarding on “it’s not worth it”. Spent the whole day in tears, in bed, questioning God, his love got me, my own faith and at the point now of total darkness. Strawberry Moon was last night for us. Is this a time of negative energy? I’ve been transitioning since 2013 with an array if endings, illness, abandonment, residential instability, unemployment, financial demise and a deep sense of sorrow with physical chronic pain making life look and feel like hell. What dies all this mean for me? I’ve read all tje good stuff, but this very dark day of depression is breaking my heart.
Bridda says:
Jun 21, 2016
Shimmer! Don’t give up. Okay? <3 Here,her teachings help me sometimes.
SaraBeth says:
Jun 22, 2016
Really looking forward to a print of MyAimIsTrue. Keep us informed of when it might be available! Thank yo u!
Ala says:
Jun 22, 2016
Feeling a need to express my gratitude for not only this article but the overwhelming sense of community and sharing expressed on Mystic Mama. Have been a follower for a number of years now and have gained much understanding and aw-inspiring connections through the help and knowledge of astrology. For Kaypacha reports, for the comments from other users and for these incorporated astrology reports. It always is uplifting, synchronistic and positive. So helpful and so grateful to have Mystic Mama to look forward to. Many, many thanks!!
Caroline says:
Jun 22, 2016
Am so happy I found your website!I have been feeling the great positive energies over the last few weeks!it feels so good!I a! In Greenwich ,in England!sharing the love!!
Caroline says:
Jun 22, 2016
Am so happy I found your website!I have been feeling the great positive energies over the last few weeks!it feels so good!I a! In Greenwich ,in England!shari lookng the love!!
GM says:
Jun 22, 2016
I feeling the shift alright; I was walking & all of the sudden I felt like I was in an elevator descending with the dip at the end. Then I felt like I was walking on a boat. A few minor boat-head feelings since that. Wheeee.
K says:
Jun 24, 2016
Been a terrible week on many levels. I feel like I’m in a coma. My cats are acting out,so they are anxious, stressed. Thanks for all the info here though, love this site & the artwork.
Vijaya says:
Jun 25, 2016
Extremely insightful. I was dealing with a longterm problem. As you said, this new moon has started a new chapter in life and my journey towards God has begun with renewed energy. I read this page once and after yesterday’s revelation, I am coming back to reread this. Every word of how u have interpreted these astro signs has a grand insight. God Bless You.