Posts tagged "mystic mamma"
FULL MOON in VIRGO February 22nd, 2016~

FULL MOON in VIRGO February 22nd, 2016~

Grandmother Moon in all her Fullness comes glowing forth on February 22nd at the axis of Virgo the Virgin and Pisces the Dreamer. She brings illumination and heralds a sweet surrender to what is, the perfection in the imperfection...
Kaypacha report: When I create the new I'm an inspiration~

Kaypacha report: When I create the new I’m an inspiration~

Mantra: "When I create the new, I'm an inspiration, And don't lose my time and power, Distracted by opposition."
The theme for February 2016 is COMMITTED CHOICE~

The theme for February 2016 is COMMITTED CHOICE~

Lena Stevens says, "As we enter February we encounter good influences that will take your choices and decisions and feed them with some momentum allowing for action, manifestation and flow..."
Kaypacha Report: I must heal the shadow~

Kaypacha Report: I must heal the shadow~

Mantra: "To break the cycle of endless dependence, I must heal the shadow, Through full self acceptance"
Astrology for January 2016: Preparing to Begin by Sarah Varcas~

Astrology for January 2016: Preparing to Begin by Sarah Varcas~

"In essence, the key message of January is... don’t divide life into spiritual and mundane, special and ordinary. It’s all special and all mundane. Everything we do has power..
Kaypacha Report: Own my projections and self delusions~

Kaypacha Report: Own my projections and self delusions~

Mantra: "In my search for clarity, truth and light, A very good place to start, Is to own my projections and self delusions, And stop pretending to be something I'm not."
Kaypacha Report: I am one with nature~

Kaypacha Report: I am one with nature~

Mantra: "As I am one with nature, My path becomes more clear, As every living thing on earth, Has special fruit to bear."
The theme for December 2015 is TRANSITION~

The theme for December 2015 is TRANSITION~

Lena Stevens says, "We are moving from one place to another in our lives, on the planet, in our psyches, our emotions, our work, our relationships, our environment, our values and our dreams..."
Kaypacha Report: With patient perseverance help restore the balance~

Kaypacha Report: With patient perseverance help restore the balance~

Mantra: "If I do the wisest, I can resolve the crisis, And with patient perseverance, Help restore the balance."
Return to the world~

Return to the world~

"Return to the world means return to the real world. Return to the world of the body, the senses, the world of Nature...
The theme for October 2015 is BALANCE~

The theme for October 2015 is BALANCE~

Lena Stevens says, "This month we are striving to balance our lives in a way that serves us better and brings all the bits and pieces we have been juggling into a new and more balanced configuration and alignment....
Kaypacha Report: I need to still my mind~

Kaypacha Report: I need to still my mind~

Mantra: "When making important decisions, I need to still my mind, By breathing long, and slow, and deep, And surrendering to the Divine."
FULL MOON in Aries + Blood Moon Total Lunar ECLIPSE Sept 27th 2015~

FULL MOON in Aries + Blood Moon Total Lunar ECLIPSE Sept 27th 2015~

Energy has been building toward this BLOODMOON~ LUNAR ECLIPSE in Aries, which is the final of the "rare" tetrad configuration that will culminate on September 27th...
Kaypacha Report: I need to improve my aim~

Kaypacha Report: I need to improve my aim~

Mantra: "If I'm to make my dreams come true, I need to improve my aim, By focusing and knowing my priorities, Before I enter the game."
Mercury Retrograde Sept 17th to Oct 9th in Libra~

Mercury Retrograde Sept 17th to Oct 9th in Libra~

Mercury Retrograde is here bringing the gifts of clear seeing and bridging the past with opportunities to resolve and bring truth to light...
Astrology for September 2015 by Sarah Varcas: Be Life~

Astrology for September 2015 by Sarah Varcas: Be Life~

"Welcome to one of the most powerful months of 2015! With two eclipses, one occurring at a Super Moon, Mercury turning retrograde, Saturn entering Sagittarius, Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn and Venus completing its retrograde journey...
FULL MOON Supermoon in PISCES August 29th 2015~

FULL MOON Supermoon in PISCES August 29th 2015~

This is a beautiful spiritual Full Moon that calls us to connect with the deepest part of our Soul and to remember that there's more to life than meets the eye...
Kaypacha Report:  The source of illness as separation from the Oneness~

Kaypacha Report: The source of illness as separation from the Oneness~

Mantra: "In my search for health and wellness, I have found the source of illness, As separation from the Oneness, That sows seeds of fear and darkness."
NEW MOON in Leo August 14th 2015~

NEW MOON in Leo August 14th 2015~

A roaring NEW MOON in LEO is upon us sparking creativity and originality and igniting our passions with soul aligned purpose...
Astrology for August 2015 by Sarah Varcas: Small Acts of Great Power~

Astrology for August 2015 by Sarah Varcas: Small Acts of Great Power~

‘Gently does it’ is probably the best advice for the coming month...There’s much to be done throughout August, as we initiate action on some of our recent plans...
Kaypacha Report: I will make my destination as an agent of creation~

Kaypacha Report: I will make my destination as an agent of creation~

Mantra : "With Bold determination, I will make my destination, As an agent of creation, In a world of celebration."
Cultivate devotion daily~

Cultivate devotion daily~

"Remembering to respect even in the face of disrespect, until respect becomes all we offer everyone, every time, everywhere...
Kaypacha Report: My forest friends are my teachers~

Kaypacha Report: My forest friends are my teachers~

Mantra: "My forest friends are my teachers, As they have no false beliefs. They are not ashamed or feel bad, But come and go as they please."
Kaypacha Report: Look beneath it to find the need, the hurt, the wound~

Kaypacha Report: Look beneath it to find the need, the hurt, the wound~

Mantra: "When I get angry, mad, or sad, I have to look beneath it, To find the need, the hurt, the wound, And be honest with myself about it."
NEW MOON in Gemini June 16th 2015~

NEW MOON in Gemini June 16th 2015~

NEW MOON is here in Gemini featuring some strong Mars energy. We must exercise mindfulness with our words and our will, and harness our creative fires into taking positive steps toward a more aligned future!
Mercury goes Direct June 11th 2015!

Mercury goes Direct June 11th 2015!

Robert Wilkinson says, it "will help us redirect the momentum of things, force us to grow or even become more ambitious, and give us the ability to get beyond the shadows created by our limited mental approaches...
Kaypacha Report: I know it's time to still my mind~

Kaypacha Report: I know it’s time to still my mind~

Mantra: "Whenever I get emotionally involved, With being right or wrong, I know it's time to still my mind, And be guided by Spirit's song."
FULL MOON in Sagittarius June 2nd 2015~

FULL MOON in Sagittarius June 2nd 2015~

FULL MOON in Sagittarius is here calling us to see through the fog of illusion to pierce the truth within...
NEW MOON in Taurus May 17th/18th~

NEW MOON in Taurus May 17th/18th~

*NEW MOON* is here in earthy Taurus reminding us to ground into Mother Earth to restore our balance. Let's ease into it with a patient grateful heart and find solace in our connection...
Life after the Uranus/Pluto Square by Sarah Varcas~

Life after the Uranus/Pluto Square by Sarah Varcas~

“It has been a time of both trauma and ecstasy, challenge and liberation. Few have been left untouched. The initiation into the Aquarian Age has well and truly begun..."
Kaypacha Report: Cards on the table~

Kaypacha Report: Cards on the table~

Mantra: "I am no longer afraid, To call a spade a spade, And get all the cards on the table, To co-create a better way."
NEW MOON in Aries April 18th 2015~

NEW MOON in Aries April 18th 2015~

*NEW MOON* in ARIES brings us fresh winds of inspiration and courage to persevere. A wonderful Moon to reflect on recent happenings so we can clearly see, bless our past, and move forward in continuing to build the road beneath...
Kaypacha Report: I examine what's going on~

Kaypacha Report: I examine what’s going on~

Mantra: "With cool, calm, objectivity, I examine what's going on, To get to the truth, to get to the point, So I'm not just wasting my time."
Kaypacha Report: I must first change me~

Kaypacha Report: I must first change me~

Mantra: "It's one thing to know, Another to see, But to change the world, I must first change me."
Astrology for April 2015 by Sarah Varcas~

Astrology for April 2015 by Sarah Varcas~

"April 2015 is a month of questions and learning to live with them is key to how it unfolds for each one of us...
Kaypacha Report: We need to Co-create~

Kaypacha Report: We need to Co-create~

Mantra: "As a social being, I am willing to relate, Knowing that nirvana, We need to Co-create."
Kaypacha Report:  I see the deeper meaning~

Kaypacha Report: I see the deeper meaning~

Mantra: "As I see the deeper meaning, Of what happens in my life, I let go of blame for all the pain, As my growth is worth the price."
A long closed doorway is opened~

A long closed doorway is opened~

Bobby Klein says, "Spirits have been called, a long closed doorway is opened. The interaction of excitement and pleasure brings opportunity closer..."
TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE New Moon in Pisces + EQUINOX March 20th 2015~

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE New Moon in Pisces + EQUINOX March 20th 2015~

Like our ancestors before us, we are being called to pause with reverence and tune in to the greater cosmic cycles that we are a part of...
Kaypacha Report: Generate a brand new sense of Self~

Kaypacha Report: Generate a brand new sense of Self~

Mantra: "It's time for me to generate, A brand new sense of Self, To bring in my dreams and other things, To the planet I love so well."
Kaypacha Report: With bold determination, I set my course and go~

Kaypacha Report: With bold determination, I set my course and go~

Mantra: "With bold determination, I set my course and go, Knowing that conscious attention, Will help me reach my goal."
Kaypacha Report: I know it's a chance to grow~

Kaypacha Report: I know it’s a chance to grow~

Mantra: "If I share my opinion and receive opposition, I know its a chance to grow. If due to hurt feelings, I hide or I fight, The truth I may never know."
The theme for February 2015 is IMPROVEMENT~

The theme for February 2015 is IMPROVEMENT~

Lena Stevens from The Power says, "This month supports us to look closely at what needs improvement in our lives and take some action in that direction..."
Living on the edge of this evolutionary wave of transformation~

Living on the edge of this evolutionary wave of transformation~

Each of us is being called to rise into our innate power and potential. The key is to trust that we are equipped with the inner resources we need to get through the challenges before us...
Kaypacha Report: Just trust in Spirit~

Kaypacha Report: Just trust in Spirit~

Mantra: "Sometimes when I think I need to fix this or that, It’s really just trust In Spirit I lack."
FULL MOON in Cancer January 4th / 5th 2015~

FULL MOON in Cancer January 4th / 5th 2015~

Cancer FULL MOON on January 4th /5th ignites a time of activation. Emotions rise to the surface, so tuning in to our innermost feelings and allowing for healthy flow and expression of them is key...
The theme for January 2015 is ACTIVATION~

The theme for January 2015 is ACTIVATION~

Lena Stevens from The Power says, "The year starts off with an intense period of release and initiation and a push from spirit to get all your ducks in a row."
Kaypacha report: Everything that comes will one day go~

Kaypacha report: Everything that comes will one day go~

Mantra: "Just calm down said the spider to the fly, All that lives certainly will die, Peace will come within the more you know, Everything that comes will one day go."
The Theme for December 2014 is RESPONSIBILITY and OPPORTUNITY~

The Theme for December 2014 is RESPONSIBILITY and OPPORTUNITY~

Lena Stevens says, "Being responsible and able to respond in a powerful way sets you up to take advantage of OPPORTUNITY..."
Astrology for December 2014 by Sarah Varcas~

Astrology for December 2014 by Sarah Varcas~

"We are part of a collective organism, forever moving into wholeness, evolving in each moment. As such we do not arrive at ‘transformed’, we pass through it, over and over again as we are more deeply refined and revealed by...
The theme for November 2014 is THE UNKNOWN~

The theme for November 2014 is THE UNKNOWN~

Lena Stevens from The Power says, "Working with the unknown this month will have many faces. .."
Kaypacha Report: Feelings deep inside~

Kaypacha Report: Feelings deep inside~

Mantra: "It’s not necessary to control, For the outcome of my life, Is the result not only of my doing, But of feelings deep inside."
Mercury goes Direct October 25th 2014!

Mercury goes Direct October 25th 2014!

Robert Wilkinson says: "This shows a quickening of the ability to coordinate, put things together, understand the whole and the parts, the process and the larger cycles...
Kaypacha Report: I'm willing to engage~

Kaypacha Report: I’m willing to engage~

Mantra: "To consummate this relationship, I'm willing to engage, As bot a student and a teacher, That Love may have it's way."
SOLAR ECLIPSE New Moon in Scorpio October 23rd 2014~

SOLAR ECLIPSE New Moon in Scorpio October 23rd 2014~

A Partial SOLAR ECLIPSE / NEW MOON in Scorpio is here on October 23rd 2014. It is at zero degrees Scorpio thus signaling a time of completion and initiation...
The Theme for October 2014 is THE THREE-LEGGED STOOL~

The Theme for October 2014 is THE THREE-LEGGED STOOL~

Here is the energetic theme of the month from the always wonderful and spot on Lena Stevens from The Power "October is a balancing act...
Kaypacha Report: Transform my soul~

Kaypacha Report: Transform my soul~

Mantra: "When I do something I would not do, If I was not in love with you, I leave the known, safe realm of self-centeredness, And transform my soul thru the mystery of love’s process."
Kaypacha Report: Learn and grow less attached~

Kaypacha Report: Learn and grow less attached~

Mantra: "When I see what’s wrong with me and the world, I have a choice on how to react. I can feel depressed and powerless, Or learn, and grow less attached."
See the unknown as a force that is beckoning~

See the unknown as a force that is beckoning~

"We all experience the new and the unknown, but few of us see the unknown as a force that is beckoning us. The unknown contains clues to another reality...
Terence McKenna ~Reclaim your Mind

Terence McKenna ~Reclaim your Mind

Must see 2 minute video/visual of Terence McKenna speaking on becoming a creator. Check this out for sure!!
"Mother Mary: Open your heart wider" channeled By Fran Zepeda~

“Mother Mary: Open your heart wider” channeled By Fran Zepeda~

"With this last surge of energy you have experienced, yes, you may have stirred up a lot to be released, but you have also dug deeper into your Divine Essence and lifted higher...
Kaypacha Report: Everyone has their day in the Sun~

Kaypacha Report: Everyone has their day in the Sun~

Mantra: "As I discover more self worth, It’s good to keep in mind, That everyone has their day in the Sun, But together we shine Divine."
FULL MOON Super Moon in Capricorn July 12th 2014~

FULL MOON Super Moon in Capricorn July 12th 2014~

”The Full Moon in this wise old sign takes us to the depths and the peaks....
Kaypacha Report: The roots of the family tree go deep~

Kaypacha Report: The roots of the family tree go deep~

Mantra: "How I stand in the world, Does not change overnight, The roots of the family tree go deep, And I must dig to see the light."
Robert Wilkinson on TransPluto/Divine Mother in Virgo era~

Robert Wilkinson on TransPluto/Divine Mother in Virgo era~

"While Transpluto has been dancing on the cusp of Leo and Virgo for a couple of years, it just re-entered Virgo where it will stay through July 2107. This is a huge shift for humanity!"
Kaypacha Report: I am now powerful, upright, and strong~

Kaypacha Report: I am now powerful, upright, and strong~

Mantra: "I am now powerful, upright, and strong, Expressing a truth that is mine alone, Not posing and posting so as to be seen, But opening like a rose blooming in spring."
The Theme for July 2014 is THE UNFOLDING~

The Theme for July 2014 is THE UNFOLDING~

Lena Stevens says: "This month has the potential to be beautifully inspiring, where we observe how our life is unfolding without any additional effort, and we witness how our choices and changes are influencing what is manifesting for us.
Astral Insights for July 2014~

Astral Insights for July 2014~

"Those who can see to the core of things, knowing what the essentials are while preparing to move forward after pruning off excess whatever, will soon find their lives springing forward dramatically..."
Kaypacha Astrology Report: I open my heart to love all that is~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: I open my heart to love all that is~

Mantra: "Beneath the surface so full of tension, contradiction, opposition, and miscommunication, There are watery realms of deep feeling and bliss,where I open my heart to love all that is."
Happy NEW MOON in Cancer June 27th 2014!

Happy NEW MOON in Cancer June 27th 2014!

"The atmosphere of this New Moon evokes cascading feelings, that at times open up to something sublime, and redeeming....
May we shine~

May we shine~

"We call upon the spirit of evolution, the miraculous force that inspires rocks and dust to weave themselves into biology. You have stood by us for millions and billions of years — do not forsake us now...
Summer Solstice Rituals, Ideas and Significance~

Summer Solstice Rituals, Ideas and Significance~

For those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere of our beautiful planet, we are reaching Midsummer, the peak celebration of the Summertime...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Heading into the unknown I need to surrender~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Heading into the unknown I need to surrender~

Mantra: "Sometimes I feel like I wanna get off, This train before I’m completely lost. Heading into the unknown I need to surrender, To the plan my soul made in the womb of my mother."
Music is a powerful tool for transformation~

Music is a powerful tool for transformation~

"Think back to a time in your life when you heard music that was so powerful and beautiful you were carried away in ecstasy. The angels were there, touching the strings of your heart and spontaneously opening a channel...
Everything passes, everything changes~

Everything passes, everything changes~

"Shut softly your watery eyes... The pangs of your sadness shall pass as your senses will rise..."
Kaypacha Astrology Report: There’s no escape from consciousness~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: There’s no escape from consciousness~

Mantra: "There’s no escape from consciousness, I can no longer stay asleep, Without a rude awakening, To keep me on my feet."
FULL MOON in Sagittarius June 12th / 13th 2014~

FULL MOON in Sagittarius June 12th / 13th 2014~

Full Moon in Sagittarius furthers the energies of expansion and bigger vision. As we align with our truth and essential values, we can envision new ways of being and actualizing...
Mercury goes Retrograde June 7th 2014~

Mercury goes Retrograde June 7th 2014~

"Like Hawk, whose medicine is akin to Mercury the “Messenger of the Gods,” we are reminded to soar higher to see the bigger picture. It’s a perfect period to re-think, research, dream, and prepare...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: It's hard to face limitation~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: It’s hard to face limitation~

Mantra: "It's hard to face limitation, I can kick and scream and complain, But sometimes Source needs to use a straightjacket, Before I am willing to change."
The Theme for June 2014 is CHOICE.

The Theme for June 2014 is CHOICE.

"There is tremendous opportunity for personal growth this month. You can move forward in your life in ways that you have not done before by making choices in areas that need them..."
Kaypacha Astrology Report ~ Slowing down is a good place to start~

Kaypacha Astrology Report ~ Slowing down is a good place to start~

Mantra: "My mind is always going, 10 times faster than my heart, If I want to know the meaning of life, Slowing down is a good place to start!"
NEW MOON in Gemini May 28th 2014~

NEW MOON in Gemini May 28th 2014~

The NEW MOON in Gemini brings us the gift of refining our perceptions. With Neptune the planet of illusions being a key player, we are reminded to see people and situations as they are and cut through the mirage of...
Kaypacha Pele Report: Sail through open doors~

Kaypacha Pele Report: Sail through open doors~

Mantra: "Fear wants to know, before I go, What I’m headed for. But when one in heart, mind, and soul, I sail through open doors."
Re-establish feminine-masculine alignment~

Re-establish feminine-masculine alignment~

"The secret to designing our lives from the creative center is to reestablish our connection not only to the feminine, but to the feminine-masculine alignment. We must recognize where we forgo the feminine and over-access the masculine mode of doing.... ...
Kaypacha Pele Report: Choose and take what’s valuable~

Kaypacha Pele Report: Choose and take what’s valuable~

Mantra: "When my life is full of pressure, I know it is a test, To choose and take what’s valuable, And leave behind the rest."
Living with Divine Discomfort~

Living with Divine Discomfort~

Sarah Varcas says, "This weekend an opposition from Saturn to the Sun and a semi-sextile from Venus to Neptune remind us that sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to simply let it go unsolved, to live with...
Enter the silence and know~

Enter the silence and know~

"To become like Bear and enter the safety of the womb-cave, we must attune ourselves to the energies of the Eternal Mother, and receive nourishment from the placenta of the Great Void..."
The Theme for May 2014 is INTEGRATION~

The Theme for May 2014 is INTEGRATION~

"This is a month to integrate and assimilate what has come before as deeply as possible. In the last months you have been stretched, twisted, expanded, tweaked, changed, thrown curve balls, challenged, shown a glimpse of an incredible potential, and...
Kaypacha Astrology report: The more I let go, the more I am free~

Kaypacha Astrology report: The more I let go, the more I am free~

Mantra: "After the cloudburst and torrential rain, The clouds disperse and the Sun shines again, The rivers rise up and flow to the sea, The more I let go, the more I am free."
Happy Eclipse NEW MOON in Taurus April 28-29th 2014!

Happy Eclipse NEW MOON in Taurus April 28-29th 2014!

The Solar Eclipse | New Moon in Taurus brings us an opportunity to settle in and ground the energies that have been unearthed during this recent portal of transformation...


"We are in the wake of a great shifting / awaken / you better free your mind before they illegalize thought / there’s a war going on / the first casualty was truth and it’s inside you / The...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: We’ve been told that we are separate~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: We’ve been told that we are separate~

Mantra: "We’ve been told that we are separate, it’s either me or you,There’s not enough for everyone, we’ll never make it through, This mindset of division, has robbed me of my strength, Its fostered fear and lack of trust, it’s...
Grounding the Cardinal Cross~

Grounding the Cardinal Cross~

Sarah Varcas says: "We have a window of opportunity throughout the coming week, to effect significant change in ourselves over a short space of time, merely by changing how we act and react in the present...
Unlearn the lies and become the real you~

Unlearn the lies and become the real you~

"It's time to come back from the world of illusion, the world of lies, and return to your own truth, to your own authenticity. It's time to unlearn the lies and become the real you...
You are the pattern breakers and also the pattern makers~

You are the pattern breakers and also the pattern makers~

"And so we ask that you continue to do the work upon yourselves to create changes in your thinking and doing and this in turn creates changes in the destiny of all life upon this planet...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Stand my ground~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Stand my ground~

Mantra: "The eternal dance between Life and Death, Calls me to stand my ground, Create, Expand, and Express myself, Or give up and be taken down."
Lunar Eclipse | Full Moon in Libra April 15th 2014~

Lunar Eclipse | Full Moon in Libra April 15th 2014~

This Lunar Eclipse/ Full Moon in Libra brings the focus to our relationships and the dynamics in our relationships, for relationships are the looking-glass through which we can see ourselves...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Time holds the keys to my future expansion~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Time holds the keys to my future expansion~

Mantra: "I am so anxious I’m ready to burst, It’s hard to decide what to do first, I must remember that in this dimension, Time holds the keys to my future expansion."
Mercury enters Aries: Communication Insights from Dipali Desai~

Mercury enters Aries: Communication Insights from Dipali Desai~

"Mercury (planet symbolizing communication, linear mind and thinking) in the fiery dynamic sign of Aries suggests mental energy that is fired up and passionate. There may be potential for assertiveness in conveying information, spontaneous thought or ideas, quick and fast...
The theme for April 2014 is Intensity~

The theme for April 2014 is Intensity~

Lena Stevens says: "This is an amazing time with incredible power available. It is intense and robust both in its lessons and challenges, and in its tremendous opportunity for growth, expansion and empowerment..."