A Partial SOLAR ECLIPSE / NEW MOON in Scorpio is here on October 23rd 2014. It is at zero degrees Scorpio thus signaling a time of completion and initiation. Scorpio is keen about seeing the truth and if we can be truthful with ourselves about really seeing and releasing our the karmic loops, we have great opportunity to complete some aspect of our lives and begin a new phase. Relationships with others and with Self have great potential for expansion and for breakthrough.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from the our beloved featured astrologers bringing their illuminating wisdom…
First from the insightful CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“This week’s Scorpio New Moon is also a partial solar eclipse, visible in most of North America and eastern Asia. A solar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth align and we see the Moon moving across the face of the Sun.
“This alignment disrupts the usual flow of solar energy, dissolving old energy and behavior patterns so something new can manifest.
“At a solar eclipse, we get to see the planting of the solar seed in the New Moon’s womb, and are therefore more conscious of what the possibilities are for this cycle. As you can see, solar eclipses create extra powerful New Moons, marking times of major endings and new beginnings to an aspect of your life…”
“Scorpio wants us to feel what the right action is to take, and that means seriously looking into the unconscious to understand what we really feel and want out of life. Not what we think we should want. Not what we’ve been told to want. But what we truly desire.
“And that means understanding our feelings of vulnerability and our fears concerning betrayal, violence, rejection and self-worth, and the unconscious defense mechanisms which keep us from our authentic truth.”
“…Scorpio’s strength is that it isn’t afraid of the Dark, and so when the Sun is in Scorpio, it is a perfect time to look at our Shadows and see what we’ve been in fear of, suppressing and repressing.”
“When we can look within and see how those stuck emotional patterns keep us from what we truly want in life, we can consciously choose to shed those old patterns like a snake skin. What may have protected us in the past no longer serves our on-going life and we have to die to an old way of being and acting, to be re-born to a higher level of consciousness.”
“…When we go through dark times, we often feel alone. But Spirit is always helping us, even when we don’t recognize it. Fortunately, for this solar eclipse, we will recognize the touch of Spirit, with Neptune in Pisces forming the closest aspect, a lucky trine (120*), to this super-packed New Moon.
“Neptune in Pisces surrounds us with compassion as we go through our releases, and then gives us a strong hit of imagination to help us create new patterns. What do you want to feel like? How do you want to act with others?
“If you want courage, imagine the goddess Sekhmet guarding you as a magical lioness. If you need self-love, imagine Mother Mary holding you in her loving embrace. If you need to forgive, ask Kuan Yin (she who listens to the sounds of suffering of the world) to open your heart…”
© Copyright 2014 ~CATHY PAGANO. All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful DIPALI DESAI and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“This New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio has a mysterious and potentially alluring quality to it as it makes a conjunction (team-like aspect) to Venus in Scorpio (the planet that symbolizes love, creative expression and relationships). Get ready to be drawn in and then plummet into the mysterious realm of rich feelings and emotional intimacy in a fresh new way…”
“Taking a closer look at Venus transiting through the astrological sign of Scorpio, the symbolism suggests the potential of profound magnetic quality when it comes to love, intimacy and relationships.
“However keep in mind that with this placement of Venus in the alluring sign of Scorpio, there is also a mystery or at times the high level of control occurring of exposing vulnerability and emotions when it comes to love. Venus in Scorpio does not let just any random stranger in. It is a highly selective process of opening up and taking a chance.
“If there you create a safe, trust filled space, the potential quality of Venus in Scorpio is that it will help you dive right into the all or nothing expression. The potential with Venus in Scorpio connecting to the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is ‘expressing your feelings of tenderness and love is the ultimate strength, enhances trust and will deepen intimacy.’ It is learning to trust yourself, so you are able to more fully trust another.”
“…The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is sure to leave its extreme emotional imprint of new beginnings upon the heart energy. It almost dares each to go into the unknown and expose new parts of self which are waiting in the wings desiring expression.
“There is potential to expand trust and empowerment. For some people, this time period may be a rising up from the symbolic ashes of purification and emerging into a new way of being in intimate relationships (including with self). Feel into the energy of re-birth, resurrection and rising up with empowerment. This is an extraordinary phase, use the potential to its fullest.
“Set your 1 clear intention. Go into your emotional level and ask….what is the next step of empowerment? Plant the symbolic seed or habit within the subconscious and take action to support and nurture it until fruition. “I AM an Empowered Conscious Being” is a wonderful statement to use now.
© Copyright 2014 ~DIPALI DESAI . All Rights Reserved
From the always inspiring KELLEY ROSANO:
“This is the last Scorpio eclipse unit 2032. It is a busy day in the heavens. The Sun and Venus move into Scorpio. Then there is the New Moon…”
“This New Moon Eclipse is at zero degrees Scorpio. This is also a time of completion. Eclipses can place your feet firmly on a new path. The effect can last months and years. As something ends in your life something new will begin…”
“Scorpio rules truth and the emotional truth. Scorpio is one of the most powerful signs in the zodiac… Scorpio is the eagle. The eagle will soar above the drama where many folks are entangled.
“This detachment provides Scorpios the ability to see the big picture. This empowers them to get to the source of the problem…The phoenix is highest level of Scorpio. It is a magical bird. The phoenix rises from the ashes of the past to be born again.”
“…Scorpios are extremely loyal. They love deeply and seek the same in return. They will protect those they love. Wherever Scorpio lands in your natal birth chart is where you want to dive deep into the house issues.
“You are being asked to have a deep involvement. Get to the core of the affairs and understand their meaning for you. There is no greater mystery to solve than the mystery of the real you. Be your own detective and discover you….”
“This is a magical New Moon. The reason is Neptune is in Pisces. It is in harmony with the Sun, Moon and Venus in Scorpio. This is a healing energy. This eclipse could increase your psychic abilities. Pay attention to messages the Universe is sending you. Messages can come from animals, people and your Inner Being.
“This eclipse could expand your creativity. You could see solutions to long range problems. There is a synchronicity to this dynamic. You could be in the right place at the right time. Doors open up for you. Pay attention to your dreams. They could reveal important information for you. Listen to your intuition. It is strong now. The mind can fool you. Your intuition, your gut instincts will never fail you. The body is the messenger. What is your body telling you?”
“…There are no ugly aspects to this Scorpio Eclipse. This is good news. Wherever Scorpio lands in your natal birth chart is where you are completing things. You are also getting a new start here.
“The Scorpio Eclipse may ignite your fears. Embrace your fears. Hug the heck out of these little demons. This will diminish their hold over you. Remember that you are stronger than any problem or challenge that comes your way. Use your inner strength and fortitude to carry you.
“Do not indulge in negative thinking. You cannot afford this luxury. You create more problems for yourself when you allow your mind to be in negative thoughts. The Law of Attraction is matching your energy…Focus on what is working. Focus on the good in your life.Choose love not fear. Be strong. Keep your mind healthy and focused on the positive. This will create what you want. You are a powerful creator. Use your mind to create the life you love and desire.”
“…Communication will get back on track. Yeah! Mercury moves direct on October 25. This will help with relationships and negotiations…”
“Be in appreciation for all the good in your life. Say aloud, ‘Thank you universe for the new opportunities that are now in my life.’ This is a good mantra.”
© Copyright 2014 ~KELLEY ROSANO. All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful DIVINE HARMONY:
“The Dark Goddess features prominently in the Solar Eclipse chart. Mean Black Moon Lilith (BML) is conjunct Dark Moon Lilith and square to Saturn and Ceres in Scorpio. There is some deep, intense, underwordly energy coming up to be addressed and looked at in family dynamics and in how we treat Mother Earth (Ceres is the Earth Mother).”
“…Asteroid Lilith is conjunct retrograde Mercury and opposite Uranus- activating the lower mind/Higher mind opposition that is exact on Saturday when Mercury stations direct. This aspect begs the question ‘What is Truth?’ and further ‘How do I communicate and align with my Truth?’ When Uranus is involved we have wild card energy- so this weekend we’d all do well to expect the unexpected and stay open to sudden shifts, changes and/or unexpected information to come to Light.
“With so much Dark Goddess in the chart- we are asked to face our own shadows and our tendency to express unhealed, unwhole Dark Goddess energy in the form of victim or tyrant. Ultimately the journey with the Dark Goddess is one of empowerment- which comes when we are so deeply anchored within ourselves and within Mother Earth that we know who we are, why we are here and what we need to do with our lives.
“The journey with the DG is not one of ease, but it is one of importance and deep meaning. With her energetic signature all over the chart- we’d do well to acknowledge our place in this journey and see what we can do to further it, rather than get stuck in the muck of our karma and refuse to budge ;)”
“…We all have an area of our chart that this eclipse degree falls…if you happen to have any planets around 28/29 libra to 3/4 scorpio- factor that in when you are thinking about where you are blasting through the karmic glass ceiling- ready to move past what has previously held you back (maybe for lifetimes).This is deep stuff- and powerful astrology- so be sure to use it wisely!”
© Copyright 2014 ~DIVINE HARMONY. All Rights Reserved
Eclipse & New Moon Blessings to all!
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Lilly says:
Oct 21, 2014
Born 11/8, I’ve got Scorpio all over my chart…… Thank you for the “Heads Up”. My sister always called me “Lilith”, LOL
Kevin / Shawn says:
Oct 25, 2014
Love and respect Lilith i to am an 11 08 baby.i am a reformed scorpio and I offer peace.
Oct 21, 2014
Bre says:
Oct 21, 2014
Thank you for sharing this! I’m 11/18, I want to get back into my creativity!
melissa says:
Oct 21, 2014
This new moon I shall be sitting within the “dark soil” of this energy and touch base with the roots of unconditional love. I return to reclaim and embrace this essential unconditional love of self that is an inherited right for each of us. Time to be my own best friend and treat myself with the same honor I treat family and friends.
Jennifer says:
Oct 21, 2014
I have scorpio in uranus, my 7th house of committed relationships… Is this good or bad? We are happily married for 5 years, but the past few months have been stressful.
CHAN says:
Oct 21, 2014
Scorpio Sun within 5 degrees to the new moon (and the venus)…feeling desperately in need of a make-over and a purge!!
Desirée says:
Oct 22, 2014
I’m a Leo Sun witch the Moon, Jupiter, and Pluto in Scorpio. I figure this will be a time for a real inner makeover. Time to use this specially deep energy to my favor. And yes, there are things that have been holding me back emotiomally, and in other aspects. I will connect with the night and see what happens ;) Currently starting a relationship with a Scorpio Sun conjunct Venus. I really want to share this (and so much more. My feelings, goddamit!) with him. Wish me luck! ;)
Thank you so much for this very important information, I saw this in my google search, and letting it go didn’t feel right. I had to click. Regards, and happy eclipse! :D
Beth says:
Oct 22, 2014
I’m very excited for this, and the shifts to come. With my moon in Scorpio, and a deep love of the night, the darkness, and the witch + with my relationships not being so clear right now – I am ready to honour whatever comes.
Thank you MM for posting this <3
Ana Goncalves says:
Oct 22, 2014
I’m with you there too, my relationship with my partner is either coming to an end or a new beginning as there has been a lot of shifts taking place in it and I’m at a new stage in my life too and an old cycle. It’s a raw and shaky period however I am remaining strong to see the light.
Nuria says:
Oct 23, 2014
Same here, Venus in Scorpio. Reconnected with an old lover and it was good until it wasn’t. Ready to release old patterns.
Excellent article
Autumn C. Moon says:
Oct 22, 2014
There is a tremendous amount of endings and beginnings happening in my Life and my Families, right now. I am totally psyched and embracing this New Moon as a signal to bring better things for us all. I extend my expression of “all” to all the World as well. Blessed Be )O(
Taven says:
Oct 22, 2014
I was born in Detroit under the 1973 solar eclipse in Cancer 8°. My ascendant puts all that in my 12th house. :( Aside from a fist-full of crazy pills, what can I do to not be my own worst enemy? It’s like I just can’t seem to get out of my own way. I’m hoping this coming solar eclipse will raise me from my ashes, but I’m afraid it’s out of orb with anything in my chart!
Beth says:
Oct 22, 2014
We must visit our darkness so we can know what to do with our light.
Taven says:
Oct 22, 2014
Thank you, Beth!
Teresa M says:
Oct 22, 2014
So I’ve got Scorpio in only one house… The 12th! How does this impact me now? Or better yet, what can I do to make good use of this eclipse period?? Mahalo
mm says:
Oct 22, 2014
Dear Teresa~ I am not an astrologer so cannot comment on how this will affect anyone individually. This report serves as an overall energetic reading for all of us. However, if you want to go a little deeper, I recommend all of the astrologers featured and I would say you could get a session with one of them. Click on their links to find out more. Blessings to you!
Vijay says:
Oct 22, 2014
12th house is the house of enlightenment! It signifies liberation, and faraway mystical places. For materialistic people this house is very unfavorable; at the same time this house is awesome for spiritual seekers. You will thrive through this Scorpio new moon eclipse if you work in areas of humanitarian causes, education, charity, and consumer advocacy. You must restrain from being too generous that you become poor. Do not let any body take advantage of your kindness.
Teresa M says:
Oct 23, 2014
Thank you Vijay! I’ve turned away from the materialistic things about 5 years back in pursuit of charity and philanthropy. :) Sounds like this transit will be transformative in a good way! Thanks for your input!! Mahalo
Alayha says:
Oct 22, 2014
Is it ok to repost this, as in share the whole Mystic Mama post? So my friends will see this?
Thank you!!!
mm says:
Oct 22, 2014
Dear Alayha~ Thank you for asking! Please follow the Sharing Guidelines outlined beneath the post. Thanks for your cooperation! Blessings~~~
len says:
Oct 22, 2014
hi! Thank you for all you give here. As always, thank you.
I would like to know if this would be a good time for some kind of healing session like Reiki or systemic constellations.
laughs and light and tenderness to all of you
mm says:
Oct 22, 2014
Dear Len~ Me thinks it’s always a good time for some kind of healing! ;) Blessings to you!
Alicia says:
Oct 22, 2014
Thank you for sharing! Being born on 6/12, my ascendant is in Scorpio. I see big changes happening with this new moon and I am ready to shed the old and embrace the new!
Emily says:
Oct 22, 2014
What’s a reliable online resource that I can view my birth chart?
Mia Reid says:
Oct 22, 2014
Krissie says:
Oct 22, 2014
I love -its free amd spot on for ,yself amd ,amy friends!!…also, easily brokem down with descriptions of each positions.
BECKY says:
Oct 22, 2014
Born Oct.29. Thank you for the hope that things will get better.
Sonofdawn says:
Oct 22, 2014
I was born 11/10, I wanted to know is there anything I can do on the 0 degrees eclipse that can empower my life now?
Desiree Cantu says:
Oct 22, 2014
Both my girls are Citrine babies but one is 11/17, and the other 11/26. Both due on different days but alas the stars win :) I recently found out that I was a Moon Scorpio….born a Cancer 7/17! Three girls with an Aquarius dad! :) We hug a lot around here.
Scorpio31 says:
Oct 22, 2014
I was born on October 31, I have been going through a very rough emotional time lately and hope with the changes coming up to finally be able to shed the past and be able to move on to a better future.
Naveen says:
Dec 24, 2014
I was born Nov 1 going through the toughest time of my life since sep 2014,A six year relationship has ended,No clue…I am in MESS
Shannon says:
Oct 22, 2014
I’m terrified of this new moon, I’ve been heart broken for the past 4 months, and my heart is still not ready to say goodbye. Any tips on how to get through this smoothly?
Vijay says:
Oct 22, 2014
How you want to feel is completely in your control. Having said that, I can feel your misery. Due to my strong desire to see you out of this misery, I advise you to take advantage of this rare Scorpio moon solar eclipse, and find that one weakness you want to conquer. I promise you will conquer all your fears in life! Take care.
Shannon says:
Oct 22, 2014
Thank you
GM says:
Oct 23, 2014
HOPE: Hold On Pain Ends – focus on the love coming to you from other areas & cherish that, swim in it; treat yourself the way you want to be treated, with kindness & love & compassion, do something nice for yourself.
Mj says:
Oct 22, 2014
thank you…blessed be
Tilly says:
Oct 22, 2014
I was born 28/2 I’m feeling very emotional and fearful this time but feel I’ve spent my whole life this way but very aware at the moment and scared of what’s ahead , very strong in solar plexus. Can any of the wonderful astrologers shed some light.
Many thanks
David Wishengrad says:
Oct 22, 2014
Life is Most Important in Life
The Most Important Truth in Life
The reason we are Most Important
The reason why we are equal
The Truthful faith
The the Truthful hope.
What defines the future
The prevention and cure for all needless suffering and death
The valid Truth that defends any legitimate cause
Even Most Important to the True Living God
The Most Important Word of Truth that the True Living God has said to us.
Can you hear the Word/The Truth?
Killing and harming animals for the sole purpose of personal gratification (fun, taste, unneeded nutrition) is discarding the Most Important Truth in Life.
cristina banuelos says:
Oct 22, 2014
Born 8/2. Thank a lot.
Lonewolfluna says:
Oct 22, 2014
I celebrate my 30th birthday tomorrow October 23. I was born under a balsamic moon. Just shy of the new moon. I’ve been experiencing a very difficult Saturn transit the past few years. I am now a truly different woman. I am looking forward to this eclipse and new moon, as a new beginning, and new direction!
mm says:
Oct 23, 2014
@LONEWOLFLUNA Birthday Blessings to you!!
Darci D'Anna says:
Oct 23, 2014
I am deeply immersed in Saturn transiting rising, sun, venus, neptune, and jupiter in Scorpio before it returns on itself in Sag. My natal Venus in Scorpio is lit up like a Christmas Tree, allowing me to deeply see and feel how the inner journey effects the whole. CATALYST of my Soul, carry me thru with clarity to contribute the death of my stagnations to Global Rebirth and AWAKENING. So be it!
Melody Moulton says:
Oct 23, 2014
Great ,thank you.I will differently keep focused on my gut feelings,an dreams.
Alicia says:
Oct 23, 2014
Luna Azul says:
Oct 23, 2014
This is fantastic! Thank MM for your generous, loving cultivation and harvest of wisdom and knowledge. This is fascinating. Since the lunar eclipse, I’ve been floating in a sea of calm. I feel as if I’m lounging in a hammock between the eclipses. I have Jupiter and Neptune in my 6th house. I’ve been at the cusp of transition for several months. My everyday life is soon to be transformed and in such a positive way! Blessings…xoxo
Malia says:
Oct 23, 2014
Love this MM ❤️ Thank you ❤️ my birthday is 10-23 ❤️
Belle says:
Oct 23, 2014
Hello I am born zero Scorpio ( 10/23) at midnight…this new moon and eclipse seem same exact place… Any chance this can signal end of life?
mm says:
Oct 23, 2014
@MALIA + @BELLE Bountiful Birthday Blessings!!
mm says:
Oct 23, 2014
@ BELLE I would think of it more as your *power* day!!! Celebrate!
BElle says:
Oct 23, 2014
Thank you!
newmoon1 says:
Oct 23, 2014
My son was born on the new moon in October 1995. He has joined the Army this year and will be 19 tomorrow on the new moon. He is trying to start this new journey and is discouraged while in training. Any suggestions?
Dee says:
Oct 23, 2014
I have Scorpio in the 8th house can anyone tell me what this means with this new moon?
Ann says:
Oct 23, 2014
I have been reading numerous horoscopes and October 23 seems to be very important across the board. My life has been undergoing a makeover since Fall of 2013. I must admit, I feel really nervous. My birthday is 10/27. Good luck to everyone. I hope we find our truths and experience changes for the better. Blessings to all!
Amila says:
Oct 23, 2014
Today is my birthday and I am more thankful than I have ever been. Reading this helped me more than I expected it to… so thank YOU. I appreciate it.
Rocstar says:
Oct 23, 2014
I’m speechless, 10-23-79
Happy Birth Day To Me…….. WOW!!!!!!
mm says:
Oct 23, 2014
@ AMILA + @ROCSTAR Birthday Blessings!!
Rocstar says:
Oct 23, 2014
Happy B day Amila
Gie says:
Oct 23, 2014
Born 11/8 – very interesting – I am at that place to let go of the past and go on a new journey. Live in South Africa so will miss the visual eclipse but will sit with intent this dark night, rich with new beginnings and plant the seeds with love.
Blessed be
Fool Turtle says:
Oct 23, 2014
Thank you, not only for this article–which clarified my intuitions and experiences as of late–but also for the recommendation of as a source of information. I just finished reading my personal report, which was both sobering and exciting. I’ve avoided astrology for much of my life, but what I read only resonated with what I have learned about myself in other ways. At age 29, and in this moment…
Question: How would you suggest that one connect deeply with the Darkness? Lilith, Hekate, and Isis appear in my mind’s eye as I write this. I would sure appreciate any advice, and now… thank you, again. Sharing my heart showed me what’s in it, a little, and I’m grateful for that.
mm says:
Oct 23, 2014
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all my fellow Scorpios! In particular those with Birthdays today! Mine is on the 26 ;)
THANK YOU ALL your comments, beautiful sharings and love~
Infinite Blessings to all!
Sherry Harms says:
Oct 23, 2014
Thank you so much, wow what a gift from my daughter sending me this link today. My birthday is today, born in 1962 – the day of the Cuban Missile Crisis. I have always felt that was a day of significance, and I am always grateful for these new beginnings.
the alchemist says:
Oct 23, 2014
10/23/69 for me.
happy birthday to all
blessed be
Eva Yaa Asantewaa says:
Oct 23, 2014
This is the most wonderful blog post I’ve ever read!
FM....No static at all says:
Oct 23, 2014
10/23/53……New to astrology and this interested me. HB to all Scorpios, particularly the 10-23’s. This year we 10-23’s have been subjected to some trying to change our sign to Libra. When I looked into this I found that had I been born in Hawaii rather than the East this would be true. Anyone know about this?
AJPIII says:
Oct 23, 2014
I had not looked up or out for a bit balancing big & little views of existence but wow what a day and at the moment joblessness and homelessness are on the table not having expected this I stumble up this thread and insights for wading through this cosmic occurrence. I bid you all peace, love and the means to enjoy and prolong life. 10/31/61
falice says:
Oct 23, 2014
I’m so happy I came across this information. Currently I’ve been experiencing crazy events and after reading this it all makes since. My friend called me the other night and told me about the new moon. I know many changes will occur and I will prepare myself by staying positive and in tune with my goals and aspirations.
Dee says:
Oct 24, 2014
@MM I have Scorpio in the 8th house can you please tell me what this new moon means for me?
Jasmine says:
Oct 24, 2014
So inspiring, Thank you!
Linda says:
Oct 24, 2014
I Love this website. I always learn a lot from it.
I’m a Scorpio 10/31. Scorpio Sun, Moon, Neptune, Mars all in my 12th House…with a Scorpio Rising. Sagittarius Mercury and Jupiter in my 1st House.
Lots going on….
Blessed Be,
Anastasia says:
Oct 24, 2014
I am a double Aquarius with a Scorpio moon, and I am very intensely feeling this change… my north node is also in scorpio, as well as many other planets. This solar eclipse is very apparently about rebirth, and I am going through quite a transition. More and more often I receive moments of overwhelming clarity at the beauty of this life, and what the universe is offering to all of us. I feel unconditional love in these flash points of epiphany, but I know there are ways of thinking and habits that I must first change in myself.
Any advice for my particular chart? Things for me are usually either amazing or terrible because of the rough opposition of scorpio and aquarius in several places on it. Peace and brotherhood xxx
L says:
Oct 24, 2014
Powerful day today with extraordinary divine human beings showing up inside the eclipse window for healing sessions… yet I wonder who was receiving the benefit most?
lisa says:
Oct 24, 2014
I am an 11/18 Scorpio, rising in Sagittarius,moon in Aries . I definitely have felt my deep transition these past months and hope to land in a much more confident, creative, passionate place! Definitely hope this eclipse winds it down. Any advice?
teresa says:
Oct 24, 2014
Proud scorpio :)
Jessica says:
Oct 24, 2014
Iam a Leo with moon in Aries and rising in Scorpio . After the first lunar eclipse in April my menstrual cycle vanished for exactly 3 months. Then in October my period was late again, 4 weeks late.. And came yesterday on the day of the new moon and solar eclipse..this is all kind of new to me and I need some help understanding why the planets are having such an effect on my cycle..if anyone has any advice that would be great! Thank you:)
Pheonix says:
Oct 25, 2014
My Birthday is Halloween and this rings truer than true. thank you for this!!
Aero says:
Oct 25, 2014
With all due respect to the astrologer who wrote that this would be a “magical New Moon” I truly hope so. Neptune has been opposing the Sun, Venus and Uranus in one of those temporary long term influences since last spring up until early next year. Perhaps now it’s influencing energies will begin dissipating.
@Jessica: Eclipses in general appear to create radical and unexpected changes/events. IMO the one in April was unsettling. If you looked up in the sky, the Moon appeared as this hollow mass of grey suspended in the air making a clanking, ticking-like sound while smears of red could be seen on the bottom sides of it.
The best I could suggest right now is to check the aspects your Moon makes to the other planets. That may provide more information. However, now that it’s back keep watch and see if it’s at its regular cycle. If it changes again… Should consult with your OBG.
simone says:
Oct 26, 2014
Thankyou so much everyone for such a detailed awesome analysis of the 3rd Scorpio new moon trilogy. I am on my way to empowered positive expression of who I am, and embracing my dark, and bringing forth my light. I appreciate all your amazing insights, and have learned a lot, and am very grateful that you have shared your knowledge with us. Peace.
Sukriti says:
Oct 26, 2014
I am struck by just how vividly raw and accurate this week’s astrology has felt for me. I’m a Scorpio Sun and Moon, and Capricorn Rising…this week was a definite challenge, and today I feel all of the effects the astrologers have offered, regarding Mercury finally going direct. It is a truly new beginning, bursting forward with new clarity, like I don’t even think I realized was possible. Thank you for this space, and your work.
kcrack says:
Oct 26, 2014
Looks like we’re not still past the New Moon and the Eclipse. But I can see changes in me already. I’m Leo-Virgo cusp. I have been through a very tough 2013 as I had to go through betrayal of a close friend and sudden loss of that friendship which I thought to be the best. Even after a year, I still cling to what happened, unable to get over the incomplete relationship (my friend never said a formal bye even, inspite of so many pleas from me). But now, all of a sudden, I see a different perspective within me. I’m able to see that the relationship (even without the other person) can go to a higher level. I can indulge in Big Love and that doesnt require a person. Thanks to Scorpio, finally I’m able to let go of unanswered questions and what troubled me so much.
Thank you for writing this and sharing it with all :)
Angie says:
Oct 30, 2014
I have to wonder at the people asking how to connect with the dark goddess. Is anyone out there feeling any of the pain and suffering of the millions of animals on this planet. ?