Here is the energetic theme for January 2015 channeled by the always illuminating Lena Stevens from The Power
“The year starts off with an intense period of release and initiation and a push from spirit to get all your ducks in a row. As we move from the more organized influences of 2014 into the chaos, creativity and destruction of 2015, it will be truly useful to take charge of what is being activated in your life, especially this month.
“This is not the month to be passive, apathetic or be waiting for someone else to solve what is not working in your life.
“This is a month to be disciplined about your boundaries and to step into your own creative power of choice around what gets activated and how.
“ACTIVATION: stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical; the activity of causing to have energy and be active;
making active and effective.“This is the month to take all those dreams, intentions, resolutions, plans, ideas and inspirations that have been dormant or sitting on a shelf waiting for right timing or the right ingredients, and to activate them.
“Activation requires taking ACTION. This is not a month to sit around. It is a month that supports movement and action provided you have the right ingredients.
“You may be aware that you have missing ingredients for creating the right chemistry to activate your desires, but have no clue how and where to find and attract them.
“This is where intentions come into play and the willingness to trust that the right support and ingredients you need will be available to you when you need them. Spirit is always willing to provide as long as you are willing to commit.
“It is beneficial that the theme for January follows our practice of setting intentions and resolutions for the New Year. It makes it easier to be disciplined around activation and taking action, at least for the first few weeks. We are inspired by all the possibilities and feel the surge of tremendous creative energy.
“We are determined to be more; to express more, to accomplish more and to be braver in our growth and healing, and to be more engaged in our lives. This is the higher centered and positive expression of ACTIVATION and its positive opportunities.
“The more challenging aspect of this month will be handling what gets activated that has been long neglected or denied or simply not dealt with. All of us have swept certain aspects of ourselves or our personal situations under the rug, hoping that they will just go away and disappear on their own or that someday someone or something will appear and fix it all for us magically.
“When the shadow is activated, the challenge of Martyrdom and a need to blame may also be activated. You may see it in yourself and you may see it in others. There is also a tendency to hold on to old wounds, to being right, and having multiple excuses for not showing up powerfully and being responsible for what you have created.
“Welcome to the artisan aspect of the year and its shadowy expression. If you are experiencing weird disturbing dream landscapes and strange little fears that threaten to take you down the path of despair, depression or anxiety, know you have accessed the shadowy, moody, astral environment so common to the artisan.
“Beware of the self-deceptive aspect where you can talk yourself into anything. If you can talk yourself into anything, you can also talk yourself out of anything.
“The discipline this month is to talk yourself out of the tendency to believe the more negative feelings and shadowy expressions and to talk yourself into reaching for that higher activation. Just remember, all is not what it appears to be…”
“The opposite of activation is to stop and halt and move into an experience of stagnation. This is a feeling of being stuck and not being able to move forward no matter how much you intend to. Martyrdom and blame will stop the energy from moving in a good direction. You will witness the deactivation of your desires and good intentions.
“Everyone is likely to go through both the higher centered aspects of the month as well as the shadowy lower frequency expressions that are mostly related to old emotional debris that is being activated in order to be cleared.
“An excellent suggestion is to pick something like a junk drawer or your refrigerator or a closet or file everyday that you feel stuck, and clean it out. Use this process as a symbol of moving energy and cleaning something out in your energy field that is in the way of activating the things you want active in your life…”
“How can you make the most of this month?
Stay out of Martyrdom and blame.
Clear and neutralize negative emotional debris as soon as it comes up.
Make a good action plan for what you want to activate and commit to taking ACTION.
Call in your support and missing ingredients.
Be disciplined about moving forward even when you don’t feel like it.
Eliminate as much chaos from your life as possible.
Adopt a “yes I can” attitude for what you wish to activate.
Be around beauty, what inspires you, and do something creative.
Don’t take anything personally.
“…What an incredible opportunity to show up fully activated in all your creative glory! But first you must clear away what is in the way and then activate the things that will support you.
“You have the opportunity to activate many areas of your life this month. Take a look at what you have been too lazy or afraid to put your discipline behind and make a new set of resolutions for yourself.
“Start with your own physical health and well-being. What do you need? What are the missing ingredients? Call in your support. Join that gym. Find that right health practitioner.
“Then move on to your work and service. Are you doing what you want? What has been activated around you in your environment that is positive? That is negative? What can you do to activate your own skills and talents that may have been lying dormant due to lethargy, fear or lack of discipline?
“What about your boundaries? Are you being taken advantage of? Or are you too structured and guarded, keeping you from some of the gifts waiting to be activated?
“What about your relationships or spiritual life? Look for stagnation and eliminate it through arousing some action. This is a great month for self-reflection and being more responsible for what you create.
“There are opportunities here for activating yourself in ways that you have not experienced before. It will take courage, discipline and commitment. Just say yes, you can do it!
“Relationships will experience tremendous growth this month, some through challenge and some through positive creativity and inspiration. Beware of what gets activated through anger, blame or projection. Remember it is never about you. Practice not taking things personally and don’t engage in what does not serve you.
“Some relationships will need a ‘time out’ as a way to break through negative habits and patterns of activation. Watch for the artisan self-deceptive tendency to twist reality and create stories around events and beliefs that may or may not be true. Don’t believe everything you hear.
“On the other hand, this is a prosperous time to activate powerful partnerships, new relationships and to find those missing ingredients for community efforts and dreams. If you are in a committed relationship, this is an excellent month for activating further commitments, dreams and future plans…”
“As we mentioned in the personal section, this may be the first area you focus on activating a better action plan for. If you can focus your activation on positive habits and upgraded disciplines, you will eliminate the possible activation of something negative.
“Remember that this is a creative artisan year and the body tends to be highly creative. The more you can handle this energy on the outside, the less it will need to manifest internally.
“It is a good month to think about activating some kind of change. A new haircut or color, new diet, new routines, new more expressive clothing. Think about supporting creativity around your health and physical body and work with the destructive aspect of the year as a focus for destroying any illness, disease or condition that does not serve you…”
“An excellent time to activate projects especially ones that have been talked about and mulled over for a while. The task will be to make sure you have all the ingredients in place before you activate something.
“Don’t start a business or other creative venture before you have all the commitments you need to make it work in place. Once activated, projects will likely take off on the powerful fuel of this year’s creative energy.
“If something does not work out or has been falling apart for a while, focus the positive aspect of destruction and help to deactivate it. This will release the energy so you can use it for something else.
“Completions are also important this month. As we look to our new goals and resolutions it is sometimes easy to forget that it is more efficient to close one door before you open a new one. Take some time and honor your completions before you activate something new.
© Copyright 2014 ~ LENA STEVENS. All Rights Reserved
Lena Stevens from The Power is offering her Monthly support Mp3 for $4.99 from her website.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Time to rise and together spark the flames of Love! May your journey be blessed~
All my love~
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MIA says:
Jan 1, 2015
Lovely post! I took action yesterday and cleared out the clutter in my home and donated to the local thrift store. Then last night I did a ritual/spell for letting go of things that no longer serve me~ I feel the release & I am ready to move on and manifest more peace in my life.
Natalia says:
Jan 1, 2015
Thank you so much for your wise words. I really needed to hear this today, bless you and may you have a wonderful New Year!
Victoria says:
Jan 2, 2015
How beautiful! Thank you so much, this was so powerful and positive.
Kate says:
Jan 2, 2015
Can I just say this is scary how accurate this is for me. I woke up January 1st feeling all of these things, became clear with my purpose and what to do, began a new journey and awoke some lost creativity! So exciting to read this and literally notice all the same words and feelings as I wrote in my journal yesterday :) namaste and Happy 2015!!!
Melissa says:
Jan 2, 2015
Thank you so much…this is what I needed to hear today. It’s been one of those days when you feel like things are stacking up against you, and then you so kindly remind me to not take things personally. I felt so frustrated when I began reading this and now I feel ready to take action and call on the positive support I have. Happy New year!!
Iva says:
Jan 2, 2015
Love Love Love!!!!
Susanna says:
Jan 3, 2015
This is very helpful! Thank you so much for sharing.
Steve says:
Jan 4, 2015
This is spot on and well explained, thank you it has been very helpful to me. January 1st was such an intense day that felt like the full moon with serious internal wrestling between positive and negative energy and though forms. But I hung tight and came out in the light. Even though it is only a few days into this new year I am experiencing huge shifts in understanding, a much closer relationship with the divine and doing much of what is suggested here. I have really been on this path since June 2014 making huge changes in health, diet, etc but continued to experience more blockages from September on. Too much to share here but it is all amazing and I feel like this is going to be an amazing year for those of us who are consciously doing their work.
Genna says:
Jan 8, 2015
Thank you for sharing, Steve. It’s a nice reminder that we are all moving forward together. Blessings to you.
Carmel says:
Jan 8, 2015
I feel so empowered and yet humble with beautiful natural words that are so comfortable for me. I feel I am now in a very unique calm place, full of hope, trust, compassion and love. I shall stop running away, place the fear behind me, live for today and strive for tomorrow. With gratitude, I thank you for your words of encouragement.
Nicole says:
Jan 19, 2015
Love love love!! Sharing this!