Here is brother Kaypacha with his weekly astrology report for week of April 14th 2015…
“With cool, calm, objectivity,
I examine what’s going on,
To get to the truth, to get to the point,
So I’m not just wasting my time.”
In the report he says:
“…Things are crumbling and things are falling apart, so it’s time to find new truths.”
“…This is time for us to get grounded, and it’s not fun, it’s not easy, it’s not nice…this just like the time were the plow tearing up that soil makes way for the seed and it’s time for us to push and continue to push…this is a test, and all we can say is this is only a test.
“And it’s time to strongly and firmly believe in the truth, to become a mature example of the truth, a model of the truth and progress along in a steadfast way.”
karla bermudez says:
Apr 16, 2015
thank you!
Shell says:
Apr 16, 2015
L says:
Apr 16, 2015
Vincit omnia veritas.
Cecelia says:
Apr 16, 2015
I really like this section… “this just like the time were the plow tearing up that soil makes way for the seed and it’s time for us to push and continue to push…”
I plant my flowers from seeds and a couple of years ago I remember watching the seed crack and the sprout emerging from the seed, eventually revealing a beautiful flower. For that flower to bloom it had to go through a lot, just as we do. We can turn over our soil or soul to allow our beautiful flower to emerge. Thank you for this wonderful report and reminder…
Matilda says:
Apr 16, 2015
thank you, once again these words resonate with what is going on my life at this very moment.
patience patience!
Lily says:
Apr 16, 2015
As always, wondrful…..Thank you so much for your Love and Light.
Raquel says:
Apr 16, 2015
Thank you Kaypacha, you are incredible, wise and emphatic. I appreciate your wisdom every week, in fact, I need it to put into perspective what is going on. Thank you, may the stars keep shining in you for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Joline says:
Apr 16, 2015
Thank You Kaypacha! Your words have truly uplifted this black spot on my heart. The exact guidance I was searching for. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your positivity is warming us all! <3
Ana says:
Apr 16, 2015
Olá!!! Buenos Dias!! Thank you, Obrigada! Always there….And i love your rings :)
sandi ponce de leon says:
Apr 16, 2015
As an Aries with Capricorn ascendant and moon in Pisces and Mars in Gemini, Venus in Taurus,I can even feel this report being done…ouch..
truths indeed.
jessica says:
Apr 17, 2015
Namaste Aloha! Thank you for reading my life. Big love from Marin!
melissa alexander says:
Apr 18, 2015
i absolutely adore these reports…they always shed so much light and inspire me through challenging times to show up with strength, stay in a place of love and to remember what a powerful tool humour can be to get to the other side. deep gratitude and appreciation for Tom!!!
Elika says:
Apr 19, 2015
Always great wisdom thank you! Glad to see you back in the Bay again, Continued blessings on your path.
RB says:
Apr 19, 2015
thank you kaypacha. thanks again. X