FULL MOON Super Moon in Capricorn is here and this one promises to be potent and revelatory. With the Sun in Cancer, the archetype of the Mother, and the Moon in Capricorn, the archetype of the Father, the sacred balance and dynamism of the two becomes illuminated.
Take time to ground and reflect as the energy as of late has been emotional and streamed with karmic reflections. Illumination brings revelation but we must then have the courage to address so we can complete the karmic lesson and move more lightly into our future. Energy will shift next week, but for now must tend to the present and what is being illuminated!
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights form the most tuned in readers of the planetary movements. First astrologer Stephanie Gailing from Planet Apothecary:
“Issues of security are brought to the forefront during the Capricorn Full Moon. It urges us to look at our life through the lens of the questions, ‘Where do I feel at home?’ and ‘How can I feel more safe and protected regardless of where I am?’
“In pure Capricorn fashion, these aren’t light-hearted questions, but they are ones whose answers can provide us with the riches of insight to live a more integrated and productive life.
“What’s also highlighted during this Full Moon is the importance of maintaining a balanced sense of perspective. Cancer inspires us to both feel as well as value our feelings. It has flowing, soft, and undulating energy.
“Capricorn, on the other hand, is not focused on feelings but rather on diligent and responsible approaches to accomplishing tangible outcomes. The question becomes how the nurturer (Cancer) and the achiever (Capricorn) can co-exist.
“One way it can be done is that instead of wallowing in our emotions, we take a serious look at them, inventorying what they may be revealing. Once insights are gleaned, see what practical ways you take action to structure facets of your life so that they will further nourish you.
“Also, with this Full Moon, we are reminded that while the past is essential, it’s important not to get stuck in it.What came before may be an integral part of who you are but don’t let it pull you from the joys of the present.”
© Copyright 2014 ~Stephanie Gailing All Rights Reserved
From the insightful Molly Hall from Astrology/
“Here we go again — it’s a crescendo of the ongoing cosmic big squeeze, and with very active, cardinal forces…There’s raw, instigating Aries and Mars energy, but the tones belted out in this opera of change come from deep soulful repositories and concern the big questions. A peak of the Capricorn instinct, with the Full Moon, spins around themes of life’s work and/or calling.”
“…The angles to the luminaries (Sun and Moon) foretell a mortal struggle to persevere through the crisis of growth…There’s agitating pressure from all sides. And huge rewards and leaps if you dig down deep, and find hidden reserves of strength.
“Your character is fortified by creatively adapting to the demands of the times. Full Moons are revelatory — what will be revealed?
“By being alert and active in the current ordeals of your life, there’s light at the end of the Full Moon tunnel. The Capricorn Moon is imbued with Pluto’s near-supernatural knowing, for potential clear seeing into the shadowy terrain.
“What’s standing out here, is that it’s one to lift out buried treasures within. And to unlock hidden pockets of pure creativity and vitality.
“The overall forecast is for firming up resolve, and growing in your personal authenticity. In a time of flabby integrity, the one that is determined to live their value, knows true personal power.”
“…At the Full Moon, we’re drawn into the karma-heavy, rich, musty, earthy caves of the planetary past — and can find the wisdom of the ages there…”
“The Full Moon in this wise old sign takes us to the depths and the peaks. It’s a particular kind of sight, one where you might get the thousand yard stare. You’re watching with a knowing that includes the intellect, but is so much more.”
© Copyright 2014 ~Molly Hall All Rights Reserved
From astrologer April Elliot Kent from
“The Capricorn New Moon falls near the beginning of each calendar year. At midyear, the Capricorn Full Moon is its mirror image, the response to its call…
“This year began with a New Moon tightly conjunct Pluto, square Mars and Uranus. That was a harsh chart. It all but guaranteed a year in which skeletons tumbled out of closets and ulterior motives and ruthless ambitions were released into the general population like a rapidly mutating virus. A series of frustrating retrograde planets in the first half of the year ensured we would have to work very hard, against incredible odds, to accomplish the smallest things; even harder to nudge the dial monitoring our soul’s growth even one point into the black.
“This Full Moon, hovering again near the same celestial companions, signals a turning point. After six long months, we wish to squirm out from under Capricorn’s stern and melancholy thumb. Whatever your prison, you are gearing up for a daring jailbreak. New Year’s resolutions about earning more money, getting in shape, or finishing a novel seem a little trivial next to the overwhelming desire to end whatever is hurting us.”
“The Sun in Cancer, approaching a conjunction to Jupiter, is like a lovely and gentle mother who assures us…that it will all work out fine in the end. But the Moon in Capricorn is not in the habit of going easy on us.”
© Copyright 2014 ~April Elliot Kent All Rights Reserved
From the always inspiring Kelley Rosano:
“The Capricorn Full Moon on July 12 is a Super Moon. This means the Full Moon is closest to the earth and in direct alignment with the sun and the Earth. This makes the Full Moon extra intense and potent…
“Change or be changed is the message of the hour. Capricorns know this better than anyone. Just ask one.
“The Sun is in Cancer. Cancer rules your emotional, needs. It is the feminine principal of receptivity and compassion. Capricorn rules your ambition and success in the world.
“The Capricorn Full Moon will bring to light where you may have gone too far in one area…The Capricorn Full Moon is calling you to balance your needs.”
“…You can meet your own needs finally. What you need is not outside of you….”
1. Do you need to establish better boundaries?
2. Practice healthy selfishness. When you put your soul first, you are in the driver seat of your life. You are the captain of your ship. It is the only way to lift your vibration and merge with Creator.
3. Raise your personal standards. If you are feeling needy, own it. But, don’t let it drive your choices. Or, you may attract in needy people who are using you to avoid the work they need to be doing with Self.
“The Full Moon in Capricorn empowers you to be your own authority. You are the authority of your life. Own your power. Do not give it away to others, the job, and so on. You want to empower yourself. Recognize your limitations and use them as your ally. Your limitations then become your strength.”
© Copyright 2014 ~Kelley Rosano All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful Patricia Liles from The Power Path:
It will take a great deal of presence, neutrality, and allowing to embrace the challenging realignment of energies that we are transitioning through on the micro and macro levels.
“Much of these lessons will come through the experiences we create for ourselves to learn to balance the Masculine and Feminine influences in our lives. We are forgiving what has gone before and letting it go. Easily said, but a Big piece of our current spiritual work.
“Actually, there is every frequency of experience available in this chart from the highest to the lowest; it is a matter of choice from which frequency you choose to nourish yourself. It is the lesson of our times. It is the lesson of this Moon. Are you going with a balanced expression of inner and outer – knowing your own needs (Cancer) and at the same times considering the needs of the other (Capricorn)– the family, community, society? “
© Copyright 2014 ~Patricia Liles All Rights Reserved
And from always insightful Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“The Sun in Cancer ‘Opposition’ to Moon in Capricorn, suggests the key is to restore balance and equilibrium between personal needs and professional needs. There may be relevant issues around ‘father/mother’ dynamic both physical parents as well as Inner Archetypes. Where is the conflict? What heals? How to create harmony? “
“…Under the Full Moon in Capricorn, many things may be highlighted and you may see the tangible area or areas which need the care, comfort and adjustment. The Full Moon in Capricorn’s potential is achieving long-term emotional mastery, and tangible results that are of the highest quality.
“Perhaps this will inspire you to make a more grounded commitment for lasting change and therefore have realistic expectations of incorporating new habits and ways that are loving, healthy and are full of integrity.
“Patience is essential now to handle or manage any emotional waves that are arising. The issue(s) is there to bring important insight and awareness. Be responsible for your emotions rather than projecting them onto others. They are not responsible for your happiness — you are.
“Step by step the goal is accomplished. With the Full Moon in Capricorn, it is imperative to learn to mature emotional responses and be responsible for one’s own emotional well-being and life. This may bring up opportunity to re-organize things including daily schedule, and how much time you give to care for your emotional well-being in a practical way.
“…Both Mercury in Gemini (re-enters Cancer) and Jupiter in Cancer (moving into Leo) are on the brink of changing signs. This is helpful to know as the next two weeks bring a surge of faster, bigger movement of opportunities, activities and growth. By the end of July 2014, there may be a feeling or sense of a change in the air and some fiery energy to activate things. Changes are happening now!”
© Copyright 2014 Dipali Desai All Rights Reserved
FULL MOON Blessings~~~
♥♥ TO SHARE you can use links below, or quote a small passage and link back. Please do not copy entire report for your blog, website or FB page. This report (and all else on the site) was lovingly curated as content for MYSTIC MAMMA. Thank you! ♥♥
River says:
Jul 10, 2014
…my goodness. <3
LiluH says:
Jul 10, 2014
“The overall forecast is for firming up resolve, and growing in your personal authenticity. In a time of flabby integrity, the one that is determined to live their value, knows true personal power ” and not ” knows true Capricorn’s ruler Saturn…” :) it may be the same but still those are two sentences in that report :) the one that actually starts with “capricorn’s ruler saturn ” is the next sentence and goes like this “Capricorn’s ruler Saturn looms large in the Capricorn Full Moon chart with a trine to the Sun (Cancer). And there’s a close-enough bouncing off to Jupiter, also in Cancer. All this hints at a cosmic conspiracy, to firm up your emotional authenticity factor, as a way of moving forward.
” . Thank you for your work. Full moon blessings
mm says:
Jul 10, 2014
Yes it was a mistake. Thank you, I adjusted it!
lillemy says:
Jul 10, 2014
Alt ser ut til å ikke gå min vei for tiden.Mer eller mindre så går alt feil nå.Skulle ønske det kunne snu snart,har vært et vanskelig år dette og håper det er bedre tider på gang snart
Lis says:
Jul 12, 2014
Jeg håper det går bedre med deg snart. Ta deg tid til å ta vare på dine behov også, hjelper det virkelig.
Cathryn says:
Jul 10, 2014
Thank you so much for this valuable information. It is a great help. Namaste xxxx so much love.
fe says:
Jul 10, 2014
this is so exciting and helpful. Get back to the self and grow and change. much love.
Phoenix says:
Jul 10, 2014
cara says:
Jul 10, 2014
June says:
Jul 11, 2014
I’m inverse too! With mars and natal Pluto conjunct asc just now. WOW is all I can say. The last six months have left me nearly speechless and completely transformed. and that’s after five years of Saturn/Pluto squares and conjunctions. FREE NOW BABY
June says:
Jul 11, 2014
And Jupiter in cancer 10th brought me five dream jobs and the love of my life. Hope it’s the same for y’all, if not, it will be soon. Unless you are sag….
susi says:
Jul 11, 2014
Sag, meaning Sagittarius? If so you hit that one on the head!
Merry says:
Jul 13, 2014
why sag?! I want 5 dream jobs and the love of my life!
Christie says:
Jul 11, 2014
I’m due on july 26th but feel babygirl may come on this full moon. Sounds like either way her arrival fits the cosmic lineup. Namaste!! Thank you.
MJ Aliya says:
Jul 11, 2014
I am grateful for these energies as difficult as they may be they are very much needed right now. Thank you for sharing
Camilla says:
Jul 11, 2014
These posts are so precious. They are really helping me navigate these times. Thank you!❤️
Julie Christine says:
Jul 11, 2014
Thank you for providing this helpful information ♡
janis says:
Jul 11, 2014
Gratitude for being witness in this life at this epic time of our planet. Gratitude for MM for making all this information available to us. Always so perfect, always right on. Loving it all, even though it has been a brutal journey. It is time I will treasure. A time of amazing beauty. Learning my way with grace, and this sight is part of it.
Bowing to you my dear, Janis
Tracy says:
Jul 11, 2014
Thank you, much love:)
MayorGalvan says:
Jul 11, 2014
The time has come to galvanize Planet Earth ! Houston/Galveston 21st Century New Age City of the Globe ! The 3rd Coast ! The G Coast ! The Rome of the New Age ! Galvanism Galvanizing The Globe ! Galvanismo/Galvanisme/Galvanismus
Allan says:
Jul 11, 2014
I can definitely feel the natural energies intensifying, as the super moon enters my sign, I am using this time to meditate, & organise my thoughts and emotions, thanks for all the valuable insight. Soak up the moonbeams everyone.
Flora says:
Jul 11, 2014
Lovely composition. Thank you. Love, healing and transition to me and everyone else!
Marilyn says:
Jul 11, 2014
I was born with the sun and moon in my first house!
I am also Cancerian.
No wonder I have a headache tonight.
I am changing.
Robin says:
Jul 11, 2014
I too am a cancer moon in Gemini have just been tossed from a 5 year relationship and sudden move without job or car ..but now I see its was all for the better the universe guides us all if only all would listen!
Pegasusdrinks says:
Jul 11, 2014
I have faith that all will be well. That the second half of this year will be just as emotionally turbulent as the first, but in an ecstatic and joyful way. I totally feel you on being responsible for your reactions towards others, this is about integration of autonomous complexes which I’ve been becoming more and more aware of. I have to say I am scared but excited. I LOVE so much, and fear is a healthy part of instinct. Be blessed all. The Goddess is rising. Make room!!!! :) :) :)
Miakoda says:
Jul 12, 2014
I will be celebrating my birthday on this super full moon. Tomorrow will be magical, I can feel the energy already. Moon blessings!
Crystallovee says:
Jul 12, 2014
Happy Birthday and great writings and thoughts to ponder on. I will spend time looking deep within listening to the answers I am given to move on and grow.
Miakoda says:
Jul 12, 2014
<3 Thank you.
Thel says:
Jul 12, 2014
I have Capricorn in my Midheaven – and ALL of these forecasts are AMAZINGLY bang on for me! LETTING GO of a toxic friend who has proven untrustworthy, oh my! and deceiving, lying, stealing..and on it goes! I bring it to light, She denies, She clings, I Release her in love & Light! She clings! I bring in prayer to God and AA Michael (who visited me in my dream last night)! …and today…I have a Peace I haven’t known all week.
“The overall forecast is for firming up resolve, and growing in your personal authenticity. In a time of flabby integrity, the one that is determined to live their value, knows true personal power.”
I’m LETTING GO under this Full Gratitude. Blessings to all of you <3
Suzanne says:
Jul 12, 2014
This journey becomes so much easier to navigate with information like this one that you always choose to share with us. Always, it is invaluable to me at this time in my life. Namaste!! <3
Avril says:
Jul 12, 2014
Thank you and many blessings.
Miranda says:
Jul 12, 2014
Feeling pulled under all these influences today…shall I work, or shall I play…shall I work smart, and for whom/what? What is my desire vs. the desire of others and is there a way to appease both? All very important musings of the heart…XO
Hillary Adrian says:
Jul 13, 2014
Saturn in Scorpio has been in close quincunx with Uranus; I would say activating an anxiety of constraint to be free to move forward and say good-by to old emotional karma that holds back ambitions. Saturn will be going direct on July 18th just about when Uranus is going retrograde–as they separate that hold Saturn has on Uranus independence in Aries will surely dissolve . . I hope so! . . Thank You Mystic Mama for your wonderful full moon blog.
sara alesandra says:
Jul 14, 2014
I feel the pull of the moon taking me inward, I feel excited because I know the universe has my back. This moon I am alone, when normally I am with others, I have been given space to unwind, look and have perspective. To see whats ahead, but also to be present and at home with myself. cancer is sign of the home as well, I feel like being home, in a nurturing place more this weekend, I have barely left home- like a womb, we will emerge in time.
Stephen says:
Jul 16, 2014
Wonderful as always! really contexted my weekend :) by the way, where can we find more FREDERIC MARTIN? Great watercolor (?)