Here is brother Kaypacha‘s latest Astrology report for this week.
“How I stand in the world,
Does not change overnight,
The roots of the family tree go deep,
And I must dig to see the light.”
He says:
“It’s a full Moon in Capricorn with the Sun moving through Cancer that will help shine the light on the deeper, unconscious feelings and issues that serve to hold and maintain our identities. As much as we may want to change or think that we have, we can be fooling ourselves until our childhood (and past life) wounds are healed.
“May this week open, cleanse, and heal your deepest fears to empower you to rise up to new heights of self expression as the Sun/Jupiter soon move into Leo.” (music by Adey)
Lily says:
Jul 10, 2014
So helpful once more. Thank you!
Eve Foley says:
Jul 10, 2014
Wow blew my mind again! Exactly what is happening in my life. I mailed a letter to my mom this week speaking my truth and even wrote a blog about this which I havent posted yet.Thank you Kaypacha as always.Blessings to you.
Seema says:
Jul 10, 2014
wow ! Tom, many thanks for the guidance.
Gunnhild says:
Jul 10, 2014
wow.. wonderful wonderful.. flying through all times like a spark.. understanding i am really about to finish… Thank you so much brother Kaypacha
Lilly says:
Jul 10, 2014
Wow, you are always so good….. but this one was GREAT……. at age 56 I am totally in aligned with the work…LOL.
Blessings…Love and Light.
Kathi says:
Jul 10, 2014
So right on. Thanks, Tom, love your reports.
Alicia says:
Jul 10, 2014
Tom, thank you for another amazing report! You are such a beautiful person. As a Capricorn, I am really feeling the power of this coming Moon. I am so excited for whatever it is that is coming because I expect good things. Love and light and many blessings to all! xoxo
Molly says:
Jul 11, 2014
I want to thank you so much for your weekly reports…. I find them so helpful, inspirational…. They bring me joy and put a smile on my face, which when looking at deep stuff – is no small feat…. I look forward to listening to each talk, over and over, to get it all in… Thank you and bless you… Namaste ….
Janet hanle says:
Jul 11, 2014
That was great!
Luis Geraldino says:
Jul 11, 2014
Belly bottom is talking.
Any1 know the name of the ending song??
Amy M says:
Jul 11, 2014
Speaking to me! So very true!! Thank you so much!! Blessings!