Here is brother Kaypacha with the weekly astrology lowdown…
“When making important decisions,
I need to still my mind,
By breathing long, and slow, and deep,
And surrendering to the Divine.”
Kaypacha says:
“And that is just the way it is on our beautiful blue planet these days! There is a lot going on that can pull us off center, confuse us and just get us pissed. This is happening both collectively and personally, and is all part of a divine test.”
“However, these conditions can also serve us and our evolution…”
“This is a time when GREAT actions can be taken that change the course of history (maybe to herstory?). We can say that history is being made and it is just a question of by who and how consciously they are trying to create from peace, love, and harmony, or how much they are reacting and acting out of past fears, beliefs, conditions, and unconscious programming.
“Time will certainly tell. Let’s be the change. “
My notes from the report:
“There’s a lot of anger going on…it’s really challenging to stay cool, calm and collected these days, when there is this sense of like we’re getting overwhelmed with so much…”
“…Well this is the time, to find and hold and to maintain and to keep that light within, and to be guided in your communications, and to be clear in your relationships and to practice.
“It’s like now we get to practice at a deeper level or at a higher level, or with more intense surroundings.”
“…Surrendering to the Divine that is within me, does not necessarily involve losing anything. In fact, it means expanding my power base, expanding my consciousness, expanding my magnetic field…”
“…Mercury retrograde. It’s time to reflect on how I am looking at the world and interpreting my reality. And we interpret our realities by what we believe. And you can have some unconscious beliefs…”
bella*daniella says:
Sep 30, 2015
ur the best brother!☪
Vanessa says:
Oct 1, 2015
Your amazing!! Thank u for the mantra during this Mercury retrograde time ❤️
Anita says:
Oct 1, 2015
thank you so much, i wish you knew how much you are helping me GRACIAS KAYPACHA! (fron Uruguay so much love)
Tiff says:
Oct 1, 2015
This report resonates so strongly with me. Wow. What an intense time. Thank you for helping me understand what is going on and learn more about astrology.. You are helping so many people.
Namaste ~Tiff
Sarah says:
Oct 1, 2015
You always make my week brother! Sending love your way from Seattle!
Matilda says:
Oct 1, 2015
I will have to leave watching this for tomorrow, but already the mantra and the notes resonate and make sense of what has been happening lately, especially today…Intense times, need to keep breathing!: D
Ailidh says:
Oct 1, 2015
Namaste, aloha and so much love to you too x x x
MarYquena says:
Oct 1, 2015
Pura Vida :)
amanda says:
Oct 1, 2015
Wow just made my week so much better! Thankyou Thankyou xx
Barbara says:
Oct 1, 2015
Just discovered your reports 2 weeks ago! Wow! Thanks for your words and your love!
eva says:
Oct 1, 2015
mm beautiful … thank you kaypacha
Alize says:
Oct 1, 2015
“Surrender your fear to the Divine/ your Guidance / the Divine within you / Your Personal Soul Evolutionary Intention / And step into your Power”
“Now is the time to Be The Light”
– so much wisdom and clarity with simplicity of words
And thank you too for reminding me why I started doing yoga all those years ago – even if my body sometimes finds it more challenging these days.. I will persevere..! xx
Alize says:
Oct 1, 2015
P.S. Really needed this report this week – I was in danger of succumbing to the overwhelming emotional intensity of it all.. Thank you and much love. xx
Crystalline1 says:
Oct 2, 2015
Aloha, my brother in Spirit. Thank you for providing these reports, your awesome sense of humor and your perspicacity. Much love to you and all.
Lindsey says:
Oct 2, 2015
I was literally just crying and getting really down on myself and my situation right before I read this and watched the video due to the emotional craziness going on in my life. And instantly I feel so, so much better. Thank you for your direction and positivity. Much love.
Jill says:
Oct 2, 2015
Kaypacha! You nailed it so beautifully in this Sept.30th Report. I love you. Thank you.
luke says:
Oct 2, 2015
than you brother..
Stacey says:
Oct 2, 2015
Thank you!!! <3
VE says:
Oct 2, 2015
Gracias KAYPACHA! thank you <3
Kimmy says:
Oct 3, 2015
This is just so right on. Everything you said is going on in my life right now. This is so helpful. I look forward to you every week . <3 <3 <3
joanna says:
Oct 3, 2015
Thank you so much for your inspiration!! :)
claudette says:
Oct 5, 2015
Thankyou for keeping your sh!t together so that I can get my sh!t together… :) x
bojana says:
Oct 6, 2015
Kaypacha You Are Lovable
Isabella-Prem Sonali says:
Oct 7, 2015
Thank you. Pure love. Namaste
Flora says:
Oct 8, 2015
Wow…I’ve been so f@$!ing so angry but it’s fueling my fire to move forward. I’m tired of this shit…it’s gotta change! Take action now…in all possible ways. Shine the light on the bull poo.
joyful anne says:
Oct 9, 2015
so sorry i missed this one..but life played out exactly as you described. it was very toxic and worrisome, but i did stand my ground and even played a bit dirty when the “enemy” i live with was being unreasonably warlike !
am now more braced for this time until December.
Oct 13, 2015
finding the eye of the storm :) peace can be found anywhere.