Here is brother Kaypacha with his weekly Astrology Report…
“In my search for health and wellness,
I have found the source of illness,
As separation from the Oneness,
That sows seeds of fear and darkness.”
He says:
“When we believe in stress, in winning and losing, in accidents and that ‘Life’ is not a coherent, intelligent, structured, whole, we have fallen into the trap of ‘ego as boss,’ chaos, fear, dissolution, and in extreme cases, dis-ease, depression, catharsis, all the way down to madness. Well, fear not! The Sun is joining Jupiter in Virgo and it is time to clean up and clear out those misconceptions and come into alignment with our high Self! Yes!
“Is this easy? Does it happen overnight? Is there something I can take that will make it happen faster? The simple answer is no, no, no. There are temporary fixes, substitutes, and shortcuts, but just as a tree, flower, or sunrise doesn’t speed up due to desire, either is the organic process of cleansing, clearing, and releasing an instant process. We will be peeling back layer after layer of false beliefs, relationships founded on false assumptions, and identities based on what other people said.
“It may not be easy and it may not be quick but it can be exhilarating as you grow lighter and lighter and your energy builds and quickens and your attitude lifts and lifts others and on and on and on
“So just as your car runs like new after a good visit to the shop, put yourself through the litmus test of truth and pureness of heart and you may find that even though you needed your carburetor cleaned there is even more than hope for you, there is Awesomeness! Injoy!”
cindy hines says:
Aug 20, 2015
i love your hand gestures and seeing your beautiful face!
Beth says:
Aug 20, 2015
I second that! :)
Cassandra says:
Aug 21, 2015
I third that! I understand that some may desire to know more about astrology and it’s inner workings. However, in my experience, connecting with you weekly, being inspired by your joy and your energy, and getting a scope of what to focus my energy on each week served my life in such a supportive way that it had me coming back each week for more. I even listen to the report over and over again if I’m feeling particularly scattered and need reminding of the weekly focus. Last of all, I loved seeing your world from your perspective. I enjoyed seeing moments into your life, a nature walk, the music of your surroundings, a window into your life that gave me permission to be a light in the lives of others. I understand that the choice will ultimately be yours. Please consider staying with your original format and maybe for those who wish for more they can connect with your in another forum that supports them. Love, light, and Gratitude.
mareesa says:
Aug 21, 2015
I third that!!! <3 you're the best!
Sophie says:
Aug 20, 2015
Dear Kaypacha, I am a recent and huge fan of your weekly pele reports. I have been watching them and loving them for about 6 months now, sharing them with all of my loved ones. We have enjoyed and benefited from your very authentic expression of wisdom, which comes through not only in your astrological report, but even more so in your very personal and charismatic interpretations of those reports. Please remember a place for all of that very human warmth and wisdom you exude! It was hard for us (my family and me) to connect to it through the computer software. We are not astrologers, and we loved the weekly dosage!!!!
Deborah Stolzenburg says:
Aug 20, 2015
I like Sophie above am not an astrologer and found it difficult to follow this report via a computer screen. For me it
It didn’t have your intuitive sharings on the astrology, I felt less connected to you…I’ve never really connected to any astrologer or their interpretations until I found your reports.
These I heard clearly and I believe this is as much your way of sharing with joy and warmth and belonging as much as your technical ability to read the heavens for us…sorry I know you were responding to comments and you can’t please all the people all of the time and I won’t stop listening because your reports have become part of my life and my learnings. So thank you so much.
Mezz says:
Aug 20, 2015
I have to agree with the previous two comments. Just love seeing your face x
Doris says:
Aug 20, 2015
Aloha Kaypacha,
I agree with all comments above. I am a visual human and although I appreciate the astrological charts, it
is so much more inspiring to see you in nature each week and watch & listen to you’re guidance. Come on back
To the screen and let me see your hands! :)
So much love
Aarti says:
Aug 20, 2015
I am all for your face and less for the computer.
Love the original format :)
Tema Dawn says:
Aug 20, 2015
Although I love the original format and miss seeing you throughout the report, as someone who has studied astrology the new format was fantastic, explicit in translating so much more information to us. Perhaps come back near the end for a personal summation? So much appreciation for all you do and all you share! Bright Blessings …so much love!
Pari says:
Aug 20, 2015
Aloha !
A Great Report as always ! You have been “navigating” us so smoothly and clearly.
And YES, we love seeing all of You: gestures, face expressions (making humor and laughing and “exagurating”) as a Great expression of freedom, and enthusiasm, that inspires!!
Thank you so much, Namaste, Pari!
Beth says:
Aug 20, 2015
I love seeing your face and hands as they add to what you are communicating as a whole. I also recognize it is healthy to change it up sometimes, and using the software added a new perspective. You just keep doing what your lion heart tells you! ;)
Flora says:
Aug 20, 2015
Layer past layer, another layer recently has been detoxing from sugar…no processed sugar or carbs for a almost a month. The withdrawals have been crazy…it’s as if I was detoxing from hard drugs. There has been extreme tiredness, depression, anxiety, fever and just needed to retreat to rejuvenate. I’ve definitely started to finally feel lighter, bit I can understand Kaypacha’s need to retreat into the crab den like he was talking about a few reports back.
Leight says:
Aug 20, 2015
Many people can explain chart movement, but few can attract and heal people the way your personal mannerisms do, Kaypacha. Do what you need to keep yourself healthy so any face time you have to offer is as clear eyed as it usually is. Hands up!
lorraine says:
Aug 20, 2015
cant watch any more.
love the the gestures and your was so personal.not interesting watching the chart the whole time.bye kaypacha.hope all those ones who asked for chart and chart visual details enjoy your new format.I always lov ed those expressive hands, your facial was so different from its just another classroom.: the teacher.the pointer.the chart..
sigh…..might as well just read the report.
tears…your face and ringed hands were like a friend….
Lotustriangle says:
Aug 21, 2015
I love seeing the planets move in 3D…it is like a mandala that you can’t quite conceive until it is 3D. Namaste.
Shanti says:
Aug 21, 2015
Too much head (computer/diagrams)…not enough heart. Missing your facial expressions, hand gestures, human connection with us. There was a nice balance before – diagrams at the beginning and then – being with us…feeling connected…feeling the love.
Come back Kaypacha! I miss you!
TC Stella says:
Aug 21, 2015
the best part of the pele report is the opportunity I get to *know* you in your element, to *see* you in nature and to *feel* you through the expression of your *self* in your gestures and through your passion for your work. Please reconsider the older format. It is a far more humanizing and *connecting* format. Namaste. Aloha. Sooo Much Love.
Samayra says:
Aug 21, 2015
I loved it! I could really understand the relationships in a way I just can’t follow with out a visual so I found this method super helpful. Seeing the progression of he planets as you described the houses opened up a new level of understanding about process and time in relationship to each house. Make my want to send you my chart- do you do readings of individual charts?
Astral hugs
Michelle Roberton says:
Aug 21, 2015
Oh that didn’t resonate at all and truly missed your face and laughter and well you being “real” … It was al head and no heart and no you. Sorry, just feel you are unique in how you share your reports and that was truly lost and missed this week x
Konnie says:
Aug 21, 2015
Your face and hands are what we love!!!! Come back ⏳💎❤️
Tara says:
Aug 21, 2015
The Astrological chart and learning is great, but I agree with the above. I enjoy nature and connecting with people, so I really appreciate seeing your face and hand gestures with interpretations. Love and light.
Lilly says:
Aug 21, 2015
Wow…..just read all the comments…..You must Feel So Loved Kaypache!
We love your Light and Love!
Veronica says:
Aug 21, 2015
I found the computer interpretation boring,
ok for those that understand astrology.
I have found your personal interpretation
in the countryside more interesting,
more cheerful
and more helpful.
I aim to live my truth.
Watching you live your truth
helped me to live mine.
ILB says:
Aug 22, 2015
I usually never comment but it was important to comment now:
I think seeing the truth in your hands and face, paired with your voice delivered an authentic experience. It was a human to human connection that I value and often turn to on a regular basis.
I do value the computer programs, since they teach us so much. But I think that whoever is complaining about your hand gestures may just have ultra sensitive vision- I never had an issue with the camera focusing in and out on your hands. Besides, when you stand far enough away from the camera there is less focus issues.
I think if the computer diagram was used in a separate video to showcase how you view the astrological movements would better suit- because your human to human connection is so much more powerful.
Thank you and many blessings of love to you.
Antoinette says:
Aug 22, 2015
Thank you brother Kaypacha. This was the first Pele report that I did not forward. Normally I’d be inspired by Spirit to fwd to those who might benefit from your interpretations of the cosmos. This one would have been inappropriate for community shares.
Trusting that you will Follow Your Heart,my feedback offering is ‘come on back’ to the personalized natural presentation—after taking a break if that’s what’s up? Others ‘shared ideas’ of mixing it up—feels sound and true, as well.
Yet, it is your Pure Authentic Self-expression that has me check-in every week. This week’s computerized chart graphics were interesting, but not as interesting(to me)as the planetary movement program you’ve used recently. That one in the mix is VERY COOL.
May the Force Be With You. Mahalo too!
julie says:
Aug 23, 2015
Love your countenance, come back to us! Your joy and heart is palpable. <3 Thank you for sharing your insight every week!
Georgina says:
Aug 23, 2015
Mmmm!!!!?? S
Something was missing from that report….?
YOU!! xxx
Please go back to the original format xxx
It’s just not the same with out YOU! Xxx
Grace says:
Aug 23, 2015
My first time commenting, too, Kaypacha. Please, please, please resume your previous format. I love being in nature with you and, most of all, being ‘swallowed up’ by the Love in your beautiful and shining eyes. I could feel a true heart connection … not so much in the technical aspects of astrological terms. My mother was an excellent astrologer and always gave me helpful guidance, but when she started telling me about what planet was doing what/where/when, and how that was affecting my chart, etc., I got lost. I would always ask that she just tell me in ‘layman’ terms what it all meant. I have missed her so much since she departed Planet Earth in July of 2014. Somehow, the weekly connection with you has eased some of the loneliness I feel for her, but the comfort comes from your eyes, the light of your soul, your heart. Astrological terminology itself just doesn’t do it.
Having said that, I will continue to watch. And I would also like to have the link to the article you mentioned. Did I miss it at the end? Also, the graphic on your desktop, what I could see of it, was lovely. Could you perhaps share where you found that?
Much love to you, Kaypacha. You are so much appreciated!
Lesley says:
Aug 25, 2015
Please come back to us in the flesh. We come not only for the report, but for YOUR personal take and expression of what it means. :)
Seeing you and being “with” you makes the feeling tone of your gift something that draws me in.
Lesley says:
Aug 25, 2015
and thank you for rocking it all this time! :)
Isabelle says:
Aug 25, 2015
I love your usual report style and being able to see you face! I find it difficult to watch the computer screen and much prefer to see your face and expression through hand gesture and movement, thank you for your weekly inspiration and wisdom :-)
aNNabaNaNa says:
Aug 25, 2015
Dude, ur people have spoken;)x . . . Luv ur work anyway, sounds like u need to just blend it a bit? xOOx
Mel says:
Aug 25, 2015
Missed the personal touch this week, but also enjoyed watching the sacred geometry unfold. Sometimes seeing the aspects visually helps me to remember what is happening and fully appreciate what you are talking about. But I did miss your expression and wonderful scenery. Thank you as ever. Your teaching and wisdom continues to transform my world.
amaya says:
Aug 26, 2015
Yes, your outer gestures & appearance help match your inner soul & vibrant natureand I will miss that if you to the astrology chart for so long. Thank you for inspiring so many of us, Namaste, aloha, Om shanti!
oc says:
Aug 26, 2015
totally agree with the previous comments, seeing you including the gestures is what makes your wisdom come to life and channel it in its wholeness. I love watching your reports either way, but the original style was the winner.
much love kaypacha.
Joyous says:
Apr 28, 2019
thank you ….I am sooo happy to know you …im om an epic healing since january I have been living with my mum ….as she was diagnosed with advanced vascular dementia …….I have tuned in to my healing ways to help her ….sdo humbling …..I broke my ankle on the 23 april … which has really turned me on to my potential …to heal ‘self as well… this has brought about profound insights ….gifts… I’m bowled over mate …and intuitively seem to know stuff ….you give me the loving strength to carry on …and believe in me …. I speak with buddha …Gesh la …jesus …the angels…. uncle albert ….saibaba….well all of us ….I hope you feel me too …Soooo much LOVE …..NAMASTE ….