Posts tagged "transformation"
Grounding the Cardinal Cross~

Grounding the Cardinal Cross~

Sarah Varcas says: "We have a window of opportunity throughout the coming week, to effect significant change in ourselves over a short space of time, merely by changing how we act and react in the present...
You are the pattern breakers and also the pattern makers~

You are the pattern breakers and also the pattern makers~

"And so we ask that you continue to do the work upon yourselves to create changes in your thinking and doing and this in turn creates changes in the destiny of all life upon this planet...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Stand my ground~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Stand my ground~

Mantra: "The eternal dance between Life and Death, Calls me to stand my ground, Create, Expand, and Express myself, Or give up and be taken down."
Lunar Eclipse | Full Moon in Libra April 15th 2014~

Lunar Eclipse | Full Moon in Libra April 15th 2014~

This Lunar Eclipse/ Full Moon in Libra brings the focus to our relationships and the dynamics in our relationships, for relationships are the looking-glass through which we can see ourselves...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Time holds the keys to my future expansion~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Time holds the keys to my future expansion~

Mantra: "I am so anxious I’m ready to burst, It’s hard to decide what to do first, I must remember that in this dimension, Time holds the keys to my future expansion."
Mercury enters Aries: Communication Insights from Dipali Desai~

Mercury enters Aries: Communication Insights from Dipali Desai~

"Mercury (planet symbolizing communication, linear mind and thinking) in the fiery dynamic sign of Aries suggests mental energy that is fired up and passionate. There may be potential for assertiveness in conveying information, spontaneous thought or ideas, quick and fast...
Honor your truth~

Honor your truth~

"No matter what path we choose to honor, there will always be conflict to negotiate. If we choose to avoid all conflict with others, we will eventually breed a poisonous conflict within ourselves..."
The theme for April 2014 is Intensity~

The theme for April 2014 is Intensity~

Lena Stevens says: "This is an amazing time with incredible power available. It is intense and robust both in its lessons and challenges, and in its tremendous opportunity for growth, expansion and empowerment..."
Make room for happiness~

Make room for happiness~

“Life, as you know it, is not all roses. If there are thorns, you don’t have to keep on pricking your fingers and getting your heart hurt over and over again. You are not obliged to keep the hurt..."
Happy NEW MOON in Aries March 30th 2014!

Happy NEW MOON in Aries March 30th 2014!

"This New Moon is truly a new birth. It is energetically connected to the on-going Pluto-Uranus square, the womb of evolution that is presently shaking and re-shaping our planetary life. We are living in such important times...
Happy FULL MOON in Virgo March 16th 2014!

Happy FULL MOON in Virgo March 16th 2014!

FULL MOON is here bringing lots of illumination of what has been in the shadows. As we move toward the Equinox we are reminded to find our balance and hold steady. Remember who you are, stay in your heart and...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Open my heartmind and learn a new lesson~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Open my heartmind and learn a new lesson~

"It can be hard to see that I have been wrong, Be told to sing a different song, I can get angry and go into victim, Or open my heartmind and learn a new lesson."
Kaypacha weekly astrology: My soul’s purpose I must find~

Kaypacha weekly astrology: My soul’s purpose I must find~

Mantra for the week: "Death as my constant companion, Like grief is here to remind, That beneath the surface of everyday life, My soul’s purpose I must find, in time."
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Our relationship, its purpose, our destiny~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Our relationship, its purpose, our destiny~

Mantra: "It’s time to be honest about you and me, Our relationship, its purpose, our destiny, Are we on the same path of self transformation, or lost in fear, lies, and stagnation?"
Sun enters Pisces: Dreaming a New Dream: Insights from Molly Hall~

Sun enters Pisces: Dreaming a New Dream: Insights from Molly Hall~

"There's a lot of between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place energy right now, and cosmic stress. What I note here is that Pisces has the secret to softening and dissolving what seems like it's hopeless....
Happy FULL MOON in Leo February 14th 2014!

Happy FULL MOON in Leo February 14th 2014!

Full Moon in Leo is here on Valentine's Day! Emotions flow and there is an electricity in the air that is palpable. Express, create, be authentic, be mindful and heartful. Love is the answer.
Create your world in love~

Create your world in love~

"Make a home for eternal spirit in your heart. Notice what thoughts create tension or anxiety and choose to release them...
The Theme for February 2014 is RELEASE~

The Theme for February 2014 is RELEASE~

Lena Stevens says: "We have set our intentions, organized ourselves as best we could, tried to anticipate what’s ahead and are now ready for the gate to open so we can move forward in a release of energy that will...
To thine own self be true~

To thine own self be true~

"When you do not seek or need external approval, you are at your most powerful. Nobody can disempower you emotionally or psychologically. This spiritual security gave me a liberated feeling that was practically euphoric..."
FULL MOON in Cancer January 15, 2014~

FULL MOON in Cancer January 15, 2014~

Grandmother Moon comes into her FULLness, in her first cycle of 2014, in the sign of Cancer, the MOTHER. Mother energy comes to bring healing and release the hardness...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Feel those feelings, express those feelings~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Feel those feelings, express those feelings~

Mantra: "As the pelican flies high into the sky, Then dives for food in the sea, I need to remember that the Great Mother, Is always providing for me."
Astrological reflection from Sarah Varcas: One Precious Life~

Astrological reflection from Sarah Varcas: One Precious Life~

"This week the asteroid Juno conjuncts Neptune, forming a Grand Trine in Water with the North Node and Black Moon Lilith. Here we see reflected the fragility and transience of human life contrasted with the enduring quality of the Divine.......
Happy NEW MOON in Capricorn January 1st 2014 (SuperMoon)!

Happy NEW MOON in Capricorn January 1st 2014 (SuperMoon)!

"Capricorn is a climber, inspired by high goals. But nothing is gained without first achieving balance on the terrain immediately beneath your feet. Tune into the earth...
End of 2013 Astrological weather report & reflections~

End of 2013 Astrological weather report & reflections~

The end of the year brings with it a deeply reflective time. So much has changed and is changing within us, so we must take the time to honor this reflective space emerging...
Winter Solstice: Ritual, Ideas & Celebrations~

Winter Solstice: Ritual, Ideas & Celebrations~

Like our ancestors have done from the beginning of time, we honor the cycles and the seasons that remind us of the ever-changing flow of life that we are a part of. Ritual acts give life meaning...
THRIVE: Must see *Eye-opening Documentary*

THRIVE: Must see *Eye-opening Documentary*

Thrive presents extremely eye-opening and compelling information that truly needs to be considered by everyone. It takes you from one idea to the next unraveling not only what has been concealed to us by the powers that be, but also...
Happy NEW MOON in Sagittarius December 2, 2013!

Happy NEW MOON in Sagittarius December 2, 2013!

“Be encouraged at the New Moon, and breathe in the spirit of Sagittarius — let it revive your weary soul, and bring the twinkle back to your eyes..."
We need the discipline of magic~

We need the discipline of magic~

"Magic might also be called the art of opening our awareness to the consciousness that surrounds us, the art of conversing in the deep language that nature speaks...
Mercury goes Direct November 10th 2013: Guided to our Soul~

Mercury goes Direct November 10th 2013: Guided to our Soul~

"So as Mercury now goes direct in motion, open up and be receptive to higher awareness, higher knowledge, and a greater faith in your ability to know in ways you’ve never known before. We are now solidly in a time...
The theme for November 2013 is Discipline~

The theme for November 2013 is Discipline~

Lena Stevens says: "DISCIPLINE this month will be for committing to your new intentions, not taking things personally, following through with determination, setting daily practices and continuing forward despite difficulty, doubt and obstacles.
Stand in our truth: Kaypacha report for week of October 30th, 2013~

Stand in our truth: Kaypacha report for week of October 30th, 2013~

"I refuse to bow or ask for permission,To speak my truth and stand my position, As I join with others who share the same vision, Of growing beyond limits imposed by 'The System.'"
SOLAR ECLIPSE - NEW MOON in Scorpio November 3rd 2013~

SOLAR ECLIPSE – NEW MOON in Scorpio November 3rd 2013~

"The Solar Eclipse symbolizes ‘light of awareness’ and new beginnings in astrology. They are considered to be major turning points and open doorways for opportunities. So consider this New Moon phase intensely energized to be empowered, trust in new ways......
"I come home to the Mother, when I need to recover" Kaypacha insights for this week~

“I come home to the Mother, when I need to recover” Kaypacha insights for this week~

"I come home to the Mother, when I need to recover, She shows me I AM all that I need And my fears are old programs I need no longer believe...
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio October 21st, 2013~

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio October 21st, 2013~

Welcome this retrograde as an opportunity to cleanse the mental realms and let go of the mental clutter and baggage. Know that it's a time to clear the decks so we can access, check in, feel in and hone in...
Lunar Eclipse FULL MOON in Aries October 18, 2013~

Lunar Eclipse FULL MOON in Aries October 18, 2013~

"This eclipse opens a window until November 3 of a time that supports deep change. The energy of this full moon can be a bit challenging if you are not in alignment with what you need at this time...
Kaypacha Astrology Report for week of October 9, 2013~

Kaypacha Astrology Report for week of October 9, 2013~

"The changes just keep on coming. Now that Venus has emerged out of the underworld of Scorpio we can put some to the pieces together to understand the bigger picture. The New Moon last week opened up further awareness...
The theme for October 2013 is RESET~

The theme for October 2013 is RESET~

From Lena Stevens: "This month there is an opportunity to shut down and reboot the system, clearing out the old files and resetting the energy field in a new way and into a new paradigm...
Self-Mastery: Find the balance in all the aspects of your life~

Self-Mastery: Find the balance in all the aspects of your life~

"Affirmation: 'I am experiencing powerful understandings of my life, the universe and all that is. I am ready to spread my wings and fly as I follow the guidance of my heart."
Astrology for Equinox September 22, 2013: Welcome Libra~

Astrology for Equinox September 22, 2013: Welcome Libra~

Happy EQUINOX! Whatever part of our beautiful planet we find ourselves in, we welcome the theme of BALANCE as it is echoes all around us...
Full Moon "Harvest Moon" in Pisces September 19th 2013~

Full Moon “Harvest Moon” in Pisces September 19th 2013~

"The Pisces Full Moon on Sept 19 is a powerful portal for your spiritual growth. This is the Harvest Moon. We are harvesting what we have sown this year...
Cultivate a quality of grace~

Cultivate a quality of grace~

"Cultivate a quality of grace in your relationships and in your general way of being. In this way you gain a power greater than any other to open a way through obstructions in your dealings with others..."
Kayapcha Pele Report for week of September 11th 2013~

Kayapcha Pele Report for week of September 11th 2013~

Get ready for a full on impassioned report this week! The forecast is strong as we rise to face the shadow internally and collectively. Time to take empowered action to make a change.
NEW MOON in VIRGO September 5th 2013~

NEW MOON in VIRGO September 5th 2013~

"˜Look beneath your feet the Moon reminds us now. Mother earth supports you right here in this place, not over there on an illusory horizon line which forever recedes as you approach. Your roots are fed here in the present...
Kaypacha Astrology Pele Report for week of August 28th 2013~

Kaypacha Astrology Pele Report for week of August 28th 2013~

"Though I may feel uptight and alone, Wanting to sleep, rebel, or just stay home, Now is the time to make big decisions, Grow up, commit, and make it all happen!"
Kaypacha Astrology Pele Report: Our Power is Connected to our Joy!

Kaypacha Astrology Pele Report: Our Power is Connected to our Joy!

"This is one of the most powerful weeks to enjoy, let loose, and free your spirit. It is time to celebrate the growth that began last January...
Kaypacha Pele Report for week of August 7, 2013~

Kaypacha Pele Report for week of August 7, 2013~

Kaypacha's Mantra for the week: "As I speak my truth I must be prepared, For others to feel, react, and share, If I can get over feeling threatened and scared, I will learn the lessons Life has for me there." ...
Receive love~

Receive love~

"Practice being more receptive in your daily life. Notice how life changes for you when you allow yourself to ask for help from others as well as from the power of the universe..."
NEW MOON in Leo August 6th 2013~

NEW MOON in Leo August 6th 2013~

"This New Moon helps us to express the power that’s been building the past 4 months, and continues to expand what has already begun to grow..."
The theme for August 2013 is "Following Through"~

The theme for August 2013 is “Following Through”~

From Lena Stevens: "This month you take the expansion and magic of July and anchor it into what you want and what you have committed to. Now the work begins...
Love soothes our wounds~

Love soothes our wounds~

"Beneath the many choices we have to make, love, like water, flows back into the world through us. It is the one great secret available to all...
The descent in the feminine process~

The descent in the feminine process~

"Depression comes as a gift asking that a woman recognize her own substance and trust it as the quiet, steady voice of her own truth. As she trusts it, hearkens to it, attends as it unfolds, she learns..."
You are inwardly busy with the merging~

You are inwardly busy with the merging~

"Just when it seems that everything has come to a standstill, the forces of transformation are most active. Refrain from criticizing the process that is taking place within. You are inwardly busy with the merging of your male and female...
Respond in ways that shift the dynamics~

Respond in ways that shift the dynamics~

"You will observe that now you are able to just 'let it go,'where you once felt compelled to engage in battle. And you will begin to see the process of transcending ego in action...These times are about changing that pattern..." ...
You are brave~

You are brave~

"The truth is that meaningful change is a process. It can be uncomfortable and is often risky, especially when we're talking about embracing our imperfections, cultivating authenticity, and looking the world in the eye and saying, 'I am enough...
Experience a sense of sweet detachment~

Experience a sense of sweet detachment~

"You stand at the threshold of a grand adventure. And the extend to which you are able to experience the fullness of that journey is determined by the extend to which you are able to let go of the scenarios...
Life is a sacred journey~

Life is a sacred journey~

"Your life is a sacred journey. And it is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply...
It's only for a moment that we are this~

It’s only for a moment that we are this~

"When you know that you are just a disco party of cells that came together for a time, you'll live like the blazing sphere that you are, and dance with the spheres around you...
Enjoy your inner world~

Enjoy your inner world~

"If you want to truly posses the outer world, you have to posses the inner world first. Not the other way around. If you want to truly enjoy the outer world, you must enjoy the inner world first...If your heart...
Everything has the potential to transform us~

Everything has the potential to transform us~

"Everything within our life structure has the potential to transform us when we know how to properly relate to it....
Unplug, Rest, get Bodywork~ Channeling from Barbara Marciniak

Unplug, Rest, get Bodywork~ Channeling from Barbara Marciniak

"At times you'll recognize that the energy has become too much and that you're not calm and centered. This will occur for each and everyone of you at some point. In some way, you will feels if it's too much...
You are a chalice~

You are a chalice~

"You are being activated, cleared and tuned to become a fully potentiated human being. You are a chalice, an open vessel to receive the unlimited resonance of the expanded self..."
You are a full participant~

You are a full participant~

"Be aware that what you're experiencing is not simply death or an ending. You'll see that it's a process of creation in which you are a full participant...
Be the way~

Be the way~

"I live to be the message that I long to hear. I long to be the way I'm looking for. I need to shine the light that I want to see... We all have a spectrum of attributes that are...
Ritual and Reflection for 2011 into 2012~

Ritual and Reflection for 2011 into 2012~

As we reach the end of 2011, we can look back upon the past year and acknowledge the rich medicine it has brought us. No doubt it has been a huge, transformational year for all of us. Take the time...
Rejuvenate, Regenerate, Resurrect Yourself~

Rejuvenate, Regenerate, Resurrect Yourself~

"Here's some good news: we have the power to unlock ourselves in this very instant, to drop the cell phone, the earplugs, the ear receiver, and just for a while, sit still and simply be. Not be someone, but just...
Even in the struggle, you are loved~

Even in the struggle, you are loved~

"Even in the struggle, you are loved. You are being loved not in spite of the hardship, but through it. The thing you see as wrenching, intolerable, life's attack on you, is an expression of love..."
What we seek is here~

What we seek is here~

"...what new form we seek in this darkness, our hands feeling these walls, here wet, here damp, here crumbling away; our hands searching for signs..."
See possibilities~

See possibilities~

"There was a time in which humanity saw itself as a part of Nature and Nature as a part of it. Dreaming and waking were inseparable. Animal, plant and human were inseparable. The natural and the supernatural merged and blended......
Great Transformation Happening on the Planet~

Great Transformation Happening on the Planet~

This transformation that is occurring is an inner stretching of consciousness expanding. We are recalibrating our understanding of reality as individuals and as a collective. We are expanding the boundaries of ourselves...
The Energies of December 2011~

The Energies of December 2011~

Channelled message for the energies of December by Jennifer Hoffman: “If November wasn’t enough to make you wonder what is happening to your life and to the world, it isn’t time to get too comfortable yet because December brings us another...
Live your light with courage~

Live your light with courage~

"First and foremost, live your light. Live that light inside of yourself with courage. Don't live in the closet---live it. Speak what you know...
Something new is being born~

Something new is being born~

"I respond to the inner call of my spirit to go deeper within, to allow its transforming touch to reveal my wholeness. Something new is being born within me...
Transformation is the work of the contemplative in all of us~

Transformation is the work of the contemplative in all of us~

“This labor of transformation is the work of the contemplative in all of us, and generously accepting that work permits us to cultivate our own mystic character. The mystic character grows out of humility of heart and simplicity of spirit,...
There is magic in the power of seeing~

There is magic in the power of seeing~

"There is magic in the power of seeing without thought, that is to say, without comparison, commentary and words. In the Art of seeing lies the miracle of transformation...
We are amidst a great transformation...

We are amidst a great transformation…

In our quest to evolve and in turn affect the collective, we need to remember that the process requires the amalgamation of the opposites within and without us. We can't just try to hold on to the light, we must...
Pierce the space of joy, appreciation and oneness~

Pierce the space of joy, appreciation and oneness~

"Listen to the beautiful, subtle voice of your own soul and open yourself up in a way that can receive Spirit in all ways, at all times. Pierce the space of joy, appreciation, and oneness that resides deep inside of...
Make room for miracles~

Make room for miracles~

"Set aside how your reality appears. See the universe as an inseparable whole----one hologram made up of a vast web of interwoven possibilities. You can affect and draw from that energetic field now...
Bring light to the shadows~

Bring light to the shadows~

"To engage in the journey that takes us from living outside of ourselves to processing the world inside ourselves means bringing light to our shadow..."
Feel the great turning~

Feel the great turning~

"Feel the great turning, feel the change the new life runs through your blood like fire and all of nature rises with it greening, burgeoning, bursting into a flower...
When anger arises, take care of yourself~

When anger arises, take care of yourself~

"Anger is like a howling baby, suffering and crying. Your anger is your baby. The baby needs his mother to embrace him. You are the mother. Embrace your baby..."
Your own awareness is your greatest offering~

Your own awareness is your greatest offering~

"Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. And so to whatever degree any one of us, can bring back a small piece of the picture and contribute it to the new paradigm...
The Sparks Ignite~

The Sparks Ignite~

"There is a great sense of anticipation and electricity in the air....On a personal level, the anticipation we are experiencing right now is showing up in a few different ways...
You are emerging~

You are emerging~

“You are emerging from the cocoon of your former self. There are no limits to the extent of the transformation that’s possible for you.” ~Marianne Williamson
Let your mind play between ideas~

Let your mind play between ideas~

"Like the dance of opposites, let your mind play between ideas. Allow the creative chaos of competing ideas and points of view. Think with an open mind. Investigate all possibilities...
Choose love~

Choose love~

"As the birds welcome the morning sun with their song, when you act totally in love, you welcome Great Spirit into your world. You become a conscious cell in the awakening earth....
You have a power~

You have a power~

"You have a power that has nothing to do with what you do or what you say or who you know or what you know or where you are or what you look like or your skills or your talents or what you have. It is...
Imagine you are sending *light* all around you~

Imagine you are sending *light* all around you~

"Imagine you are sending light out all around you. All your words, thoughts and actions are going in many directions. If you say something kind, your kind words go in many directions, and you yourself go with them. We are...
From Maiden to Mother~

From Maiden to Mother~

The transition from Maiden to Mother is immense, it is a Rite of Passage. It is one of the greatest thresholds you will ever cross. Be brave my sisters, if you are being called to the great calling of becoming...
The brilliance your BODY contains~

The brilliance your BODY contains~

"Conditioning through life has dulled the awareness of the brilliance your bodies contain. Disregard for the body has broken the feminine heart. Perceived flaws, misgivings, and self-hatred pervade the feminine consciousness, and illness finds a home in your shattered bodies....
Vulnerability is strength, not a weakness

Vulnerability is strength, not a weakness

"Allowing the tears to flow is the first step in transformation. Making mistakes is the way skills are honed to precision. You have mastered perseverance, you have mastered innovation, you have mastered taking action; now it is time you...