We enter the NEW MOON in Sagittarius on December 2nd 2013. After some powerful shifts and revelations from accessing our watery depths in Scorpio, we are ready to channel our passions and rise with the Sagittarius fires of transformation and rebirth. This last NEW MOON of 2013 is a opportunity to align with our truth and set our intentions to move forward with new skins as we face the future we want to create and the embodied reality we will bring forth.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from the most tuned-in readers of the stars…
First from the wonderful Cathy Pagano from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“As the Sun emerges from the turbulent waters of Scorpio, we step into the fires of Sagittarius. Like the Egyptian Sun-god Ra, who battles demons as his solar boat traverses the Underworld and who emerges triumphant every morning at sunrise, a new day is dawning for us.
“The lessons that haunted us in Scorpio must now be forged in the fires of Sagittarius into arrows that lead us to our future. New knowledge needs new perspectives. The knowledge Scorpio bestows on us reaches deep; if we’ve plumbed our own depths and acknowledged our real, secret feelings, we’ve begun to see a new truth about our lives.
“What have you learned about yourself in the past month? How many people have you alienated by your projections? How many people have you decided to trust? Have you been humbled by the truth about yourself? If we can’t see ourselves clearly, the good and the bad, we’ve missed the Scorpio lesson.
“Sagittarius is the flight of the phoenix that arises from the ashes of death in Scorpio. Soaring so high, it sees life from a higher, objective viewpoint. Renewed, our feeling life is inspired by Sagittarius’ fire to send our passion out into the world in a strong, focused way.
“Sagittarius is considered the sign of the seeker and the philosopher as well as of Cosmic Law. Sagittarius focuses us on the important questions in life: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? It also gives us a sense of wonder and joy as we contemplate some force greater than ourselves that calls to us…”
“Sagittarius is the sign of the quest, the quest for life’s meaning. That search for truth—cosmic truth—needs something from each of us. We seem to be born with an urge to understand Life and our place in it. To seek the answers to life’s riddles, we need faith and a deep belief in our own values and principles. We have to aim our arrows and let fly…”
“But don’t forget Scorpio’s lessons. It’s easy to trick ourselves into thinking we’re highly conscious and spiritual when we believe that is our purpose. Over-enthusiasm and bad judgment occur when Sag’s expansion ignores the darker urges of the soul. See what kind of life experiences have been coming your way recently. What part of you has called them into your life? What’s been your answer to life?
“Sag’s purpose now is to help you understand and define that new perspective, that new action. True belief comes from deep experiences. That’s the kind of faith Sagittarius engenders in us—a living belief in our goals and purpose.”
“Our beliefs are shaped by our families, our education and our culture very early in life, and so these beliefs are embedded in the unconscious. They have become our instinctive behavior. They can limit our awareness of the truths of life and can stop us from stepping beyond our belief’s boundaries.
“When we go through the transformational waters of Scorpio, we get to renew our beliefs and consciously choose our perspective on the world as adults. So open the doors of your perception!
Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is moving retrograde in Cancer. So our focus (along with any planetary aspects involved in your chart) is expanding our sense of the emotional body and its importance in our lives…”
“How big is your heart? What defenses have you woven around your emotional body? How are you healing your emotional wounds? What do you need? What nurtures you? These are the questions Jupiter in Cancer might bring up for you to expand your awareness of what you really need to make your life flourish.
“Then you have to look to your beliefs (Sagittarius) to see if they support the healing of your emotional body…what new beliefs do we need to imagine that will support us in living the life our soul desires us to live?
“The New Moon in Sagittarius occurs on December 2, 2013 at 4:22pm PST/ 7:22pm EST and December 3, 2013 at 12:22am GMT.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Cathy Pagano All Rights Reserved
From the always inspiring Kelley Rosano:
“The Sagittarius New Moon on December 2 encourages you to dream big. Sagittarius rules future vision. Sagittarius is about truth, wisdom and the expansion of consciousness.
“You are not to be limited or held back by what is going on in your life today. Sagittarius is the visionary part of you. Visionaries see things others either do not see as clearly or are not as motivated to act on. They have the ability to see into the future…to see more deeply into the present and see the ‘bigger picture…”
“Albert Einstein believed that imagination is everything. Without dreams the people perish. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe the mind of man can achieve.
“New Moons are new beginnings. This is one of the best New Moons of the year. The Sagittarius New Moon invites you to be creative. Get out of the box of limited thinking. Challenge your perceptions of reality.
“Question what you are being told by the media, society, religion and family. Discover what is true for you. Align your goals with your truth and you will be successful. What is your point of brilliance? Your point of brilliance is where you shine the brightest. That is doing what you do to the best of your ability.
“Uranus is in harmony with both lights the Sun and the Moon. Uranus empowers you to cut through the chains that bind you. These chains are the limiting beliefs, patterns and behaviors that hold you back. These keep you from reaching your fullest potential/power.
“December will be an ideal time to make a break from the past. A fresh start can feel invigorating. It can breathe new life back into your lungs. You will be successful when you reach out to encounter new experiences…”
“Chiron is in Pisces. It is squaring (challenging) both the Sun and the Moon. Chiron is the wounded healer…Chiron acts to bring up your courage by facing your fears, wounds and weaknesses. Chiron square to both lights is about self-respect.”
“The Pluto/Uranus square is challenging everyone to change or be changed. Change can be daunting at times. However, Uranus is in harmony with the Sagittarius New Moon. Make change your ally, not your foe. Take advantage of this opportunity to make graceful changes in your life…”
“Do not fear conflict or struggle. This is real growth. Transformation and change are a force for good in your life…”
“Mercury the messenger enters Sagittarius on December 4. On the one hand, this is an encouraging and inspiring energy. On the other hand, you want to watch out for making big plans and promises. The messenger’s long visit in deep dark Scorpio can overreact now that he is in exuberant Sagittarius.
“You want to be careful not to over commit and under deliver. You don’t want to appear as the jack of all trades and the master of none. It is wiser to under promise. You can then over deliver. This will make you the hero and not the villain.
“Mars enters Libra on Dec 7. Mars in Libra on the one hand you can be persuasive, enthusiastic and direct. On the other hand, you may be augmentative, angry and stubborn. The warrior planet is not happy in peace loving Libra. Don’t sacrifice what you want and need to please others. Don’t be as meek as a lamb and as angry as a hornet. This may backfire on you…”
“This is an excellent time to expand an existing business or start a new one. Branch out into new areas. You may find the most practical solution to any problem and then move in that direction. Your clarity of intention is powerful. You are focused on what you want to achieve.
“Use this time to build a strong personal foundation from which you can launch. This aspect peaks on Dec 12. This supportive energy will be around in December and part of next year…”
“Your creative Self-expression comes from your magical inner child. Your inner child is your dazzling soul. Empower your soul. Make progressive changes that will make your life better. Right choices for what you need. Listen to your heart. Listen to your soul.
“…Real growth is painful at times. Pain makes you feel alive. Joy makes you feel alive. You may experience challenges and loss in order to grow you. The caterpillar is in pain giving birth to the butterfly. We have to fight for our freedom from the Matrix.
“Freedom to be who you really are is the gift of Sagittarius...Creator’s Love, Grace and Blessings are flowing in and around you.
“Sagittarius invites you to reach for the stars. Go for your dreams. Your mantra is ‘For My Highest Good and for the Highest Good for All Concerned.’
“You can pass every test on your path of initiation…There is a time to every season. Embrace the change. Release, let go and you will soar higher.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Kelley Rosano All Rights Reserved
From Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“This new moon phase suggests going deeper into faith in the Divine, faith in working alongside your Wisdom Self/Soul. As opportunities arise, pause before saying yes. Go within and seek counsel with your higher Self/Soul and see if the opportunity presented truly and deeply resonates with your life’s path and higher purpose. Then give your answer.
“The New Moon in Sagittarius makes a fabulous connection (aspect) to Uranus in Aries retrograde. Pleasantly surprising energy. This suggests the potential for the Inner Explorer to merge with the Inner Genius and bring forth innovative ideas and to be bold to pursue the path of least resistance on the quest to live your Soul purpose not just boast about your purpose…”
“The ‘new beginnings’ energy of the New Moon in Sagittarius may feel invigorating, freedom oriented as well as symbolically activate passion or excitement in some way. You don’t need a reason to feel passionate, simply knowing you are alive upon the Earth and knowing the blessings of life is good enough.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Dipali Desai All Rights Reserved
From Molly Hall from About Astrology:
“If you’ve felt overwhelmed with inertia, this could be the spark to act on what’s naturally emerging. Aries is all about courage and new beginnings, and Uranus adds excitement, and the element of surprise.
“It’s a fire sign New Moon for spending time with the Muse, and having wakeful dream-adventures. Or you might want to be creatively hands-on with your visioning, and make a collage.
“The set-up hints at expecting the unexpected like wild shock waves that come out of the blue. Your attention is your aim, or energetic arrow — what is drawing your questing eye?
“Fire has a way of burning off dead wood, and Neptunian fog. If you’re one of the many who have been wading in your own emotional-psychic swamps, let a natural wildfire catch on, and bust open dormant seeds of possibility…”
“Be encouraged at the New Moon, and breathe in the spirit of Sagittarius — let it revive your weary soul, and bring the twinkle back to your eyes.”
“The enspiriting themes of the Archer are freedom, highest aspiration, wisdom, questing, travel, a global worldview, enlightened minds, kindred spirits, friend to all, holding truth above petty loyalty, gregarious friendships and togetherness (without being stifling.)
“It’s time to seek out an inspired vision, one that is ignited by others also catching fire with ideas and enthusiasm. You become part of something bigger than yourself, while also sensing your unique mission, gifts to share.
“Sagittarius is about fusion without necessarily knowing how it happens. Dots get connected, and what you’re aware of fuses into a focused intention. And it’s about being loyal to your own sense of what’s true. You won’t want to miss anything the muse and spirit send your way!
© Copyright 2013 ~ Molly Hall All Rights Reserved
May the muse be with us! Infinite Blessings~

>>> IF YOU WISH TO SHARE please use links below! Please do not copy this report for your blog, website or FB page. These reports (and all else on the site) was lovingly curated as content for MYSTIC MAMMA. Thank you! ❤
Michelle Jupiter says:
Nov 29, 2013
December 2 is my birthday. I have been feeling extra special the last several months as pain gives way to empowerment as synchronicities abound to light my true path. I have been in the midst of my return of Saturn and feel I have been receiving messages direct from Hermes Trismegistus. Everything said above about Sagittarius has been of the utmost importance lately. Whereas in the past I have always been enthusiastic to celebrate my birthday, this year I celebrate every day as such, and I give thanks to the universe for bestowing my greatest gifts, which serve tantamount to empower others. What a wonderful time for change and growth for all. What wonderful gifts I have received. I am infinitely blessed to be filled with such love, magic, transformation and joy! Thank you all.
Nina says:
Nov 30, 2013
Mine is on 2nd too :) Have been on a major Scorpio depth quest and feel so invigorated in Sag now. happy birthday for Monday!
beloved_spirit says:
Nov 29, 2013
Me too @Michelle jupiter, my birthday is on the 12th and having similar feelings!
The Seeker says:
Nov 30, 2013
Me too, my birthday is on the 10th. and having similar feeling. this year mean so much to me. and for the first time in my life i felt a quarter life crisis and bring something special, i believe this is a “spiritual awakening” that brougt me here to read. thanks for your article. may all beings be released from suffering. infinite blessings.
Kleen says:
Dec 1, 2013
I’m a fellow traveler with a birthday on the 10th. Life has been feeling .. each moment is ever new. I feel I am at a critical point of choosing bliss and passion or an old answer from an old mind set. Blessings to everyone during this time! K
Susan says:
Nov 30, 2013
My birthday is the 5th and this article really hit home. Scorpio has ripped me apart and now I’m more than ready for some Sag influence. This period in my life has truly been ‘ a dark night of the soul’.
mm says:
Dec 1, 2013
Birthday blessings to all the Sagge’s!!! ❤❤❤
Ami says:
Dec 1, 2013
December 5th is my birthday as well. I have been working since 6 weeks through the mercury retrograde and scorpio so hard on myself. I lost two friends and had nothing but difficulty with everything, but now that I have passed through the storm, I am feeling so strong, so focused, in my studio working and so excited. Keeping a clean soul, without any additives really helps to find this focus and energy towards an ability to seek deeper and learn more. i’m sooo grateful for your site. You bring us such guidance. much love ami
Emily Katz says:
Dec 1, 2013
My birthday is also Monday the 2nd.
I feel the words here as if they were whispered into my ear only. A personal message of truth.
Faith says:
Jul 22, 2015
My birthday is also the 2nd <3 this is so true!!
colleen kelley says:
Dec 1, 2013
thank you…
Jupiter RisingMoon says:
Dec 2, 2013
I’m a Taurus Sun with both Moon & Ascendant in lucky Sag. Such an uplifting, empowering, challenging, revealing, expansive time for me right now. A true spiritual awakening…. Coupled with having Saturn in Cancer (The same planet Jupiter is currently retrograding in) it’s been overwhelming at times alas I’m sticking it out & look forward to coming out the other side. Great breakdown of the forthcoming New Moon and the major planets and their current placements.
Jupiter RisingMoon says:
Dec 2, 2013
Wishing all of you lucky Saggis a wonderful birthday :-) x
John Elijah says:
Dec 2, 2013
I desire to soar~
David says:
Dec 2, 2013
yay December second babies.! we are larger than life but so so appreciative!
Jessica says:
Dec 2, 2013
Look at all the wonderful Saggies! My grandmother is a Sag, and she has such a powerful presence in my life, as I’m sure all of you Sag’s do! Please know you are appreciated, and happy birthday!
The readings above are great. I really enjoyed Cathy Pagano the most, though I always love Dipali! Thank you as always for the insight MM. You are much appreciated!
Rachel says:
Dec 2, 2013
These insights are so appreciated <3
Jessie says:
Dec 2, 2013
It’s my birthday today too! Happy Birthday beautiful fellow saggies :)
Chelsea Talks Smack says:
Dec 3, 2013
I love this, thank you so much!!! <3 blessing all!!
katie says:
Dec 3, 2013
i had to join in! mine is on the 3rd! so happy to be in sag right now. loving the energy. happy birthday my fellow queens. :)
jean-baptiste says:
Dec 3, 2013
hello everyone, mine is on the 10th. i’m so happy to be part of this magic life circle on this planet earth. The last 3 months were kinda hard emotionnaly but now i’m seeing clearer and feel lighter than ever. happy bday to sagitarius fellow:-)
Lucy Chen says:
Dec 3, 2013
2nd December, also the New Moon this year, is my mom’s birthday!
Sheerie says:
Dec 3, 2013
Dec 20 for me. And yes I’m feeling this big time.
Lucciola says:
Dec 4, 2013
me and my husband were both born on the 12/12! What Big Souls Saggies are… Love to all of you.
Katalena says:
Dec 4, 2013
I am happy to share our birthdays with each other ,Sagittarius , we are special :)
mikki says:
Dec 4, 2013
Thank you dear Mystic Mamma for sharing this beautiful post. this resonated with me the most… “The enspiriting themes of the Archer are freedom, highest aspiration, wisdom, questing, travel, a global worldview, enlightened minds, kindred spirits, friend to all, holding truth above petty loyalty, gregarious friendships and togetherness (without being stifling.)as where I am at with. BIg LOVE to you in your aspirations. I hold them deep in my heart and sending out prayers you will receive more in the following year.
Mai says:
Dec 4, 2013
12/2 Sagg!!! What a Blessed treat to have the New Moon on our Solar Return! So lovely that it’s healing effects start a few days before and lingers a few days after! I can still feel it strongly here in this coastal town on this windy and beautiful night!!!Blessings to all my Saggs and lovers of us!!! Lol ;)
MyPeaceOfFood says:
Dec 4, 2013
Bookmarked this page specifically for this phrase, because it can truly apply year-round:
As opportunities arise, pause before saying yes. Go within and seek counsel with your higher Self/Soul and see if the opportunity presented truly and deeply resonates with your life’s path and higher purpose. Then give your answer.
I often say “Yes” to things (well, maybe not often, but whenever I do!) that don’t resonate with me because I feel like I “should.” And lots are shoulds I’ve created for myself. Things/people I think I need. It’s time to drop that story and just feel how I want to feel!
laura says:
Dec 4, 2013
Thank you for sharing this. I know exactly how you feel!
Susan says:
Dec 4, 2013
Dec. 6th here and yes to an end of Oct/Nov where all hell broke loose, but now that its all loose, I can see it a bit more clearly and welcomedtje opportunity to make different choices, and have different experiences instead of the same old, same old…here’s to the integrationof wisdom with experience …Go Sags!
Laura says:
Dec 4, 2013
I too am a December 10th Sag, & this post has just about confirmed all of these dormant feelings I’ve been experiencing. Who knew it could be so easy to let go of the doubt and allow the fire to cleanse, and the arrow to point you exactly where you’re meant to be.
Bonnie says:
Dec 8, 2013
So glad I was lead to this page. I have been riding an emotional roller coaster since January and I also had it all break out in April.
My health and heart will welcome the stormy waters to change. Happy Birthday I am the 20th
richie says:
Dec 12, 2013
Hello, my bday is December 16, i will be 26, i am a happy daddy, happy bday to all sagittarius, and happy holidays, enjoy this beautiful life:-)