Search Result / solstice
+ SOLSTICE + SUN into CANCER + strawberry FULL MOON in Capricorn~

+ SOLSTICE + SUN into CANCER + strawberry FULL MOON in Capricorn~

when we take time to honor these Earth holy days we attune to the energies of our Earth and come in sync with the larger rhythms and cycles we are a part of...
SOLSTICE love + NEW MOON in Capricorn December 23rd 2022~

SOLSTICE love + NEW MOON in Capricorn December 23rd 2022~

SUN moves into Capricorn and we welcome the SOLSTICE, the turning of the wheel once again...
TOTAL Solar ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Cancer + SOLSTICE June 20th-21st 2020~

TOTAL Solar ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Cancer + SOLSTICE June 20th-21st 2020~

Compassion is what is needed to be seeded this Eclipse. This empathic Mother SEED will have reverberations for months to come...
SOLSTICE Energies June 21st 2019~

SOLSTICE Energies June 21st 2019~

Spiraling Deeper and deeper into the Mystery we go... Each concentric circle bringing us closer to our center
SOLSTICE ::: Born quietly from the deepest night~

SOLSTICE ::: Born quietly from the deepest night~

"No one knew the name of this day; Born quietly from deepest night...
FULL MOON in Sagittarius + SOLSTICE June 20th 2016~

FULL MOON in Sagittarius + SOLSTICE June 20th 2016~

Alchemical magic this second FULL MOON in Sagittarius coinciding with the SOLSTICE! Both SUN and MOON at their peak align to bring us illumination...
Solstice Gateway~

Solstice Gateway~

Walk through. Time to birth anew. Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers on the magic doorway that is the *SOLSTICE*...
Sacred Solstice Audio Recording~

Sacred Solstice Audio Recording~

MYSTIC MAMMA + KAYPACHA bring you SACRED SOLSTICE, an audio recording that taps into the energies of the SOLSTICE and offers ASTRAL INSIGHTS for this next upcoming cycle and can be downloaded for a $12 exchange....
Sacred Solstice + Astral Insights for 2015!

Sacred Solstice + Astral Insights for 2015!

If you were not able to join our live call with KAYPACHA, a recording is now available for purchase as an MP3 download for $22. We tuned in with souls from all over the Earth, shared Sacred Space and received...
NEW MOON in Capricorn and SOLSTICE December 21st 2014~

NEW MOON in Capricorn and SOLSTICE December 21st 2014~

Super powered NEW MOON in Capricorn on the *SOLSTICE* heralds in a new time, a new season, and an opportunity to stand on behalf of our soul...
✺ Solstice Blessings ✺ LIGHT!

✺ Solstice Blessings ✺ LIGHT!

On the Solstice, we honor the Light, we remember the Light, we celebrate the Light. These seasonal turning points remind us of the essential, the elemental...wherein lies our planetary unity...
Summer Solstice Rituals, Ideas and Significance~

Summer Solstice Rituals, Ideas and Significance~

For those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere of our beautiful planet, we are reaching Midsummer, the peak celebration of the Summertime...
Winter Solstice: Ritual, Ideas & Celebrations~

Winter Solstice: Ritual, Ideas & Celebrations~

Like our ancestors have done from the beginning of time, we honor the cycles and the seasons that remind us of the ever-changing flow of life that we are a part of. Ritual acts give life meaning...
Venus goes Retrograde SOLSTICE day: LIGHT CYCLE Descent and Re-birth~

Venus goes Retrograde SOLSTICE day: LIGHT CYCLE Descent and Re-birth~

"On Solstice day, Venus, our feminine archetype now so beautifully the evening star, begins her retrograde period where she will move closer to the Sun's light and 'disappear'..."
Happy Solstice 12-21-12 + End (Restart) Of Mayan Calendar + Galactic Alignment!

Happy Solstice 12-21-12 + End (Restart) Of Mayan Calendar + Galactic Alignment!

On the Solstice VISUALIZE our beautiful planet glowing with white light. See the collective consciousness glowing, growing, elevating to heal the planet. SEE circular rainbows circling our planet...
*Solstice* Meaning and Spiritual Significance~

*Solstice* Meaning and Spiritual Significance~

"The time to invite fire into our lives fire to burn away all that we have outgrown and all that no longer serves us; fire that makes the wild things grow in us, for which our inner selves have longed......
Winter Solstice Astrology: December 22, 2011~

Winter Solstice Astrology: December 22, 2011~

"For thousands of years the Solstice turning points of every year have been honored and celebrated on this planet. We know this because concrete evidence still exists in ancient stone circles, mounds, and sacred sites...Now in our modern world...
Happy Summer Solstice! ~June 21st, 2011

Happy Summer Solstice! ~June 21st, 2011

"Happy Summer Solstice as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life! Let go of fear, let go of memories, let go of lesser things and receive rewards for your diligence...
Winter Solstice ✺ Spiritual Significance~

Winter Solstice ✺ Spiritual Significance~

The Holiday of the Winter Solstice celebrates the presence of Spirit and the power of faith and hope that our visions of the future will come into manifestation...
NEW  MOON + Lady Venus in GEMINI June 6th 2024~

NEW MOON + Lady Venus in GEMINI June 6th 2024~

with the light of VENUS influencing this lunation our focus is likely on our relationships...the line-up of planets in GEMINI is also magnifying our twin energies...
our loving cup: leaping into MAY!

our loving cup: leaping into MAY!

....we leap into MAY! heralding the Celtic Festival of Beltaine cross quarter day between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice...
::: FULL MOON in Cancer 12/26 :::

::: FULL MOON in Cancer 12/26 :::

we have entered a new season, a new time, as the great wheel turned on the Solstice and the Sun moved into Capricorn!
NEW MOON in Gemini June 17/18th 2023~

NEW MOON in Gemini June 17/18th 2023~

We have a NEW MOON in GEMINI rising on June 17th/18th, right before the SOLSTICE on the 21st heralding a new cycle of regeneration and serving as a bridge for our Soul...
EQUINOX significance and tuning September 22nd 2022~

EQUINOX significance and tuning September 22nd 2022~

We can all feel the turning...the changing of the seasons...the passing of time...
FULL MOON in Scorpio May 7th 2020~

FULL MOON in Scorpio May 7th 2020~

She stands in her fullness within the darkness of night. Her gaze our mirror, reflecting and illuminating all that we are....
FULL MOON in Virgo + Mercury Direct March 9th 2020~

FULL MOON in Virgo + Mercury Direct March 9th 2020~

We must water the Holy Seeds within. Great change is seeded by conscious dreamers...
Full Moon in Sagittarius June 17th 2019~

Full Moon in Sagittarius June 17th 2019~

FULL MOON in Sagittarius, aligning with the Galactic Center and occurring days before the SOLSTICE, will magnify the potency of this period we are in....
Theme for June 2019 is Adapting~

Theme for June 2019 is Adapting~

Lena Stevens says, "This month is about looking forward at how you can be flexible and creative instead of back at what you are losing due to change and unexpected circumstances...
FULL MOON in Cancer December 22nd 2018~

FULL MOON in Cancer December 22nd 2018~

*FULL MOON* Cancer Moon, within the Solstice *vortex* anchors us into our hearts. Mother energy, the ground beneath our feet, holds us steady as we walk this journey on...
NEW MOON in Scorpio November 7th 2018~

NEW MOON in Scorpio November 7th 2018~

*NEW MOON* in Scorpio teaches us about Life and Death, the SEEN + UNSEEN, the meaning beneath the words, and the new life that awaits us when we allow ourselves to go beyond the Known.
We remember our humanity~

We remember our humanity~

On the Solstice we remember our humanity. We remember that no matter where we live on this planet, not matter our culture, our nationality, our race, our gender, our beliefs, we are still one planetary family, one humanity...
EQUINOX~ Significance and Resonance~

EQUINOX~ Significance and Resonance~

There is a primal longing from the Life force within us, seeking to connect and feel a resonance with the Life force outside of us...
NEW MOON in Sagittarius December 17th / 18th  2017~

NEW MOON in Sagittarius December 17th / 18th 2017~

*NEW MOON* in Sagittarius rising days before the *SOLSTICE* augurs a time to spiral within to assimilate the direction we wish to AIM our bows...
Weekly Guidance from Kaypacha: I see, study and learn~

Weekly Guidance from Kaypacha: I see, study and learn~

Mantra: "Like it or not I live in a world, With laws, rules and regulations. The more I see, study and learn, The less trauma I'll have when I meet them."
MERCURY RETROGRADE in Sagittarius December 2nd / 3rd 2017~

MERCURY RETROGRADE in Sagittarius December 2nd / 3rd 2017~

Timely Mercury going Retrograde in Sagittarius, reminding us of the beautiful gift of self-reflection...
NEW MOON SuperMoon in Cancer June 23rd / 24th 2017~

NEW MOON SuperMoon in Cancer June 23rd / 24th 2017~

*NEW MOON* SuperMoon in Cancer on the heels of the Solstice, brings us an opportunity to begin again...
NEW MOON in Scorpio October 30th 2016~

NEW MOON in Scorpio October 30th 2016~

*NEW MOON* in SCORPIO heralds in the witching hour of magic and mystery and the depths of our soul. The spirits of our ancestors are with us...
Kaypacha Report: Make the unknown known~

Kaypacha Report: Make the unknown known~

Mantra: "The more I make, The unknown known, The closer I am, To my true home."


*Lunar Eclipse* Full Moon in Libra illuminates the shadows and reveals the energetic wounds in our hearts in our relationships to Self and Others. With gentle loving acceptance, it's time to hold space for it all as we continue to...
2016 Year of the Fire Monkey begins!

2016 Year of the Fire Monkey begins!

"Open up to the expansive Yang year of the amazing Fire Monkey! We have another 'big shift' year ahead. Switching from yin to yang...
FULL MOON in Cancer December 25th 2015~

FULL MOON in Cancer December 25th 2015~

Grandmother Moon shows her fullness for the last time in this calendar year in Mother sign of Cancer on Christmas day!
Mercury goes Direct June 11th 2015!

Mercury goes Direct June 11th 2015!

Robert Wilkinson says, it "will help us redirect the momentum of things, force us to grow or even become more ambitious, and give us the ability to get beyond the shadows created by our limited mental approaches...
2015: Year of the Wood Sheep : Meaning and Significance~

2015: Year of the Wood Sheep : Meaning and Significance~

NEW MOON kicks off the Year of Wood Sheep which brings a feminine Yin energy of togetherness that strengthens relations and inspires community building as collective/group consciousness comes to the fore....
FULL MOON in Cancer January 4th / 5th 2015~

FULL MOON in Cancer January 4th / 5th 2015~

Cancer FULL MOON on January 4th /5th ignites a time of activation. Emotions rise to the surface, so tuning in to our innermost feelings and allowing for healthy flow and expression of them is key...
Kaypacha Report: As I design my new future, I let go of parts of my past~

Kaypacha Report: As I design my new future, I let go of parts of my past~

Mantra: "As I design my new future, I let go of parts of my past, The closer I pay attention, The more I will take what will last."
Kaypacha Report: It's ok to feel whatever arises within~

Kaypacha Report: It’s ok to feel whatever arises within~

Mantra: "It's ok to feel, Whatever arises within, It's when I distract, deny, and suppress, That my troubles are soon to begin."
Kaypacha Report: Owning my truth before one and all~

Kaypacha Report: Owning my truth before one and all~

Mantra: "The more I stand out, straight and tall, Owning my truth before one and all, The more I love this world I hold dear, The more of the road to the future I clear."
Kaypacha report: Everything that comes will one day go~

Kaypacha report: Everything that comes will one day go~

Mantra: "Just calm down said the spider to the fly, All that lives certainly will die, Peace will come within the more you know, Everything that comes will one day go."
FULL MOON in GEMINI on December 6th 2014~

FULL MOON in GEMINI on December 6th 2014~

This Lunation brings with it an energy of expansion and is a sweet moment of reprieve from the unexpected shifts and changes Life has been serving...
Kaypacha Report: I see a bright future for myself and mankind~

Kaypacha Report: I see a bright future for myself and mankind~

Mantra: "I see a bright future, for myself and mankind. The cost is small, Compared to all, We will receive in time."
Relax into the dust storm~

Relax into the dust storm~

"Life is absorbing us into a collage of who we thought we were, mixed with a handful of what we use to be, mixed with a dash of who we hoped we would become and a spoonful of divine...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Feel those feelings, express those feelings~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Feel those feelings, express those feelings~

Mantra: "As the pelican flies high into the sky, Then dives for food in the sea, I need to remember that the Great Mother, Is always providing for me."
Happy NEW MOON in Capricorn January 1st 2014 (SuperMoon)!

Happy NEW MOON in Capricorn January 1st 2014 (SuperMoon)!

"Capricorn is a climber, inspired by high goals. But nothing is gained without first achieving balance on the terrain immediately beneath your feet. Tune into the earth...
Kaypacha Astrology report: I refuse to be frightened by the size of the task~

Kaypacha Astrology report: I refuse to be frightened by the size of the task~

Mantra: "I refuse to be frightened by the size of the task, And commit to creating a love that will last, Knowing that I must let go of the past."
The theme for December 2013 is ADJUSTMENT~

The theme for December 2013 is ADJUSTMENT~

Lena Stevens says: "This month is about adjusting and realigning your life in a way that works better for you. It is about modifying, correcting, removing, adding, clarifying, accommodating, altering, revising and rectifying anything that needs adjustment based on YOUR...
Mercury goes Direct November 10th 2013: Guided to our Soul~

Mercury goes Direct November 10th 2013: Guided to our Soul~

"So as Mercury now goes direct in motion, open up and be receptive to higher awareness, higher knowledge, and a greater faith in your ability to know in ways you’ve never known before. We are now solidly in a time...
Recent Solar Flare Activity July 1-3rd and its effects~

Recent Solar Flare Activity July 1-3rd and its effects~

"Currently there is a really big sunspot that is affecting everyone, whether they realize it or not. If you are more sensitive and intuitive, you are feeling this as more Light downloads enter your Being...
FULL MOON "SuperMoon" in Capricorn June 23rd, 2013~

FULL MOON “SuperMoon” in Capricorn June 23rd, 2013~

"The earthy Capricorn Full Moon on June 23 awakens the need to build your inner strength and security. The stronger you are on the inside the more you can achieve in the world...
"Transcension" latest from Lauren C. Gorgo~

“Transcension” latest from Lauren C. Gorgo~

Latest 5D report from Lauren C. Gorgo and I have to say I'm down with some good news of waves of love coming our way! It has definitely been a trying period for most, deep reflections and lots of letting...
The theme for June 2013 is TRANSITION~

The theme for June 2013 is TRANSITION~

From Lena Stevens: "Transition time is an active time but can appear passive. Transition requires a suspension of doing things as usual in order to allow for a new energy or pattern to solidify...
Astral Insights for the beginning of May from Molly Hall~

Astral Insights for the beginning of May from Molly Hall~

"There's an ever present agitation that comes with the kind of change we're living through. All around, there are extremes of death and rebirth, dire lows and ecstatic highs..."
Mercury went Direct March 17th, 2013!

Mercury went Direct March 17th, 2013!

"So as Mercury now goes direct in motion, open up and be receptive to higher awareness, higher knowledge, and a greater faith in your ability to know in ways you’ve never known before. We are now solidly in a time...
Energetics of New Creation: Magic in Action from Lauren C. Gorgo~

Energetics of New Creation: Magic in Action from Lauren C. Gorgo~

"March is a big month. March is always big month…a turning point, a period of closure before new beginnings, et all…but based on what I am hearing/feeling, this March is much more than that. We are march-ing directly into our...
The theme for March 2013 is Subtle Movement~

The theme for March 2013 is Subtle Movement~

From Lena Stevens: "It may seem like nothing is moving and the surface is quiet, but there is a lot going on underneath...Remember not to underestimate what goes on beneath the surface and pay attention to the subtle..."
NEW MOON in AQUARIUS February 10th 2013 + Year of WATER SNAKE!

NEW MOON in AQUARIUS February 10th 2013 + Year of WATER SNAKE!

"Aquarius is the Waterbearer... Cosmic currents flow in, to awaken, inspire and act as a beacon on the distant horizon."
The theme for January 2013 is TRANSITION~

The theme for January 2013 is TRANSITION~

From Lena Stevens: "The image is that of transitioning from one experience to another or one place to another where the old has been dismantled but the new does not have its right place yet..."
NEW MOON in Sagittarius December 13, 2012!

NEW MOON in Sagittarius December 13, 2012!

"With the New Moon in Sagittarius, it is about expanding Consciousness and aiming for higher aspirations. Sagittarius symbolizes the higher mind or higher Wisdom Self/Soul..."
The theme for December is Forgiveness~

The theme for December is Forgiveness~

By Lena Stevens: "We carry such debt, most of it a collective karmic debt. It is a huge burden and time is running out. You can help the collective by forgiving yourself and then forgiving all others..."
Lunar Eclipse  Full Moon in Gemini November 28th, 2012~

Lunar Eclipse  Full Moon in Gemini November 28th, 2012~

"This lunar eclipse offers us a chance to look at our old beliefs, old paradigms and old inner stories and see how small they’ve become for who we are now..."
Magic window opening: Saturn "Trine" Neptune & "10:10 Stargate"~

Magic window opening: Saturn “Trine” Neptune & “10:10 Stargate”~

"The doorway to enter is feeling of love. A feeling of compassion and empowerment. The bold and brazen will enter this doorway with out second thought...
Happy EQUINOX! September 22, 2012: Gather together to activate a Solar Wave of Oneness~

Happy EQUINOX! September 22, 2012: Gather together to activate a Solar Wave of Oneness~

Our ancestors have always greeted the Equinox with celebration and the gathering of community. It is so important for us to create moments of coming together to unite with our spiritual family....
Happy *FULL MOON* in Aquarius August 1st/2nd 2012!

Happy *FULL MOON* in Aquarius August 1st/2nd 2012!

"This first full moon in August 2012 is unique due to the fact that two full moons take place within the month. Usually within a calendar month there is one full moon. ..
Energy shift¦ Uranus "Square" Pluto- June 24th 2012~

Energy shift¦ Uranus “Square” Pluto- June 24th 2012~

"The month of June 2012 is literally packed with major shifts and astrological aspects. Prepare to meet the first aspect of: Uranus Square Pluto transit. We are already sensing this powerful astrological transit...
*NEW MOON* in Gemini June 19th, 2012~

*NEW MOON* in Gemini June 19th, 2012~

"Gemini New Moon sparks a breakthrough. As the 'last gasp' of the sign, it reiterates the eclipse's message about making a crucial door is shutting so another, more productive one, can open. This applies to relationships, but also to...
2012: Think With Your Heart by Lauren C. Gorgo~

2012: Think With Your Heart by Lauren C. Gorgo~

"In 2012, you will know what it means to be an embodied master of light. And you will be the guides, the way-showers in this capacity. There is so much to be uncovered in this next phase of...
Call to LOVE-Chanelled message from Lauren C. Gorgo~

Call to LOVE-Chanelled message from Lauren C. Gorgo~

‎"We have so much to share with regard to this upcoming year, but we will sum it up by saying that those who are aligned with LOVE will rise to meet LOVE in unprecedented ways. In fact, the word LOVE...
*NEW MOON* December 24th, 2011~

*NEW MOON* December 24th, 2011~

The New Moon is here again offering us a new cycle with the energy of Capricorn which begins on Christmas Eve! I’ve gathered some insights on the energy it’s bringing in… It’s been an intense period of transformation but it’s...
The Energies of December 2011~

The Energies of December 2011~

Channelled message for the energies of December by Jennifer Hoffman: “If November wasn’t enough to make you wonder what is happening to your life and to the world, it isn’t time to get too comfortable yet because December brings us another...
Watch this film: 2012 La Palabra Maya (The Mayan Word)~

Watch this film: 2012 La Palabra Maya (The Mayan Word)~

If you really want to know the inside story and be tuned to the larger shift that is occurring on the planet then watch this film. It brings to light the story of the contemporary Maya people in Mexico, Guatemala,...