NEW MOON is here again continuing the Gemini energy that has been influencing us since the Solar Eclipse. Since New Moons herald the beginning of another Moon cycle make sure to take some quiet time to dream and plant your intentions for the future! Here is the download from the energy we can expect from some of the most insightful readers of the planets…
First from Dana Gerdhart from
“Sit quietly with whatever is true right now. Whether you’re happy, sad, harried, wounded, or somewhere in between, before you ride on the wings of Mercury toward something new, and you will, because that’s what we do in Gemini’s cycle, sanctify your experience of this New Moon with some quiet curiosity. Spend five or fifteen minutes to just be. Close your eyes. Listen to the sounds coming from the street beyond your door. Feel the air. Can you notice how it’s gently touching your skin? Tune into your body. Is there tightness anywhere? Numbness? Or are there pleasant sensations? Let your body communicate. It’s telling you exactly what’s going on in your life right now. Ah… how nice to be the one who is listening.”

© Copyright 2012 Dana Gerdhart All Rights Reserved

From Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology Blog:
“As with each new moon in the lunar cycle, there is opportunity for a fresh start and take initiative.  The New Moon in Gemini’s theme is around ‘I learn.. through a variety of experiences.’”
“…There is a beautiful opportunity to learn to be more self-expressive using variety of ways of communication. What can also be very useful now is to learn to better articulate your feelings or expand your emotional vocabulary. New Moon in Gemini symbolizes the extra buzz you need to be inquisitive about life in general.”
“The New Moon in Gemini makes a tense connection to Mars in Virgo. This signifies a bit of ruffled feathers in thinking, emotionally and possibly communications. Criticism, arguments and clashing points of view may generate some tension.”
“There is a positive way out. That is, each must open their mind to respect another person’s point of view. See both sides of the situation objectively and be as flexible as possible. Do your best not to add to confusion as Gemini can lack consistency and fidget due to nervous tension building up. Honor the variety or options (Gemini) and then go about being methodical (Virgo) accomplishing your goal (Mars)…”
“Learn from the past mistakes, yet don’t carry the burden of the past on your back. Transform the self-created limitation that the mind imposes and a solution appears. The potential is, to speak with fairness, a nurturing tone, yet viewing the situation from a balanced state of mind..”
“Venus still retrograde in Gemini, ease off the pedal when it comes to pushing or forcing the “relationship” to move faster than the energy is going. Pushing for defining a relationship now is like wanting quick sand to be solid ground. Wait until at least June 27th, 2012 before you give into the restlessness for new beginnings, right now you need to have more patience and ask meaningful questions to resolve past issues or clear confusion.”

© Copyright 2012 Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved

 From Patricia Liles from School of Shamanism :
“The Sun and Moon will be opposite the Galactic Center at 27º Sagittarius – always a source of increased downloads from the extremely energized black hole at the heart of our galaxy.  Major star systems seem to be called upon recently to interact with the evolution unfolding on our beautiful planet.  The Pleiades was aligned with the solar eclipse, Betelgeuse in Orion is aligned in this New Moon, and Sirius is influencing the Sun on Full Moon July 3.”
 “We are experiencing support and high frequency interactions with our cosmic partners who have always been part of our spiritual inheritance if judged by the myths and legends and temples of our ancient ancestors.  Much care is needed for the body as we feel the adjustments in our sleeping patterns, sensitivities (some are hypersensitive, others sluggish), relationships, outer circumstances, etc…”
“Uranus/Pluto is the major player in this New Moon cycle, but Jupiter made a shift in sign from Taurus to Gemini on June 11 and will be in that sign for about a year lending its expansive energies to the areas of communication, our mental thought constructs, bringing conscious awareness to the way we think and communicate and showing us how our thoughts mold three dimensional physical reality.”
© Copyright 2012 Patricia Liles. All Rights Reserved
From Cathy Lynn Pagano and her site Wisdom of Astrology:
“Life is moving forward swiftly now since last month’s eclipses and the Venus transit.  And it will rush through the rest of June and into July with all the cosmic changes in the air.  Jupiter moved into Gemini on June 11th, super-charging the Mind for the next year.  Summer Solstice in the North arrives on June 20th, the day after this new Moon…”
“This new Moon is strengthened by both Saturn in Libra and Neptune in Pisces.  Let your heart be set on a new vision of truth and justice for yourself and others.”
“Mercury in Cancer turns our thoughts to nurturing, not condemning. Open your imagination to find the ways to achieve it in your life and for the world.  Mars challenges us to focus our energy to fulfill our destiny, and stay true to ourselves and our talents in the midst of change.”
“The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 29*Gemini is: The first mockingbird of Spring.  This symbol shows us how to communicate harmoniously with others…Their songs are the most beautiful and diverse in nature.”
“This new Moon, find your own sacred song and sing out your talents for all to see and hear.  And remember that we all contribute to each other’s understanding of life.  Everyone has a truth to share….”
“The Sabian symbol for the Saturn station at 23*Libra: Chanticleer’s voice heralds sunrise.  There’s a renewal of life promised in this symbol, and the hope is that we will find the partner (both inner and outer) who will stand with us as we meet the future. Venus ends her 6 week retrograde journey on June 27th.   She is now the Morning Star, visible just before sunrise in the East, and ready to take on Life!  I hope you know what you want, because if you’re asking for it, it will probably show up!”
“It’s also time to tune into the feminine virtues of grace, charm, empathy, intuition, gaiety, beauty and artistry. Venus’ transit to the Sun on June 5th reminds us that the Goddess has returned and wants her daughters to carry her blessings into the world.”

© Copyright 2012 Cathy Lynn Pagano. All Rights Reserved

From Simone Butler from
“The June 19 Gemini New Moon (8:02 a.m. PDT) sparks a breakthrough. As the ‘last gasp’ of the sign, it reiterates the eclipse’s message about making a crucial choice. With Mercury (the Gemini ruler) square Saturn, one door is shutting so another, more productive one, can open. This applies to relationships, but also to how we treat ourselves.”
“Adding extra potency, the New Moon falls just prior to the Solstice, as the Sun enters nurturing Cancer on the 20th and a new season begins. And, with Saturn turning forward on June 25 and Venus doing the same on June 27, there is no going backward. It’s onward and upward to greater fulfillment!”
“Though she was not referring to the current astrological cycle, Mama Gena nailed its deeper meaning. ‘Our desires,’ she said, ‘are divine and precious, not only to us, but to the earth herself. We are the bearers, the carriers, the holders of the longing that has the potential to transform the world. If we can hold the thought that our little human body, the address of our eternal soul, is the keeper of the delicate flame of desire, then we can relax and fall back into the storyline of our lives, knowing that our yearning will carry us safely, and sweetly, in perfect time, to fulfillment of the desire in some more wonderful way that we could have ever dreamed.”

© Copyright 2012 Simone Butler. All Rights Reserved

New Moon Blessings to you all~~~