

Happy NEW MOON in AQUARIUS and NEW YEAR of the FEMALE WATER SNAKE! Here is the MYSTIC MAMMA download from the most insightful readers of the planetary movements…
First from the wonderful Molly Hall from Astrology/
“Aquarius is the Waterbearer, that’s depicted on the Star card in tarot. Cosmic currents flow in, to awaken, inspire and act as a beacon on the distant horizon. At the New Moon in Aquarius, we catch sight of a possible future. It’s a vision of a different way to think and be, that at first can seem odd, strange…”
“The New Moon in Aquarius is on February 10th at 2:20 am (Eastern US time). So begins the Year of the (Water) Snake…”
“This New Moon is considered auspicious as a doorway to finer cosmic vibes. It’s Lunar Imbolc, or Candlemas. It’s time for idealism, and welcoming fine fresh vibes and possibilities. All is new, as the Sun grows stronger everyday, and we sense Spring just around the corner. At Imbolc, we light candles and ask for faith to see us through the last days of winter.”
“The New Moon is a time of beginnings. You can set intentions or do a New Moon Ritual that grows with the lunar light and reaches fruition at the Full Moon.”
“Aquarius is about shared energies, in groups, making this key for coming together in ritual. You’ll want to be sure you’re on the same wavelength, since group harmonics play an important role now. If you’re not in synch with your current circle of friends and colleagues, go out and seek those that are an inspired match. This New Moon is about allies for the future, who are tuned in to the highest vision for the whole.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Molly Hall All Rights Reserved
From the insightful Kelly Rosano:
“Aquarius asks for us to embody who we truly are…Aquarius teaches us to be proud of our uniqueness, originality and diversity. You are irreplaceable. You are the one you have been waiting for. You have come to change the world. Be the change you want to see. Where are you being called to make a difference? Are you ready to manifest your hopes and wishes?”
“What are you resisting? We can acknowledge our fear and hesitancy. A life strategy for fear and hesitancy is to breathe deep, ground and center ourselves. Feel what it would be like to have what you are dreaming.  When we feel our alignment with what we are manifesting. We then take that leap of faith into our new direction. Risk brings reward. It is better to try and fail than to live an unexpressed life.”

“When people ask us how long does it take for something to manifest, we say, “It takes as long as it takes you to release the resistance. Could be 30 years, could be 40 years, could be 50 years, could be a week. Could be tomorrow afternoon.”  ~ Abraham

“Aquarius is the water bearer. This confuses many people into thinking that Aquarius is a water sign. Aquarius is an intellectual air sign. The water bearer is shown pouring water from the urn. This signifies the pouring of water from the river of life. In other words, the water is knowledge. This knowledge is to be shared in service to humanity. Aquarius reminds us to find a mission bigger than ourselves. This is our life purpose. A Dharma only you can complete….”
We are to join forces with those of like/light mindedness. Uranus and Aquarius both rule the 11th house of the friends and the groups we belong.  We can have sudden opportunities drop in our lap. Uranus loves surprises. We can experience brilliant breakthroughs in Aquarius. We can receive unexpected gifts and enlightenment. Our hope and wishes are lived through our 11th house.”

“Many people have struggled with alienation, feeling like a black sheep or a stranger in a strange land. Not realizing that there are millions of others like them.  Who have incarnated as agents of change. The sooner we embody who we really are. The easier it is to find our cohorts and fulfill our mission.” ~ Stephanie Austin, Mountain Astrologer

“The Aquarius New Moon is an awesome opportunity to innovate ourselves.  We are to be true to ourselves and fulfill our mission. All the planets are direct. This is a giant green light from Creator. The cosmic message is ‘Take a leap forward on your life path and fulfill your destiny.'”
“February is a month of big changes for everyone. It is time to release our self-imposed limitations.  Speak our Truth. Walk our talk. Love and embrace our uniqueness. Recreate Self.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Kelly Rosano. All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“The New Moon in Aquarius suggests putting your personalized unique signature on things and being innovative with your long-term goals and dreams. It is also the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Water Snake. A year where the realm of feelings, emotions and empathy are heightened…
“Symbolically the Year of the Water Snake has the potential for deep Spiritual renewal as well as powerful transformation. People will turn to Spirituality as life in the physical world goes through ongoing bursts of intense transformation. Many will be seeking or searching for deep inner peace and less stress.”
“The New Moon in Aquarius has layers of vibration to it…Themes such as, social gatherings, friends, like minded groups and humanitarian causes are relevant now. You may feel to communicate with friends who have similar vision or ideals or meet new people who have similar interests.”
“…You will have the urge to break away from the conventional to do things in your unique way expressing more of your individuality and freedom to create and experiment than remaining stuck within a certain set of restrictions.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved
From the always insightful Pat Liles form 
“This New Moon Chart is notable for the exact square of the Sun/Moon at 21º to the North/South Node axis also at 21º.  Wake-up call!!  Spirit has a hand-made, custom designed lesson for you, and chances are your lessons are to cut ground for the evolution of the whole planet.”
” The Nodes are a road map of those energies that unconsciously trip you up from the past (south) and detract from your stepping forward fearlessly into your challenging, yet vital and exciting path of growth in this life (north).  With the strength of the Sun and Moon exactly in a stressful, dynamic relationship to the Nodes you most certainly will benefit from paying acute and respectful attention to what is making an appearance in your life.”
Tune in to the synchronicity of chance meetings, losing valued objects, animal teachers appearing unexpectedly, billboard-license plate messages directed explicitly at you, knocks on the head, slips of the tongue, old letters, papers, songs reappearing with whole new significance revealed – this energy can take any form – a shockingly bad turn of events or delightful, unexpected outcomes, but the point is, there exists an opportunity to reorganize our perceptions when startling circumstances present themselves.”
“This is an opportunity to rebalance and free up energies that have been tripping us up.  Pivotal events are ripening.  Be ready to catch the fruit of Spirit’s creativity.  Note all resistance to being flexible and letting go and inviting in new behaviors.”
“For you sensitives who signed up to be guides in this lifetime, continue to do the work of peeling away those little layers of fear in the guise of abandonment and entrapment. Bless them and release them.  They are not what you are.  Let them go.  The New Moon may hold the opportunity of revealing any blockages to our continued evolution, and release may not come until we are fully in the watery, Full Moon presence of Pisces facilitating our surrender (painful/enlightening).”
“The Nodes are on the degree that began the last eclipse period right before the big turn of energy at Winter Solstice – this is a key point being reactivated for release.  We are bringing up for healing what has lain unconscious for lifetimes.  It’s like a cosmic buy-back program, but all we have to do is release to the light what has lain unforgiving in the dark.”
“If we want to evolve our consciousness, which believe me we do-above all else, then we must utilize every opportunity for forgiving and letting go of what has gone before.  All victimhood and us/them thinking has no ticket on the train of evolution.  Power lies in our ability to make choices.”
“Vesta, Goddess of the Sacred Hearth, Keeper of the Flame of Spirit, is creating a Finger of God formation so that, if we apply our intention (and that can be a pretty big if) we can marshal the forces of Saturn and Pluto, our teacher and our transformer, to make truly meaningful progress on our path at this time….”
“Now, Vesta teaches us how to use our desire or sexual energy for a committed purpose, to focus within instead of being pulled out into the world of distraction that feeds our small self.  She also brings forth the sacrifice one makes to live a self-directed, inward-focused life as well as the rewards of wholeness and personal integration as a result of that sacrifice.” 
© Copyright 2013 ~ Pat Liles. All Rights Reserved
 From Cathy Pagano and her Wisdom of Astrology:
“The Sabian symbol for this New Moon at 22* Aquarius is: A rug is placed on the floor of a nursery to allow children to play in comfort and warmth.  This is a beautiful symbol for the protection and security we will find on our path to greater consciousness and community.  We can see it happening all over the world.  People are coming together to fight injustice, to creatively respond to our collective issues, to help each other move forward with our individual plans and to volunteer our services where they are needed.  When we step forward with the confidence bestowed by our sure knowledge that we will be sustained and protected, anything is possible.   Let your light shine out and it will attract others who are also full of light.  Together we can set the world ablaze with love, truth and wisdom!” 
© Copyright 2013 ~ Cathy Pagano. All Rights Reserved
Sounds de*light*ful looking forward to this cosmic NEW MOON! Nice to know the tribes will be gathering and putting our energies toward a greater good! We need this.
NEW MOON Blessings!