Happy Summer Solstice! ~June 21st, 2011
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“The Summer Solstice occurs June 21, 10:17 am PDT, 6:17 pm Greenwich. It’s the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, said to be the time at which “free will” acts more powerfully than any other time. It is a point of decision, and kicks off Summer, the season of work, play, productivity, and lots of sunshine for those of us up north.”
“Today is the last day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the last day of Autumn in the Southern. This is an excellent time for looking at what began in the past 90 days, whether new growth or signs of what it ending.”
“Squares tend to put the brakes on some things, while indicating a “turning of a corner” in other things. Squares to Pluto often show things going out of control or something extreme happening that results in either a favorable purification or a grinding toxicity. Given that Pluto is one of the anchors of The Grand Irrationality, when squared it releases a lot of energy precipitating situations that move people to make choices that propel them into their destiny.“
“Time for all of us, in a structured and responsible way, to continue to do the actions that help us: 1) embrace a new archetype and graduate into a new way of living, 2) see the larger 7-fold process of creation that helps us to renewed encouragement, 3) find the illumination and “touch with the Cosmic process” showing a new day has dawned, 4) find kindred Spirits who share our heart fire, 5) allow our “greatness” to come forth in ways that demonstrate our Truths effectively, 6) confront the results of ideals we’ve held in the past and be willing to be clear about future ideals, and 7) protect and uplift what is weak while taming that which is too strong through a sense of guardianship where we control natural forces through applied intelligence.”
“This is a time of decision, using our “free will” to demonstrate our wisdom and training as they have gestated over the long haul. It is a time when we can find a renewed sense of purpose and ways of creatively expressing that purpose as well as the higher genius of Self.”
“Find values that society will recognize and reward, stop making excuses for not acting, and rise to something you believe is urgent that could create a new role for you and help you express your genius and/or special qualities. See clearly what motivates all, beware of malcontents, and you’ll be able to target exactly what’s creating or contributing to some form of disorder.”
“The planets fall in a combined Bucket/See Saw Jones pattern. The Bucket posits Saturn as the nozzle focusing all the other planetary energies. The See Saw is defined by the occupied span from Neptune in Pisces through Mercury in Cancer Saturn and Pluto on the other side.”
“As noted in other articles where the See Saw dominates, stay focused and balanced at the center while taking note of the periphery of things, and don’t get off on a tangent or limb. This offers a need to be able to see both sides of any given thing, as well as the triangulation view that allows for progress and understanding. The Bucket has been discussed numerous times in recent Lunation articles, so please refer to them to find out more about how to handle the very important Saturn “nozzle” energies.”
“On this Solstice, we see 4 planets in Water, 3 in Air, 2 in Earth, and 1 in Fire. That makes this a season where feelings will run high, as will the need to connect and share information with others.”
“As Neptune is the only planet in its home sign and the Moon is also in Pisces, Neptune is the final dispositor for all the energies of the next 90 days. That will make for dreams come true, as well as many peculiar dreams, visions, omens, and a sense of non-focus. Please refer to the many recent articles on Neptune in Pisces to learn more about this long term peculiar dreamworld energy.”
“The Moon rules Cancer, so it’s the ruler of the Sun. We find a Disseminating Moon at 11 Pisces at the Solstice, indicating the next 90 days are about learning and disseminating information and skills, assimilating, evaluating, innovating in order to release new ideas.”
“All these indicate a uniquely specialized period where we must assert ourselves, while adjusting to the natural rhythm of events and not get pessimistic or too narrow in our thinking. A new order in worldly affairs will present itself, as will a need to “walk on” into new realms. This will provide us forms for what was awakened 2005-06 and expanded in some way in 2010.”
“The North Node shows us the line of greatest development is to open to broader and wider truths, and through adjusting to the needs of our social matrix, we can find great happiness and “unearned good fortune.” The South Node indicates these growth patterns will demonstrate as abilities to generate momentum even in binding conditions, and a time when we can use any environment to re-create ourselves, or at least find relaxation in showing skills helping us achieve movement despite circumstances. In any case, the North Node shows the growth pull will be toward great happiness if we know how to find a vision of the future where we can experience social connectedness through the events of the next 90 days.”
“This Summer we’ll continue to deal with forms of consequences for past actions and nonactions, as well as finding perspectives to understand what consequences lay down the road for what we’re willing to do as well as what we’re not willing to do. Couple that with a new law revealing itself and the recent Solar and Lunar Eclipses clearly showing the release of old pressures and ghosts from the past, and it’s clear that we’re leaving a lot behind even as some find “the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”
“Don’t be timid as you assert the new vision of yourself coming forth as you are guided into “the sanctuary.” This is a season of self-awakening and renewed self-dedication using humor to decondition “ego pomposities.” We can all use a sense of humor, irony, or satire to bust ego assumptions in playful ways, and will have opportunities to discover things below the surface of daily living we may not have noticed before now.”
“The strongest aspects are Sun trine Neptune, opening deeper and more intense forms of interacting with people and life, the T-square already mentioned, and the Moon tredecile Sun and septile Jupiter while quincunx Saturn. Major unique interactivity with hard adjustments! Growth comes through playing with ideas and seeing what parts of your “garden” you wish to cultivate in the future. This will be a major part of everyone’s life from mid-August through the Autumnal Equinox.”
“In many ways, there should be very fortuitous payoffs for past faith and willingness to “walk on,” so welcome rewards since if they come you probably deserve them! Assert yourself in balanced or diplomatic ways, and rise to some urgency you’re aware of that could create your true place in life.”
“The oppositions between planets in Cancer and Capricorn forms the line of the “tension of opposites” in the larger pattern, showing the continuing confrontation between polarized parts of our reality, individual and collective. We are ALL being confronted with awarenesses we must accept. Still, since Pisces is so strong in this chart, all we need to do is have a conscience and sense of details to be done, and combine imagination plus engineering to see results fairly quickly.”
“All of this seems to indicate a fairly inspired and dynamic time of awarenesses and new beginnings refined by the balancing and leveling effect of Saturn in Libra. We’ll all be searching for more ideal conditions and a more beautiful life while confronting consequences for previous actions related to the archetypal roles we’ve been playing since Summer 2010.”
“Follow the liberaton from the past and release of old pressures you no longer need to bear to catch forms of solid opportunities to expand on your new emergent reality. With Sun sextile Jupiter and Jupiter trine Pluto, there will be substantial productivity leading to harmonized stability and understanding through what is given up. See everything as a lesson in seeing symbols, going deeper into the unknown, and balance duties with ideals. Be kind as you teach, learn, and share information with others to compare what’s what.”
“It is a time when we can turn in new directions, and be self-initiating in our training to manifest our talents. There is a huge potential for spiritual initiations on various levels based in how unified our vision is, and our willingness to find a way to move into our skills within a group context or to serve a higher human ideal.”
“Given the number of harmonious aspects to planets along with the squares that will help release those energies, the next 13 weeks should be a very positive time in all areas provided we find the right perspective or proportion of responding to the needs helping us align with our higher potentials and others in our spiritual group.”
“So the next few weeks will continue to bring us rewards to the degree we’ve let go of obsolete things in our life, and we should continue to demonstrate deep compassion and/or understanding, allowing ourselves to be attracted to people and situations that show us our Spiritual group work. All can find their “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow” for courage, willingness, and perseverance up to now.”
“Though this time seems perilous thanks to the Cardinal T-square showing signs of widespread discontent, revolution, and social breakdown, we have nothing to fear. Things are changing rapidly, and fear of the unknown has no place since in fact you’re being guided to the sanctuary you began to search for around 5-6 years ago.”
“So look at what has ended, what is emerging, and make decisions to reorient toward your new life and initiatives. This is the time when many will attract the rewards they need to further the outreach. Discover what needs to be seen, open to associations that renew your spirit, and get clear about how the details relate to the bigger picture.”
“Don’t give up too easily as you begin to find the way you share with others and will show to others. This is a time of diversification and flow, concentration and letting go, decision and humor. This is the time when past will separate from present so that the new future already embraced can move ahead with no ghosts from the past to encumber it.”
“Aum, blessings, and Happy Summer Solstice as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life! Let go of fear, let go of memories, let go of lesser things and receive rewards for your diligence in taking the initiative.”
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Lou Adams says:
Jun 21, 2017
I am very grateful to the intention behind the words , that supports our individual and group awaking