Posts tagged "robert wilkinson"

Mercury Retrograde: January 21st until February 11th 2015~
Welcome Mercury Retrograde! Hopefully by now we have all learned not to fear it, for it is simply a part of the natural cosmic cycles and can bring with it many valuable gifts!

Robert Wilkinson on TransPluto/Divine Mother in Virgo era~
"While Transpluto has been dancing on the cusp of Leo and Virgo for a couple of years, it just re-entered Virgo where it will stay through July 2107. This is a huge shift for humanity!"

Mercury goes Retrograde June 7th 2014~
"Like Hawk, whose medicine is akin to Mercury the “Messenger of the Gods,” we are reminded to soar higher to see the bigger picture. It’s a perfect period to re-think, research, dream, and prepare...

Mercury goes Direct > November 26th, 2012~
"This will be an extraordinarily favorable and productive time of attunement and alignment with the entire invisible world and the life forms helping humanity..."

The “in-between” place…
"It seems we are in one of those time spaces I have termed "the in-betweens." This is the moment between breaths, between steps, between thoughts, and between life chapters.
If you are impatiently waiting for an answer, a response, a clear...

Happy Summer Solstice! ~June 21st, 2011
"Happy Summer Solstice as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life! Let go of fear, let go of memories, let go of lesser things and receive rewards for your diligence...