Walk through. Time to birth anew. Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers on the magic doorway that is the *SOLSTICE*.
First from the wonderful CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“…the Gate of the Winter Solstice is opened. Winter Solstice (for those of us in the northern hemisphere) marks the longest night of the year, the time of greatest darkness when the Sun reaches its most southerly position, slows and seemingly stops, before starting its journey back north.
“For those of you in the southern hemisphere, Happy Summer Solstice—you are celebrating the fertility of life on your longest day of the year.
“Winter Solstice marks the ‘rebirth of the Light’ (the promise that light and warmth will return to a cold, dark world) which is celebrated by all our major religions: Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa are all celebrations of the Light.
“Our ‘yuletide carols being sung by a choir’ hark back to the pagan celebration of Yule, which means ‘wheel’ as in the turning of the Wheel of the Year or the heavenly wheel of the Zodiac.
“We mark time with these celestial events, celebrating their symbolic meaning on our religious holy days, although we have commercialized them to such an extent that people no longer look forward to them. Which is a shame, since celebrating these seasonal changes gives our psyches a chance to let go and move on through celebrating with loved ones, music, food and good cheer.
“When we celebrate these Earth holidays, we bring in new energies which enhance our lives because we are in tune with the Earth and her laws.
“The Winter Solstice marks the seed time of the cycle of the year, when the ‘seed of light’ is born again, the Christ Child reborn each year, within each one of us.
“On this shortest day and longest night of the year, called Mother Night by many ancient cultures, the Divine Mother once again gives birth to life and light and spirit.
“Each of us has the Divine Feminine within us, women and men alike. If we really want to change the world, each of us has to change.
“First we need to release the patriarchy within us, its rules and beliefs, so our new vision has room to grow. This is the Divine Child of Light, the potential within each of us to live in our spiritual vision, to experience life as conscious choice and responsibility.
“The chart for Winter Solstice gives us a glimpse of what type of energies we’ll be dealing with for the next three months until the Wheel turns again at Spring Equinox.
“The Sun (along with Pluto and Mercury) is in Capricorn while the Moon is in Taurus. Both these luminaries (light-givers) are in earth signs, forming a grand trine along with Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo, the third earth sign. With 5 out of 10 planets in earth signs, this promises very concrete results to whatever we set our minds to now.
“The Pluto in Capricorn/Uranus in Aries square, with its evolutionary and revolutionary energies still affecting us, now activates Mars in Libra to act with courage and fairness.
“The Sun’s entrance into Capricorn places our attention on how we participate in the cultural issues of our time. With so much negative rhetoric flying around, we can each take a more positive stance and contemplate how to share as well as bring a new vision of life into the world.
“This is the time of year when we are inspired by the power of Life, the possibilities we hope for as we stand in the dark. Let the dark sink into silence so you can hear and see the Light that is being born.”
© Copyright 2015 CATHY PAGANO
From DIPALI DESAI form her Celestial Space Astrology:
“The Sun enters the earth sign of Capricorn which is a cardinal mode of energy expression. Even though Capricorn is an earth sign (earth signs tend to be more cautious and conservative) it has dynamic and initiating qualities.
“This sign at its highest potential symbolizes climbing to great heights of awareness, undergoing Spiritual initiations towards mastery on many levels as well as honoring the Divine Timing…”
“This year’s Solstice definitely opens a symbolic doorway. It opens the way to welcoming in transiting Uranus in Aries at 16 degrees shifting into outward expression.
“This also represents the ‘Uranus Square Pluto’ transit that has been going on for the last two to three years will be ‘reactivated’ thus the major themes of ‘wake up, shake up, break-free and liberate‘ are also highlighted.
“It is indeed a time of accelerated transformation and big transitions. Uranus Square Pluto will continue to symbolically shake things up, push things up for purging until about April 2016.
“The momentum for change and transformation is real. As if the ground itself is shaking and opening up to recycle the old and birth something new. We are experiencing this both individually, collectively as well as the Earth’s Consciousness is shifting too.
“We are also in the warm up part of the phase of the next approaching Mercury Retrograde phase which begins on January 3rd, 2015. And finally, many people are considering how to close out the year both personally and business-wise.
“Perhaps it is time to redefine your boundary, role and status. Take a closer look at perceptions which either are contracting and limiting or those which nourish the path that is alive and abundant with possibilities.
“An important question to ask yourself is ‘Am I fulfilled in my personal life, professional life, healing and relationships?’ Be honest. If the answer is no, then ask yourself ‘What am I willing to do, let go of, adjust, change, heal and examine to create a more fulfilling happy life?’
“These are real life changing questions which deserve follow up action. The internal pressure builds to such a degree, a strong or even an extremely important decision and action has to be made to relieve the tension and allow the creative potential to flow.
“The Solstice gateway brings in fresh Spiritual Energies to attune and align with. It also perhaps evokes a sense of completion of one increment in a Solar cycle and the readiness to embark on a new one (New Year). What type of ceremony will honor the passage and the completion?
“Welcome the sudden, out of the blue and unexpected. Even if it feels topsy turvy, there is potential for shifting things in a fresh radical new way. Grab the opportunity and ride the wave.
“From now until the beginning of January 2016, the suddenly surprising energy is strong in its waves and influences both symbolically and literally.
“Even if something is labeled bad by the egoic mind, ask what is the higher purpose and potential within this as a part of my healing, evolution and growth? You may be surprised as to the insight that arrives.
“The year ahead, 2016 draws each person closer to deepening faith in the non-physical reality or the benevolence of Life/Divine/God.
“The beliefs which impede growth, evolution and healing have to be let go of. Mostly are self-created barriers based in fear, unworthiness as well as lack of faith. Faith is tested not when everything is humming along perfectly. You test yourself to have faith when the chips are down and you are going through a trial or tribulation.
“2016 brings the potential for extraordinary new things to emerge from the rubble and transitions. These can be both symbolic and quite literal. If you are too busy in resistance, you may miss out on the exciting creative potential, beauty and the magic.”
© Copyright 2015 DIPALI DESAI
From ROBERT WILKINSON from his Aquarius Papers:
“It has been put forth over the centuries that the charts done for the Solstices and Equinoxes give snapshots of what we can expect during that season…”
“This is an excellent time for looking at what has ended, what is emerging, and making decisions about how we want to live in 2016.
“We up North have now reaped the harvest of what we’ve done and not done, and can figure out how we want to claim our power in 2016.
“In the Southern latitudes, you’ve finished your ‘Spring planting,’ and will now see how these labors will come to fulfillment over the next 90 days.
“Whether North or South, keep following through on the emergent archetypes you’ve already begun to live, since this is the time to embrace personal power in some public way.
“Regardless of where we live, what follows explores elements we all can expect to experience over the next 13 weeks.
“As mentioned, the charts for the Summer and Winter Solstices provide guideposts for what will follow in the 90 days after those points in time…
“In this chart, the biggest factor is a very powerful Grand Earth Trine made by the Moon at 18 Taurus, Mercury at 19 Capricorn, and Jupiter at 23 Virgo! Very grounding, very practical, and offers us the chance to clear out dark corners of our mind and purify our consciousness by letting some fresh air into our view and understanding.
“Obviously, since the Sun is the key to the Solstice, the aspects it makes are extremely important. In this December 2015 Solstice chart, the Sun makes only one forming aspect, a very obscure 11th harmonic aspect which I’ve termed trielftile, to Jupiter. This means a major theme of the next 90 days involves making leaps of faith to overcome some form of duality in our lives…”
“All in all, the Grand Earth Trine will stabilize and harmonize a lot! Moon is exalted in Taurus, bringing a certain stable determination and enjoyment as we clear out old ‘musty dark corners of being,’ and follow any sense of self-dissatisfaction into a purified mind.”
“…the North Node in Virgo is also the first change of seasons with it in that sign. It shows us that our line of growth and development these next 90 days involve finding ways to refine our expression while learning how to experiment to make areas of our lives work more effectively.
“We’re now at the beginning of the NN in Virgo era, so pay attention to details and cultivate Divine Discernment so you know what’s important and what’s not important.”
© Copyright 2015 ROBERT WILKINSON
Solstice Blessings!
For more *SOLSTICE* magic….
>>> Winter Solstice: Ritual, Ideas & Celebrations~
>>> Summer Solstice Rituals, Ideas and Significance~
>>> Solstice Meaning and Spiritual Significance
>>> Solstice Blessings ✺ LIGHT!
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Lily says:
Dec 21, 2015
Thank you All for your loving words. We are all Blessed when you All share your gifts with us!
Love and Light,
Layla says:
Dec 21, 2015
Thank you. I can finally sense some light. I have been currently enduring a total collapse of my faith and beliefs. Perhaps the dark night of the soul. But, a little light is coming through. A light at the end of this long and dark tunnel. This time I am certain it is not another train! I have been tested and failed miserably. I have worked out from this experience that strength comes with acceptance. That my resistance to surrender has prolonged the process whereas my surrender will expedite it. I knew this already as a concept but now I can feel it as an absolute truth. Thank you MM for the part you have played in this breakthrough. Your words of truth and wisdom are always a comfort.
Layla says:
Dec 21, 2015
Wow! Perhaps the dawn, the first light, that I am sensing after this longest and darkest night, is in fact, the dawning of the longest day! So symbolic. I suppose it is very lucky that I live in Australia and it is the longest day down here! Lol! All is well. Om Namo Narayani!
Tiko Malik says:
Dec 22, 2015
Surrender With A Smile (smile)
pam says:
Dec 21, 2015
thank you and happy solstice
cadence says:
Dec 21, 2015
thank you so much! happy solstice from Maui!
Mei Lyn Brown says:
Dec 21, 2015
Aloha Beautiful Mystic, I was reading your sharing guidelines, and not sure if you realize this, yet you have social media share buttons on your website, that share this entire page content when you click on it to “Share & Inspire”, so just a little confused on the new guidelines. Perhaps, if the intention is to no longer share your reports with other, which lead everyone right back to your page, which is a great thing, then why have the share buttons? I Love your work and that of each astrologer and love to share it with my circle monthly. Giving full credit and recognition. :) May everyone continue to share messages that benefit the whole, as we are all ONE. Happy Winter Solstice, with so much Love, Peace and Joy! Thank you all for your work and your being! Aloha Ke Akua, Namaste’. ~Soul Flower xoxo
Iliana Brightwolf says:
Dec 22, 2015
I’m in the southern hemisphere, so heading into sorter days, but I will celebrate the divine feminine all the same, as always!
Katrina says:
Dec 26, 2015
i am grateful for finding this information & confirmation of all that is happening on an astrological level so to speak-i just felt like i was “draining” & relaxing more & more as i read, & have been reminded of experiences in the past re:Goddess Energy/Feminine Divine recall visions (have only had a few that i clearly remember) saw: the statue of Jesus in South America before i had ever “seen” a picture of it. saw an escalator that went up into the sky without end. and a vision of a giant hand reaching in through my bedroom window & grabbing me-it was a reminder that at the time was appropriate. I feel re-connected with this Feminine Energy & Power that comes from Peace. Thank You and Merry Christmas/Happy Full Moon Solstice.
Katrina says:
Dec 26, 2015
oh and i’m a Virgo with Leo Ascendent. obviously don’t know how to spell it. but it has had an unusual impact on my life that i would really like to find out more about at some point maybe someone on this site will be able to provide me with some feedback.
Tru says:
Dec 14, 2017
Hi there, I was wondering if I could use and have your permission to use your image for an astrology event I’m promoting ?
mm says:
Dec 14, 2017
Thank you for asking, but I am not licensing my work and do not allow usage for any events, products or websites.