tuning in
The theme for April 2014 is Intensity~
Lena Stevens says: "This is an amazing time with incredible power available. It is intense and robust both in its lessons and challenges, and in its tremendous opportunity for growth, expansion and empowerment..."
EQUINOX March 20th 2014: Significance, Meaning and Energy~
"As the Equinox energy bursts on to the scene of consciousness, remember that the only place where you can find Balance is in the present moment...
The Theme for February 2014 is RELEASE~
Lena Stevens says: "We have set our intentions, organized ourselves as best we could, tried to anticipate what’s ahead and are now ready for the gate to open so we can move forward in a release of energy that will...
The theme for January 2014 is GET READY, GET SET~
Lena Stevens says: "The opportunity this month is to get things done and to become more organized than you have ever been. There is also a great opportunity to finally eliminate old projects, clutter and energy that have weighed you...
Winter Solstice: Ritual, Ideas & Celebrations~
Like our ancestors have done from the beginning of time, we honor the cycles and the seasons that remind us of the ever-changing flow of life that we are a part of. Ritual acts give life meaning...
Indigenous Elders from North and South America unite and send a Call to Action~
The Indigenous Elders and Medicine People of North and South America have united and issued forth a powerful statement for humanity which will be read at the UN next week...
The theme for November 2013 is Discipline~
Lena Stevens says: "DISCIPLINE this month will be for committing to your new intentions, not taking things personally, following through with determination, setting daily practices and continuing forward despite difficulty, doubt and obstacles.
Honoring our Ancestors and our dearly departed~
November 1st and 2nd is Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, a Mexican holiday celebrated in cultures around the world that honors and celebrates the lives of those who have passed. It is also the Celtic...
The themes for July 2013 are EXPANSION, DISCIPLINE, MAGIC~
From Lena Stevens: "This month we have a triad of themes all working together to provide an incredible opportunity for accelerated growth, change and evolution..."
The theme for June 2013 is TRANSITION~
From Lena Stevens: "Transition time is an active time but can appear passive. Transition requires a suspension of doing things as usual in order to allow for a new energy or pattern to solidify...
Recent X-class (highest) Solar Flares activity and it’s effects on us~
Well all that NASA and the “news†are reporting is that our GPS might not work and a radio station got knocked off the airways, but truly if the electromagnetic field is being disturbed, we are feeling it too! ...
The theme for May 2013 is MANIFESTING~
From Lena Stevens: "This is a very powerful month and you would be wise to use it well. The theme of manifesting brings up many areas to work on. There is plenty of material around this theme for growth, change,...
The theme for April is MOMENTUM from Lena Stevens~
"This is an excellent month to jump-start and move ahead full on with any business idea or creative project...
Happy Vernal (Spring) Equinox – Energy of New Life: March 20th, 2013!
This is a transformative, alchemical time, where we take our dreams and let them see the light of day. We must find our passion and bring that fire forth to illuminate our heart and the hearts of others...
The theme for March 2013 is Subtle Movement~
From Lena Stevens: "It may seem like nothing is moving and the surface is quiet, but there is a lot going on underneath...Remember not to underestimate what goes on beneath the surface and pay attention to the subtle..."
The theme for February is Navigating the Unexpected~
From Lena Stevens: "The gift of this time now is a re-imprinting of what is considered 'normal' and a slow retraining of the subconscious to trust more in the spontaneity of spirit..."
1-13-13 : Access the quantum vibrational field~
Loving this numeric alignment of 13! We are creating it with our own energy but sweet to feel the galactic support. On 1/13/13 Energy portal opening...
The theme for January 2013 is TRANSITION~
From Lena Stevens: "The image is that of transitioning from one experience to another or one place to another where the old has been dismantled but the new does not have its right place yet..."
2013 Dawn of a New Era : Year of the Woman – Return of the Feminine : Sacred Energy of Number 13~
This year of 2013 is symbolic in that the number 13 has always been associated with the Goddess and the Divine Feminine...
STEP into the MYSTERY~
2 0 1 3 WE STEP into you. INTO THE MYSTERY. The way is OPEN. The road is WIDE. And we are HERE. READY...
Candles of prayer for Connecticut victims: Healing collective patterns by Lena Stevens~
"Yesterday's massacre in a Connecticut school has left us once again holding another large scale trauma in our collective. Incidents such as this one have been part of a larger pattern of aggressive..."
12 12 12 Portal – Stargate – Activation – Significance~
12-12-12 is here and there is much talk and excitement about what this auspicious numerological stargate! Many channelers are saying it is a powerful energetic portal where we can receive Light Codes...
The theme for December is Forgiveness~
By Lena Stevens: "We carry such debt, most of it a collective karmic debt. It is a huge burden and time is running out. You can help the collective by forgiving yourself and then forgiving all others..."
Mother Earth we thank you~
"To be human being is an honor, and we offer thanksgiving for all the gifts of life. Mother Earth, we thank you for giving us everything we need.Thank you, deep blue waters around Mother Earth, for you are the force...
The theme for November is Strong Winds~
From Lena Stevens: "This is a month that will require you to pay attention, be present, and have both hands on the wheel...
Energy Update from Lauren C. Gorgo “Decloaking”~
"The unseens say that October is a bit of a sneak-preview for 2013 in the sense that we will be utilizing the energies of this (universal 6) month to bring our inner selves to our outer world…to learn how to...
The theme for October is EVALUATE~ ADJUST~ CREATE~
Latest from Lena Stevens: "This month is much more intellectually oriented where much comes up for review and evaluation. It will be about making decisions, being practical, and doing what you know is best...
Happy EQUINOX! September 22, 2012: Gather together to activate a Solar Wave of Oneness~
Our ancestors have always greeted the Equinox with celebration and the gathering of community. It is so important for us to create moments of coming together to unite with our spiritual family....
What the Mayan Elders say about the End of the Mayan Calendar and 12-21-12~
"We are living, in this moment, a process of Change of Consciousness in all of us... A golden era, but based on being and acting differently; loving, respecting, and honoring...
Energy report for August 2012 ( Effects of Solar Flares, vibrational shifts)
"We are living through a year where every day, and sometimes every hour, will have a different flavor... Knowing that we have strong energy waves passing through us, for the purpose of clearing debris and raising our vibration...
August is about EMPOWERMENT~
From Lena Stevens: “There are many ways to work with a theme of power and for this month it is more about looking at where you give your power away and then changing that behavior or pattern. It is also...
Theme for July is ADJUSTMENT~
"Think of yourself as shedding the skin of limitations connected to your beliefs and way of life. We are entering a new phase where the world is moving into a different set of patterns. If you expect the unexpected and...
Theme for June is Creativity~
"This month there are two themes that will be working together, Creativity and Vision, Creativity being the more feminine and primary expression of the influences and Vision the more masculine and secondary expression. Both will be active this month...
Truth and Transparency~
"Our old karmic ties are ending and so we are not karmically obligated to continue playing out old roles or patterns, or engaging in old relationships and dynamics that are no longer serving us...
May~ Cycle of wind and wealth
"It's May...In the feng shui seasonal cycle, it is the time of wind and wealth. Considering wind in its esoteric meanings, it is the Breath of God, the time when the Earth breezes carry...
Honoring Mother Earth~ Celebrating Earth Day April 22!
"This Earth Day take the opportunity to go out into nature and connect your heart with the heart of the Earth...
The main theme for April is POWER~
"Everything this month will be powerful. From events to reactions and personal experiences, everything is potentiated with a greater energy and vitality. For many of you this will come as an exciting and welcome opportunity for moving ahead with your...
The main theme for March 2012 is Opportunity~
Insight from Lena Stevens: "This is a dynamic month of connectivity, exchange and movement and there is opportunity around every corner. Say yes to what you may not have considered in the past, take a practical risk, and go for...
2012: Think With Your Heart by Lauren C. Gorgo~
"In 2012, you will know what it means to be an embodied master of light. And you will be the guides, the way-showers in this capacity. There is so much to be uncovered in this next phase of...
Embrace the Feminine~
ART BY EGOR OSTROV “The feminine principle is an archetypal energetic expression that is alive in both men and women and in every aspect of creation. It represents the very energy of creation itself, the creative force from which all...
Ritual and Reflection for 2011 into 2012~
As we reach the end of 2011, we can look back upon the past year and acknowledge the rich medicine it has brought us. No doubt it has been a huge, transformational year for all of us. Take the time...
US Thanksgiving truth and prayers~
“Since 1970, the Wampanoag Tribe has declared Thanksgiving a national day of mourning for the loss of indigenous people’s lives, culture and land... we can’t change the past, but we can change the future,” Chief Ladybug said. “And the way...
11.11.11 is a date of special significance that is being celebrated all over the entire world because of it’s numerical alignment. All over the planet, people are hosting many different kinds of gatherings and celebrations which will generate positivity on the...
Message from Mayan Master teacher Don Miguel Angel~
"Increase the life and love inside yourself" he advised and with complete relaxation, have faith and be inspired. "We are the children of the Earth. We are Beings of the Sun. We are light...We are the center points between the...
We are amidst a great transformation…
In our quest to evolve and in turn affect the collective, we need to remember that the process requires the amalgamation of the opposites within and without us. We can't just try to hold on to the light, we must...
Culmination of Mayan Calendar… October 28th, 2011?~
We've reached the top of the pyramid in terms of the consciousness of humanity being ready to move into Unitary Consciousness...we are here, we are poised on the edge of the transformation...
“7th Day” of Mayan Calendar October 11th, 2011~
"It is about a time of hope, humility, forgiveness, love … a time of prayer, of plenty … a time to go to our roots, to the very depths of our being … a time to share who we are...
Our planet is entering upon a great initiation~
"Our planet, my beloved, is in crisis; this of course, we all know. We, many of us, think that her crisis is caused by men, or White people, or capitalism, or industrialism, or loss of spiritual vision, or social turmoil,...
Wisdom of the Elders calling for a fundamental shift in consciousness~
"Our elders tell us that we have to do more than save what is left of our traditional homelands. We need to contribute to an overall change of mind...so that human-kind can begin to initiate strategies which will preserve and...
Entering 6th Night Mayan Calendar + *Cosmic Convergence* September 23~
Cosmic Convergence Spetember 23-26th, 2011: A call to action to take a moment and symbolically acknowledge and commit to these 2 things:
1) That we will consistently let our lives be guided by divine guidance rather than our egos.
2) That we...
Welcome Autumn Equinox & Harvest Blessings~
"It is a time of conscious selfhood, a time when we celebrate the building and strengthening of our inner life.
In many cultures, the autumn time marks the beginning of a new year. The forces of nature are transiting with the...
We will always remember~
May those who lost their lives in the attacks on September 11. 2011 rest in peace.
May the power of remembrance keep their memories alive.
We will never forget~
*in Remembrance" through the eyes of children...
Entering 6th Day “Flowering” of Mayan Calendar -September 5th, 2011
"As we embark on the 6th Day, we are commencing a period of immense light, an illumination of our beauty and divine Soul wisdom...we are FLOWERING…
The Sparks Ignite~
"There is a great sense of anticipation and electricity in the air....On a personal level, the anticipation we are experiencing right now is showing up in a few different ways...
July 31st-Aug 17th “5th Day” Mayan Calendar “BUDDING”
"As we embark on the 5th Day, we are commencing a period of immense light, an illumination of our beauty and divine Soul wisdom.
With this empowering sense of Oneness, we are preparing our ‘buds’ (our gifts, talents & soul evolutionary...
Wave of transformation~
"You can ride this wave of light and experience more joy, peace, and love than you have ever known. Begin to do so by embracing your spiritual growth, linking with your Higher Self, and working with light. Take small steps...
The main theme for July 2011 is Birth.
"You have grown beyond the size of the old container and it is time to push through into a new landscape. It is scary leaving the known environment even though you are cramped and squeezed but there is no other...
The “in-between” place…
"It seems we are in one of those time spaces I have termed "the in-betweens." This is the moment between breaths, between steps, between thoughts, and between life chapters.
If you are impatiently waiting for an answer, a response, a clear...
Our shared dream~
"In this dreaming process, we each have to find our own paths, to listen to our own intuitive knowing, for it is not about following outside authorities, it is about each of us manifesting our sacred roles within this time...
To emerge as Agents of Calm~
"...it is said the Ancient Hawaiians had a prophecy that there would come a time on the planet where there would be so much chaos it would require many to emerge as Agents of Calm. It feels these times have...
Unity Consciousness~
We are collectively moving into what the Mayans called the wave of “unity consciousness.” What this means is that within the collective mind, the idea of us as one “planet” is going to be pervasive. Before this time, we...
Divine Seeds~
"As Spring comes into her peak beauty it is time for each person to take time to plant a new idea, a new seed, a new desire, a new dream, then know without a shadow of a doubt that the...
In the midst of an initiation process~
"The time has come when each of you is being asked to bring forth and share your own particular wisdom garnered from your vast experiences on Earth, and to also tap into the jewels of wisdom stored within your Sacred...
Meditation~Create from Spaciousness
Practice the art of becoming spaciousness.
Go there often and bring back wisdom. It will come naturally because you are exposing yourself to consciousness. Connect to Source and you will receive the wisdom and knowing of how to manifest a new...
Stand in your Truth, Step into your Power~
Now is the time that many have been speaking of "the return of the feminine." It's a return to our truth, a connection to our feelings and a living from our heart. When we allow our heart to lead the...
Re-calibration/Physical symptoms of expansion…
“There is a deep soul-level silence that is palpably permeating the planet right now.The human heart is opening and adjusting to the amplified frequencies of love, and many are left reeling from all that has transpired since March began. It’s...
Prayers for Japan~~~~~
PRAYERS~~~ For our brothers and Sister in Japan~~~~~ For our Mother Earth  as she seeks to regain balance… May we all remember how blessed we are… How fragile our lives are… May we love and appreciate and be grateful for...
Today, March 9th is the start of the shift into the 9th wave of the Mayan calendar. It lasts 260 days. From now on we’re going to experience life at 18X speed. Each timeframe takes only 20 days instead of...