The theme for May 2016 is TRUST!
23 CommentsART: UNKNOWN
Here is the channelled energetic theme for May 2016 channeled by the always wonderful Lena Stevens from The Power
“We have survived the energies of April (some of us barely) and are now facing a new game, a new dream, new possibilities, a new sense of self and a lot of unknown.
“Just as powerfully as April shook things up, May provides us with a potent opportunity for changing our game and moving into that new dream we all so desperately want.
“For some of us it will require a leap of faith and for some simply a willingness to allow new things into our lives in a new way.
“This will take a great deal of trust as well as discipline in eliminating any attachment to old ways of thinking, judgment, and doubt. The most important lesson this month is to trust and allow your life to be supported in unfolding in a very new way, one that you are not familiar with but you welcome and receive.
“It is helpful to keep a ‘don’t know mind’ and to trust that all is manifesting as it should. It is also important that you notice your expectations and assumptions that lead and lock you back into old experiences from the past.
“For example, if you have always had a particular experience in the past around seeing a certain person or doing a certain task or under the influence of a particular astrology, consider that this time around the same experience could be very different under a new game, a new dream and a new set of influences.
“This consideration requires that you eliminate your passive expectation that it will always be business as usual. You need to let go of your assumptions and give the universe some room to present you with a different experience.
“So the next time you make plans for spending time with a difficult relative or tackling a task that was always challenging in the past, decide it can be different and then trust that it will be.
“The expectations that come from your mind are based on past experiences and the language of the past. There is no intellectual language for the future, as the future has not manifested yet. So you are doing yourself a disservice by expecting the future to unfold in the same way as it has in the past.
“It is time to change the game. And this means setting new RULES for yourself. Examine how the patterns of the past create a negative rule that guides your life in the same direction over and over again.
“Some of those rules are positive and some are negative. We are mostly concerned here with the negative rules however if you have a positive rule that limits expansion and new direction, you may need to revise that rule as well.
“Here are some examples:
You always get the worst seat, or you always get the best seat.
You always attract the right people, or you always attract the wrong people.
You always get into a fight with a relative when you see them.
You always get sick during a certain time of year, or you never get sick.
You never have enough time.
You never have good luck, or you always have the best luck.
“Setting new rules for yourself is a way of structuring your intentions to move in a new direction. We have been talking for months and even years around the theme of ‘out with the old, in with the new’.
“This month will support that in a big way as long as you can really eliminate the ‘old’ and welcome in the ‘new’. And this takes TRUST.
“Another potent and exciting aspect of this month is acknowledging the power of your intuition as a guiding principle in setting your intentions and trusting in a new direction.
“Intuition is non-intellectual and helps us to ‘feel’ into things instead of rationalize them. Remember that rationalization uses language from the past and past experiences, whereas intuition feels into the future.
“Your intuition ‘knows’ your true values, and your values are important building blocks to the foundation of your future. It is no longer acceptable to be engaged in activity that goes against your personal values and integrity.
“Moving towards what your heart wants and your intuition agrees with will be what ultimately changes the game. So trust you intuition, trust your new rules, trust right timing and trust the new game.
“How the month shows up:
“You have the opportunity this month to change your habits, patterns, and beliefs about yourself in a big way. There is also an opportunity to develop you intuition and begin to trust it in ways you have not been able to in the past.
“The influences we have and the support of the times can insure that whatever change and reset you make for yourself can be permanent. Because the times require a total shift in order to move forward, whatever personal change you put total commitment and trust behind, will become permanent as long as you continue to trust it.
“There is also an aspect of going within and really telling the truth to yourself about what is important to you. What are your values? Where have you been compromising? There is finality to what you decide to cut loose and leave behind.
“Don’t be surprised if you go through times of grieving for what is past, even if it was positive and good. In a way you are leaving the nest of your comfort zone and striking out into the unknown.
“As you look forward into your future, set your intentions from the wisdom and intuition of your heart and then trust you are on the right path.
“Relationships can be many things this month. Some will test you, some will support you, some will confirm you are on the right track and some will be your biggest challenge.
“Relationship lessons this month will include working with your intuition and deeper knowing around what is healthy and what is not healthy. Often it is difficult to let go of something known and familiar even when you know intuitively it is no longer right for you.
“In the greater picture of change and evolution, trusting that when a space opens up, there is actually something better and more supportive out there for you.
“There may be times this month when you are fed up and irritated with the behaviors of others. Pay close attention to your unconscious habits of putting up with relationships that no longer serve you and cut them loose if appropriate. You may mourn the loss but find freedom in the space.
“This is maybe the biggest area of trust and faith this month. We have very strong collective belief systems in place about health, disease, aging, healing and what is possible and not possible for the human body.
“Without needing to ‘know’ mentally, this is the month to push the envelope of what we believe to be true and to invite some concepts at the edge of the ‘box’ to begin to manifest.
“The area of the physical body is where you can readily witness what your rules and beliefs are about what is possible and what you are capable of. Examine your personal rules about your health, weight, energy levels, conditions, capabilities, challenges, limitations, how much sleep you need, how much food you need, and in general what your body needs according to what you have been taught.
“It is time to change the game and the body is a great place to practice implementing a new set of rules and trusting that it will be so.
“Be the witness here in regards to the environment and trust that everything is happening just exactly according to some larger plan…
“What you do have control over is your personal immediate environment. Represent a change in your game by cleaning out, clearing something, letting go and changing things up.
“It is a good time to really pay attention to your personal environment. What can you change? What can you upgrade? What can you get rid of? What have you been living with that you no longer notice but no longer serves? Be proactive and trust that when you let go of something you make room for something new.
“The same concept as working with the environment is also true for business, partnerships and projects. You need to trust that letting go of something you have been struggling with for a long time will only lead to freedom and something better and more in alignment with you.
“Many will make important decisions this month to finally quit a toxic job, complete a partnership that is no longer viable, or let go of a project that has been a struggle.
“There is a need to TRUST that when one door closes another one opens. Even though you cannot see the path you need to trust that it is taking you in the right direction.
“Instead of trying to figure out where you are going with your mind, trust your intuition and let the right project, work or partnership choose you.
“The unstable and unsettled energies of April are still somewhat at work, influencing a need to re examine values and truth before moving forward in a new direction.”
© Copyright 2015 ~Lena Stevens All Rights Reserved
Zory Hill says:
Apr 30, 2016
Bernie will gain the lead over Hillary in May!
I trust that God knows what she is doing and I have faith all will be well.
All is well!
Lauren says:
May 18, 2016
I believe in Bernie Sanders! The world will rebalance and we will know peace because that is what our hearts are now choosing to vibrating with. Love for all! And may we all find inner peace.
ashna says:
Apr 30, 2016
walking into the Light feeling one step after the other one breath at a time
Sophia says:
May 1, 2016
I am so looking forward to May, and it’s chalanges. It is definitely time for a change. I feel like it’s time to grow up into the women I’ve been dreaming about….ME🙏🏿
kathleen says:
May 1, 2016
this is really, really great. thank you for sharing these amazing and wonderful insights. i will refer to this often throughout the month of may. blessings to you.
Mar says:
May 1, 2016
“Darling, don’t ever be too shy
to dance
heart out.” -Audrey Hepburn
Clement says:
May 1, 2016
I am grateful to you for this insightful article! Love!
Nadine Lee says:
May 1, 2016
thank you so much this is very helpful!
grateful always xx
Michelle says:
May 1, 2016
Very grateful for this article. Thank you
isabel juliana says:
May 2, 2016
>>>>> THE RiGHT TiME and PLACE TO DO THE REAL WORK INSIDE and LET the FOOL (tarot ) take US >>>>>> TO PARADiSE here on Planet EARTH >>>>> ALLOWiNG us FiNALLY tO SEE = THE BEAUTY of UNiVERSES of POTENCiAL >>>> WE ALL ARE <<<<<<< 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888A BLESSiNGS ++++ PEACE +++++ JOY for ALL GRATEFUL in mY HEART
Chell says:
May 1, 2016
On point & so needed. Thank you.
Carey says:
May 2, 2016
As always, thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Lyfe says:
May 2, 2016
Thanks for the insight
Carlos says:
May 2, 2016
Thank you for the insight, Lena Stevens, and thank you for sharing, Mystic Mamma!!
Foxy whitetip says:
May 2, 2016
Really appreciate your work this is so on target – and needed in navigation – so thank you and please continue to enlighten
claudette says:
May 2, 2016
Very well written! Great summary of the time, confirmed by daily consultation of the I Ching. A lot of hidden changes going on.
MyMantra says:
May 4, 2016
Erika says:
May 5, 2016
So much love. thank you so much for all this
Singh says:
May 5, 2016
This really hits home for me. thank you for the inspiration and guidance ♥
Doris says:
May 5, 2016
Thank you!
Kim Smith says:
May 15, 2016
This helped me tremendously. This is my second time reading the article. I will refer th it throughout the month.
nish says:
May 18, 2016
spot on. journeying on. thank you dosnt seem word enough to describe my feeling after reading. AHO AHO AHO!
Hyacinthos says:
May 1, 2017
Just returning to this post after one year, although the words and the teachings are so beautiful, trust was not at all the value I should follow. I really challenging time that, perhaps, by NOT trusting the experience and holding on the limitation of the duality could have saved a lot of harm, which I am still struggling with. This is me, reading the post one year later.