Posts tagged "inner journey"
NEW MOON in Gemini May 28th 2014~

NEW MOON in Gemini May 28th 2014~

The NEW MOON in Gemini brings us the gift of refining our perceptions. With Neptune the planet of illusions being a key player, we are reminded to see people and situations as they are and cut through the mirage of...
Recall the transformations you have known~

Recall the transformations you have known~

“See the gaps were you have bled and take the stitches from your closed wounds weaving them into a mantle that you wear for your morning and evening prayer..."
Re-establish feminine-masculine alignment~

Re-establish feminine-masculine alignment~

"The secret to designing our lives from the creative center is to reestablish our connection not only to the feminine, but to the feminine-masculine alignment. We must recognize where we forgo the feminine and over-access the masculine mode of doing.... ...
Enter the silence and know~

Enter the silence and know~

"To become like Bear and enter the safety of the womb-cave, we must attune ourselves to the energies of the Eternal Mother, and receive nourishment from the placenta of the Great Void..."
The Theme for May 2014 is INTEGRATION~

The Theme for May 2014 is INTEGRATION~

"This is a month to integrate and assimilate what has come before as deeply as possible. In the last months you have been stretched, twisted, expanded, tweaked, changed, thrown curve balls, challenged, shown a glimpse of an incredible potential, and...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: We’ve been told that we are separate~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: We’ve been told that we are separate~

Mantra: "We’ve been told that we are separate, it’s either me or you,There’s not enough for everyone, we’ll never make it through, This mindset of division, has robbed me of my strength, Its fostered fear and lack of trust, it’s...
Grounding the Cardinal Cross~

Grounding the Cardinal Cross~

Sarah Varcas says: "We have a window of opportunity throughout the coming week, to effect significant change in ourselves over a short space of time, merely by changing how we act and react in the present...
Unlearn the lies and become the real you~

Unlearn the lies and become the real you~

"It's time to come back from the world of illusion, the world of lies, and return to your own truth, to your own authenticity. It's time to unlearn the lies and become the real you...
Honor your truth~

Honor your truth~

"No matter what path we choose to honor, there will always be conflict to negotiate. If we choose to avoid all conflict with others, we will eventually breed a poisonous conflict within ourselves..."
Kaypacha Astrology Report: An Inner Truth I must now express~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: An Inner Truth I must now express~

Mantra: "If my life is full of drama, Shocks, surprises or emotional trauma, I know I’ve avoided, denied or suppressed, An Inner Truth I must now express."
Happy NEW MOON in Aries March 30th 2014!

Happy NEW MOON in Aries March 30th 2014!

"This New Moon is truly a new birth. It is energetically connected to the on-going Pluto-Uranus square, the womb of evolution that is presently shaking and re-shaping our planetary life. We are living in such important times...
Sun enters Pisces: Dreaming a New Dream: Insights from Molly Hall~

Sun enters Pisces: Dreaming a New Dream: Insights from Molly Hall~

"There's a lot of between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place energy right now, and cosmic stress. What I note here is that Pisces has the secret to softening and dissolving what seems like it's hopeless....
Happy FULL MOON in Leo February 14th 2014!

Happy FULL MOON in Leo February 14th 2014!

Full Moon in Leo is here on Valentine's Day! Emotions flow and there is an electricity in the air that is palpable. Express, create, be authentic, be mindful and heartful. Love is the answer.
Kaypacha Report: Beneath the surface of so much tension, Sprouts the seed~

Kaypacha Report: Beneath the surface of so much tension, Sprouts the seed~

Mantra: "Tho my life can change at the drop of a hat, Pushing me forward or setting me back, Beneath the surface of so much tension, Sprouts the seed of my soul’s future intention."
Create your world in love~

Create your world in love~

"Make a home for eternal spirit in your heart. Notice what thoughts create tension or anxiety and choose to release them...
The Theme for February 2014 is RELEASE~

The Theme for February 2014 is RELEASE~

Lena Stevens says: "We have set our intentions, organized ourselves as best we could, tried to anticipate what’s ahead and are now ready for the gate to open so we can move forward in a release of energy that will...
Happy NEW MOON in AQUARIUS SuperMoon January 30th 2014!

Happy NEW MOON in AQUARIUS SuperMoon January 30th 2014!

There is magic and excitement in the air as we feel a rebirth coming forth. With this second New Moon in January which is a SUPER MOON in AQUARIUS...
In Darkness, Illumination: Pluto Insights from Sarah Varcas~

In Darkness, Illumination: Pluto Insights from Sarah Varcas~

"An opportunity to face the shadow aspects of human nature with such courage, fortitude and honesty that we can pass through their flames and emerge into light whole..."
To thine own self be true~

To thine own self be true~

"When you do not seek or need external approval, you are at your most powerful. Nobody can disempower you emotionally or psychologically. This spiritual security gave me a liberated feeling that was practically euphoric..."
Kaypacha Pele Astrology Report: Stand up tall and straight~

Kaypacha Pele Astrology Report: Stand up tall and straight~

Mantra: "I feel that Life is upping the stakes, Just to see what it will take, To get me to stand up tall and straight."
FULL MOON in Cancer January 15, 2014~

FULL MOON in Cancer January 15, 2014~

Grandmother Moon comes into her FULLness, in her first cycle of 2014, in the sign of Cancer, the MOTHER. Mother energy comes to bring healing and release the hardness...
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Feel those feelings, express those feelings~

Kaypacha Astrology Report: Feel those feelings, express those feelings~

Mantra: "As the pelican flies high into the sky, Then dives for food in the sea, I need to remember that the Great Mother, Is always providing for me."
Astrological reflection from Sarah Varcas: One Precious Life~

Astrological reflection from Sarah Varcas: One Precious Life~

"This week the asteroid Juno conjuncts Neptune, forming a Grand Trine in Water with the North Node and Black Moon Lilith. Here we see reflected the fragility and transience of human life contrasted with the enduring quality of the Divine.......
End of 2013 Astrological weather report & reflections~

End of 2013 Astrological weather report & reflections~

The end of the year brings with it a deeply reflective time. So much has changed and is changing within us, so we must take the time to honor this reflective space emerging...
Venus goes Retrograde SOLSTICE day: LIGHT CYCLE Descent and Re-birth~

Venus goes Retrograde SOLSTICE day: LIGHT CYCLE Descent and Re-birth~

"On Solstice day, Venus, our feminine archetype now so beautifully the evening star, begins her retrograde period where she will move closer to the Sun's light and 'disappear'..."
Happy NEW MOON in Sagittarius December 2, 2013!

Happy NEW MOON in Sagittarius December 2, 2013!

“Be encouraged at the New Moon, and breathe in the spirit of Sagittarius — let it revive your weary soul, and bring the twinkle back to your eyes..."
We need the discipline of magic~

We need the discipline of magic~

"Magic might also be called the art of opening our awareness to the consciousness that surrounds us, the art of conversing in the deep language that nature speaks...
Mercury goes Direct November 10th 2013: Guided to our Soul~

Mercury goes Direct November 10th 2013: Guided to our Soul~

"So as Mercury now goes direct in motion, open up and be receptive to higher awareness, higher knowledge, and a greater faith in your ability to know in ways you’ve never known before. We are now solidly in a time...
Pluto Uranus Square November 1st 2013: Mindful breaking through~

Pluto Uranus Square November 1st 2013: Mindful breaking through~

"The beginning of November 2013 starts off with the igniting of the with the Uranus/Pluto is a powerful time of metamorphosis, change and breaking through the limitations to freedom."
SOLAR ECLIPSE - NEW MOON in Scorpio November 3rd 2013~

SOLAR ECLIPSE – NEW MOON in Scorpio November 3rd 2013~

"The Solar Eclipse symbolizes ‘light of awareness’ and new beginnings in astrology. They are considered to be major turning points and open doorways for opportunities. So consider this New Moon phase intensely energized to be empowered, trust in new ways......