our loving cup: leaping into MAY!

our loving cup: leaping into MAY!

....we leap into MAY! heralding the Celtic Festival of Beltaine cross quarter day between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice...
onward: mercury direct in aries 4.25.24!

onward: mercury direct in aries 4.25.24!

since the beginning of April we have been within its orbit of inward reflection moving from eclipse to eclipse shifting within our personal chrysalis of evolutionary transformation...
We are the hidden mainstream~

We are the hidden mainstream~

"When I look at the inspired, devoted, and brilliant people that work in so many ways to repair and nourish the world, in families, communities, and sustainable enterprises everywhere on Earth, I see the imaginal cells of our own transformation..."
We are children of the Earth~

We are children of the Earth~

"Ancient, forgotten things stir within our hearts, memories from the time before the mind was born. Within us are the depths that keep watch..."
Recognize that Spirit is coming through~

Recognize that Spirit is coming through~

"Blessing is the act of recognizing that Spirit is coming through what we are witnessing or experiencing. It is recognizing and acknowledging the grand flow of Beingness that is present...
Shake things up, be free~

Shake things up, be free~

"Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past. Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it...
Let's synchronize with each other~

Let’s synchronize with each other~

"Entrainment is the tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase' or synchronize with each other when exposed to each other long enough. Entrainment is actually an aspect of resonance...
This universe is a shared dream~

This universe is a shared dream~

"This universe is a mass shared dream that all six-and-a-half billion of us are collaboratively dreaming up into materialization. When we realize this, we can put our lucidity together so that we can co-creatively dream a much more grace-filled universe into incarnation...
Be a free spirit~

Be a free spirit~

"We dance to shed skins, tear off masks, crack molds, and experience the breakdown the shattering of borders between body, heart and mind, between genders and generations, between nations and nomads...
Acts of love are never lost~

Acts of love are never lost~

"Good deeds, kindness, forgiveness, tolerance, acts of love, none of these are ever lost, and some day they will return to us...
Truth is ever being transmitted~

Truth is ever being transmitted~

"In every moment the Great Spirit communicates to all creatures everything they need to know. Through ten thousand billion agents---angel, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral--- through the vast and subtle network...
You have a power~

You have a power~

"You have a power that has nothing to do with what you do or what you say or who you know or what you know or where you are or what you look like or your skills or your talents or what you have. It is the power of your presence...
There is no other voice like yours~

There is no other voice like yours~

“Every person, every soul must know that there is no other voice like his. And if that particularity of its own voice, which each soul has, is lost, then nothing is left with it. Besides this, every person is an instrument in this orchestra which is the whole universe, and...
We are energy.

We are energy.

"We are energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form. Einstein realized that. When seen out of context, a cloud in thy sky could just as easily be a wave in the sand. Perceptual experience is choice...
All of nature is a friend and relative~

All of nature is a friend and relative~

"Indigenous wisdom is based on the experiential understanding of an inherent integrity to creation, and the human is part of that natural unity..."
What matters is the level of participation~

What matters is the level of participation~

"This work of connecting our light to the world does not need to be done through a mass movement, or by millions of people. The real work is always done by a small number of individuals....
The fulfillment of your own unique life...

The fulfillment of your own unique life…

"What is unknown is the fulfillment of your own unique life, the likes of which has never existed on earth. And you are the only one who can do it...
It's only for a moment that we are this~

It’s only for a moment that we are this~

"When you know that you are just a disco party of cells that came together for a time, you'll live like the blazing sphere that you are, and dance with the spheres around you...
We must learn to look at ourselves from the center~

We must learn to look at ourselves from the center~

"From that center, we will be able to see how we fit together with everything else. We will experience ourselves to be a small but infinitely sacred part of a very large process...
Enjoy your inner world~

Enjoy your inner world~

"If you want to truly posses the outer world, you have to posses the inner world first. Not the other way around. If you want to truly enjoy the outer world, you must enjoy the inner world first...If your heart...
Use every moment to see more clearly~

Use every moment to see more clearly~

"Our path, our sense of spirituality, demands great earnestness, dedication, sincerity, and continuity, but it is not intended to be a strained, hectic, or tortured pursuit. Above all, it is meant to be our own..."
View the lessons as perfect~

View the lessons as perfect~

"We can develop the capacity to view the lessons of our daily lives as perfect in the way life arranges them at the right time and right place...
Each of us has the power to heal ourselves~

Each of us has the power to heal ourselves~

"Each of us has the power and responsibility to heal ourselves, to be our own medicine man or woman. Awakening our innate powers of being, loving, knowing, seeing, and healing involves ongoing work at all levels...
Feel the fullness~

Feel the fullness~

"Peace is my duty and the Sacred Changing Mother the land of my patriotism. Harmony is everywhere. I celebrate it. I trust the present. I trust the future...
You don't have to know~

You don’t have to know~

"Believe me, you don't have to know. Not so much that you render yourself helpless. Helpless in the face of what Life brings next. So make peace with knowing very little...
Recognize that Spirit is coming through~

Recognize that Spirit is coming through~

"Blessing is the act of recognizing that Spirit is coming through what we are witnessing or experiencing. It is recognizing and acknowledging the grand flow of Beingness that is present...
Gratitude for the millions of ways we are blessed~

Gratitude for the millions of ways we are blessed~

"Every time we show gratitude for the millions of ways we are blessed daily, we send our energy into the unseen world of the Dream Weave, and those threads of gratitude strengthen our spiritual connections...
There is just the right moment for everything~

There is just the right moment for everything~

"There is just the right moment for everything. If you find obstruction on your path, back off just a minute. Take time to allow for an integration of this new information....
Nature loves courage~

Nature loves courage~

"Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold...
Everything is flowing~

Everything is flowing~

"Contemplating the lace-like fabric of streams outspread over the mountains, we are reminded that everything is flowing-going somewhere, animals and so-called lifeless rocks as well as water...
True power lies in releasing resistance~

True power lies in releasing resistance~

"Most rarely align with their true power, because it seems illogical to them that there is power in relaxation, in letting go, or in love or joy or bliss. Most people do not understand that their true power lies in...
To master a relationship is all about you~

To master a relationship is all about you~

"The quality of your communication depends upon the choices you make in each moment, whether you tune your emotional body to love or to fear. If you catch yourself in the track of fear, just by having that awareness, you...
Dance when the wind blows~

Dance when the wind blows~

"I wonder if the sun debates dawn some mornings not wanting to rise out of bed from under the down-feather horizon. If the sky grows tired of being everywhere at once...
You are Life~

You are Life~

"What you are is a force---a force that makes it possible for your body to live, a force that makes it possible for your whole mind to dream. Without you, without this force, your body would collapse on the floor......
Get near the heart of the world~

Get near the heart of the world~

"As long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I'll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I'll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens...
Stillness is a pleasure~

Stillness is a pleasure~

"Stillness is a pleasure. Let it become a pleasure and a privilege. And if in that stillness, you knew that tomorrow was your last day to be alive, what would today be like for you? Would you do anything differently?...
Let go and open up again to that space~

Let go and open up again to that space~

"The trick about nowness is that you can let go and open up again to that space. You can do that at any moment, always. But it does take making friends with yourself. It does take coming to know your...
As we express ourselves, we unfold~

As we express ourselves, we unfold~

"The more we exercise our connection, the more connected we are. The higher we reach out in acts of love and integrity, the higher are the vibrations to which we respond and the more truth of purpose that is within...
Everything has the potential to transform us~

Everything has the potential to transform us~

"Everything within our life structure has the potential to transform us when we know how to properly relate to it....
You are a chalice~

You are a chalice~

"You are being activated, cleared and tuned to become a fully potentiated human being. You are a chalice, an open vessel to receive the unlimited resonance of the expanded self..."
Get into Balance~

Get into Balance~

"Once you are connected with the world---which means stopping the internal dialogue--- you start getting fed a whole new line of data. You're no longer in a cassette tape loop that's stuck on automatic...
Trust the rhythm~

Trust the rhythm~

"In any creative feat (by which I mean your work, your art, your life) there will be downtimes. Or so it seems. Just as the earth is busy before the harvest...
Your inner wisdom knows the answers~

Your inner wisdom knows the answers~

"Support yourself in making the right choices for yourself. When you are in doubt, ask yourself: 'Am I coming from the loving space of the heart? Is this a decision that is loving for me? Is this right for me...
You are a full participant~

You are a full participant~

"Be aware that what you're experiencing is not simply death or an ending. You'll see that it's a process of creation in which you are a full participant...
Everyone has the power for greatness~

Everyone has the power for greatness~

"Everyone has the power for greatness, not for fame but greatness, because greatness is determined by service...
Everything you do is a choice~

Everything you do is a choice~

"Remove the expression 'have to' from your vocabulary and your thinking, because it is going to release a lot of self-imposed pressure on you...
Be the way~

Be the way~

"I live to be the message that I long to hear. I long to be the way I'm looking for. I need to shine the light that I want to see... We all have a spectrum of attributes that are...