“Believe me, you don’t have to know.
Not so much that you render yourself helpless.
Helpless in the face of what Life brings next.
So make peace with knowing very little.
About Love.
About Others.
About how life should be.
Make amends with how things are.
Not knowing a thing,
walk with gentle knees,
ready to drop to them, at any moment
that Life dictates it.
Keep an empty hand
so that it can be brought to your heart
when a grief arrives.
Make up a bed that you can fall into
as your own, comforting arms.
We come to find, that Life is mostly quiet.
It asks us to live by our Knowing, while
surrendering that very same thing.
It vibrates easily around us,
candid and benevolent.
You see, it’s only
when we root ourselves solid in some knowing again,
that Life seems to have to shout –
from Its whisper.”
~Em Claire ˜Life Is Mostly Quiet’  ©2008 “ All Rights Reserved