Posts tagged "tom lescher"
Weekly guidance from Kaypacha: I will use it to grow and evolve my soul~
Mantra: "Whether the revelation, Causes me pleasure or pain, I will use it to grow and evolve my soul, Ever willing to change."
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Time holds the keys to my future expansion~
Mantra: "I am so anxious I’m ready to burst, It’s hard to decide what to do first, I must remember that in this dimension, Time holds the keys to my future expansion."
Kaypacha Astrology Report: Seeing the Truth
Mantra: "It can’t get much more serious, Than it has been of late, I’m seeing the truth of just who I am, In the choices I now must make!"
Kaypacha Pele Astrology Report for week of September 25th 2013~
"Now that I have chosen to BE just who I am, And express myself more fully, as a woman or a man, I can GIVE myself completely in love again and again!"
Kayapcha Pele Report for week of September 11th 2013~
Get ready for a full on impassioned report this week! The forecast is strong as we rise to face the shadow internally and collectively. Time to take empowered action to make a change.
Kaypacha Pele Astrology Report for week of July 31st 2013: Healing~
"What past experience, wound, or belief needs to be released to diffuse the tension you are now feeling. It is a week of either looking at your “stuff†and healing it...
Kaypacha Pele Report for July 17th 2013 >> Grand Trine Birthing Goodness~
Kaypacha mantra for week: "The dark, wet womb of the Mother, Is preparing to birth yet another, New World unlike any other, As MY TRUTH now lies
Kaypacha Pele Report for week of June 26th 2013~
Tom says, this "is a time when we are presented with the opportunity of breaking out of the old patterns of being 'small' and 'wrong' and stepping more fully into our creative power/juices! Go for it!"
Amazing Kaypacha report: Black Moon Lilith and the whole download~
"My thoughts emerge out of my feelings, Like plants that grow out of the earth.To find the roots of my happiness, I must loosen and dig in the dirt..."
Kaypacha’s Pele Report: Mind is here to serve the heart~
Illuminating message from brother Kaypacha about how to center with all the Gemini energy. How to align all the mental energy with the heart....
Kaypacha’s Pele Report on Gemini energy, mythology and the Eclipse~
"We got the Gemini goin’ on this week with a lunar eclipse in Gemini/Sag on Friday! May this be a time for you to bridge worlds together and transition from the old to the NEW: the inner and the outer,...
Kaypacha on the Solar Eclipse May 9th 2013~
"The main thing would be not to take the last two weeks too seriously. Our experiences have been designed to bring up the old emotional patterns and responses so we could see them and let them go...
Kaypacha’s “Hang in there” Pele Report for week of May 1st 2013~
"This is definitely a time to be cleaning the karmic house before being 'allowed' to move on. We’re in the eclipse season with the Sun and Mars joining the Moon’s south node symbolizing the light shining on the past so...
Kaypacha’s Pele Report for the Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse on April 25th~
Here is Kaypacha's Astrological Pele Report for the week of April 24th 2013 where he discusses the FULL MOON and Lunar Eclipse on April 25th and all the things that are coming with it...
Kaypacha Insights for week of April 18th 2013~
"Whew! We’re almost outa’ the fire and comin’ home to Earth! The Sun (and Mars) move into Taurus this weekend signaling a time to slow down, cool your jets, and regroup...
Kaypacha’s Astrological Pele report for the week of February 20th 2013~
"May the mysteries of Pisces reveal themselves to you this weekend and through the Full Moon Monday. This is a time to be very aware that Spirit is working in your best interest when things seem to go crazy..."
Wonderful Astral Insights from Kaypacha: Mustard Seeds of Awareness!
Mantra of the week: "When I allow the world and myself to change, letting go of the guilt and all the self-blame, I un-freeze the picture and release all the pressure, thereby discovering the buried treasure."
Amazing MOON insights from Kaypacha for the week of January 23, 2013~
Spot on once again from insightful brother Kaypacha! Listen to the download of the week as we move from Cancer Moon into FULL MOON in Leo...
Surrendering the Personal & Learning how to Love : Tom Lescher astrological insights~
Key notes are "Personal stuff is getting challenged >>> into Surrender. We are awakening to our spiritual humanity that is satisfying and gratifying and fulfilling just as much, if not more more than just the personal!"
Portal between Eclipses, the download from Tom Lescher~
We are sitting in the portal between eclipses right now. We just had the Solar Eclipse on November 13th, 2012 and now will soon experience the Lunar Eclipse on November 28, 2012. Strong winds, powerful times of transformation for many!...
Deep insights from Tom Lescher: Union of masculine and feminine/End of separation~
Here is an excerpt from a wonderful talk from Tom Lescher about the end of separation between the masculine and the feminine and moving into Union...
Weekly Astrological Forecast from Tom Lescher for week of October 17th 2012~
Some helpful advice about stepping into these new feeling energies and not being afraid to feel our way as we access different dimensions of Being...
*FULL MOON* in Cancer January 9th, 2012 ~
"This is the promise of the Cancer full Moon to nurture the new Light being born within you and to learn how to bring it into the world for our communal benefit later this year...