Ok here’s is Kaypacha’s latest Astrology report for the week of November 6th 2013…
The mantra for the week:
“It can’t get much more serious,
Than it has been of late,
I’m seeing the truth of just who I am,
In the choices I now must make!”
Kaypacha says:
“Oh, the pressure! Will it ever cease? You may have been asking that question for awhile now and the answer is …. never (haha!). No, seriously, Mercury goes direct this Sunday giving the green light to the well thought out (hopefully) plans that have needed to be changed, modified, or scrapped and redone in the past 3 weeks (along with cars, trains, and communication systems!) While we have been in the school of hard knocks, it is hard knocks that break the rigid old patterns and clear the way for a more enlightened approach to living. Hang in there, though sometimes the truth hurts at least you know what is real once it has been revealed! Namaste”

