astral insights
::: FULL MOON in Cancer 12/26 :::

::: FULL MOON in Cancer 12/26 :::

we have entered a new season, a new time, as the great wheel turned on the Solstice and the Sun moved into Capricorn!
NEW MOON in Sagittarius + Mercury RETURNing 12/12~

NEW MOON in Sagittarius + Mercury RETURNing 12/12~

we are the center points between Earth and Sky, both human and Being, within the spectrum of our life experience living in the world at this time of such extremes.
FULL MOON in GEMINI November 27th 2023~

FULL MOON in GEMINI November 27th 2023~

Prayer moves like the wind, it weaves its way inside its calling, carrying our intentions like seeds of light..."
NEW MOON in Scorpio November 13th 2023~

NEW MOON in Scorpio November 13th 2023~

An invitation to fill our lungs with deep breaths and anchor ourselves into the Earth, wherever we find ourselves on our planet, as our prayers for peace resound...
Scorpio Season + Lunar Eclipse in Taurus October 28th 2023~

Scorpio Season + Lunar Eclipse in Taurus October 28th 2023~

the Sun has entered Scorpio and we are now deep within her mysteries, revealing to us the deeper strata within the spectrum of extremes...
Ring of Fire Solar ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Libra October 14th 2023~

Ring of Fire Solar ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Libra October 14th 2023~

there is a sentient stream of deep waters that runs beneath the surface of all our lives, where our collective waters blend with our personal wells...
FULL MOON Super Moon in ARIES flame: September 29th 2023~

FULL MOON Super Moon in ARIES flame: September 29th 2023~

We have a FULL MOON Super Moon rising in Aries bringing the heat of transmutation...
EQUINOX Blessings September 22, 2023~

EQUINOX Blessings September 22, 2023~

the wheel of change is always turning, ever moving us in cycles of regeneration....
new moon + mercury direct in virgo September 14th - 15th 2023~

new moon + mercury direct in virgo September 14th – 15th 2023~

so much of what has been in reflection and incubation is readying to be enacted upon and experienced...
Full Moon : Blue Moon : Supermoon in Pisces August 30th 2023~

Full Moon : Blue Moon : Supermoon in Pisces August 30th 2023~

“a pisces moon is where we go to dream where we close our eyes and softly slip into the other world...