astral insights
+ SOLSTICE + SUN into CANCER + strawberry FULL MOON in Capricorn~

+ SOLSTICE + SUN into CANCER + strawberry FULL MOON in Capricorn~

when we take time to honor these Earth holy days we attune to the energies of our Earth and come in sync with the larger rhythms and cycles we are a part of...
NEW  MOON + Lady Venus in GEMINI June 6th 2024~

NEW MOON + Lady Venus in GEMINI June 6th 2024~

with the light of VENUS influencing this lunation our focus is likely on our relationships...the line-up of planets in GEMINI is also magnifying our twin energies...
FULL MOON flower moon in Sagittarius May 23, 2024~

FULL MOON flower moon in Sagittarius May 23, 2024~

on May 23rd we have a gorgeous FULL MOON "flower moon" in SAGITTARIUS accentuating the feeling of expansion and optimism and the desire for new experiences and adventures...
new moon in taurus : amidst the chaos blossoms blooming~

new moon in taurus : amidst the chaos blossoms blooming~

we have a very beautiful NEW MOON rising in TAURUS 5. 7-8. 24 reminding us to grow our deeper roots and stay anchored in our self-love and self-worth...
our loving cup: leaping into MAY!

our loving cup: leaping into MAY!

....we leap into MAY! heralding the Celtic Festival of Beltaine cross quarter day between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice...
onward: mercury direct in aries 4.25.24!

onward: mercury direct in aries 4.25.24!

since the beginning of April we have been within its orbit of inward reflection moving from eclipse to eclipse shifting within our personal chrysalis of evolutionary transformation...
FULL MOON in Scorpio : soul of the earth~

FULL MOON in Scorpio : soul of the earth~

in certain Buddhist sects, the awareness of death and of our mortality is part of the daily spiritual practice because through facing death, we are awakened to the sacredness of LIFE....
total solar eclipse in aries : forged through the fire :

total solar eclipse in aries : forged through the fire :

eclipses intensify our collective field with their occulting magic and all of the creatures of the earth sense the changes afoot...
APRIL 2024 : mercury retrograde within eclipse portal~

APRIL 2024 : mercury retrograde within eclipse portal~

we have a real looking back and inward focus, encouraging us to get in touch with what we feel and release what has wounded us...
FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in LIBRA March 25th 2024~

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in LIBRA March 25th 2024~

there are parts of ourselves that we can only see through the mirror of "the other" and this is the medicine that libra brings us...