MYSTIC MAMMA | Mijanou Montealegre

Limited Edition Prints here






full moon : blue moon : supermoon in pisces
rising on our horizons and culminating the month
of august…
just like the moon affects the tides in the sea,
so do the waters in us rise and our sensitivities
shimmer under the complete fullness of her light
this is an extra extra read all about it kinda moon
the kind that illuminates what has been hidden and
earnestly reveals the ripples rising to the surface,
originating from the stirring of our depths…


my transmissions are up at…


+ here is the place where i love you + 


here is a little excerpt:
“a pisces moon is where we go to dream
where we close our eyes and softly slip
into the other world
submerging into our inner waters
of receptivity and silent communication
where the receive the transfer of feeling
as communication from our soul”


I wanted to share that I’m going to be taking an online course taught by my friend the astrologer Divine Harmony, to deep dive into learning about the ASTEROID GODDESSES!
We will be learning about the archetypes of the 4 Asteroid Goddesses: Ceres the Mother, Juno the Wife, Pallas Athena the Daughter & Vesta the Priestess, through modern and ancient myth and the stage of Jungian Individuation they each represent.
I have become an affiliate for her 4 week online course which is going to start September 2oth and I’m letting you know in case it calls to you too and you want to join me in learning. No previous experience/knowledge necessary.
You can READ MORE and SIGN UP HERE if you are interested.

