Posts tagged "reality"

Remember the other world in this world~
"You are not a troubled guest on this earth, you are not an accident amidst other accidents you were invited from another and greater night than the one from which you have just emerged..."

Experience a sense of sweet detachment~
"You stand at the threshold of a grand adventure. And the extend to which you are able to experience the fullness of that journey is determined by the extend to which you are able to let go of the scenarios...

Keep your heart open~
"When you open yourself to the continually changing, impermanent dynamic nature of your own being and of reality, you increase your capacity to love and care about other people and your capacity to not be afraid."

See beauty in everything~
"The first step to seeing beauty in all things is being in a state of deep appreciation. This practice will open the veils between worlds. It is not easy to accomplish this task. Have patience with yourself. Everyday, keep opening...

Get into Balance~
"Once you are connected with the world---which means stopping the internal dialogue--- you start getting fed a whole new line of data. You're no longer in a cassette tape loop that's stuck on automatic...

Behind naming, beneath words is an existence unnamable~
"Behind naming, beneath words, is something else. An existence named unnamed and unnameable. We give the grass a name, and earth a name. We say grass and earth are separate...

Awaken to the beauty that is You~
"Take a concentrated dose of the Real and awaken to the beauty that is You. Train in being gracious enough to receive it, to reveal it, to radiate it...."

There are many paths to awareness~
'There are channels of communication, ways of seeing, for which our very limited idea of reality has no vocabulary, and there is nothing 'supernatural' about these channels; they are natural attributes of mind that can be reopened...

Entering 6th Day “Flowering” of Mayan Calendar -September 5th, 2011
"As we embark on the 6th Day, we are commencing a period of immense light, an illumination of our beauty and divine Soul wisdom...we are FLOWERING…

Consciousness Video…worth checking out.
It's exciting to witness, experience and be a part of this huge shift. I'm all for helping to raise the consciousness here on earth and I'm thrilled to see this information being put out there in the public arena to...

Let your mind play between ideas~
"Like the dance of opposites, let your mind play between ideas. Allow the creative chaos of competing ideas and points of view. Think with an open mind. Investigate all possibilities...

We are energy.
"We are energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form. Einstein realized that....

Shed skins in favor of more authentic forms~
"Although shedding is difficult for all of us, for a woman to shed what has falsely hidden her more authentic experience is a great liberation...