Posts tagged "higher vibrational frequencies"

FULL MOON in AQUARIUS August 11th/12th 2022~
:: AQUARIUS FULL MOON ::: is bringing illumination and revelation. Many of us might be facing a turning point. There's a new chapter for us to write and experience, but it's up to us...

Recognize the patterns~
"You will need to have come to grips with all that now has you in its grasp. And to do so, you will need to recognize the truth of what motivates your patterns of response...

1-13-13 : Access the quantum vibrational field~
Loving this numeric alignment of 13! We are creating it with our own energy but sweet to feel the galactic support. On 1/13/13 Energy portal opening...

Respond in ways that shift the dynamics~
"You will observe that now you are able to just 'let it go,'where you once felt compelled to engage in battle. And you will begin to see the process of transcending ego in action...These times are about changing that pattern..."

Moving into VIBRATIONAL EXPERIENCE- Lilou and Panache Desai~
"Right now we are moving from an intellectual way of understanding to more of a VIBRATIONAL WAY of EXPERIENCING life..."

The time is now~
"You are being called into wakefulness...Ancient Skywalkers rise up. Stand in the beauty and power of your true identity. Set aside self-doubt. You are a divine child of the Sun!"