A NEW MOON in Scorpio is here on 11*11 creating an opening for us to shapeshift into a new form. Scorpio embodies the cycle of transformation and her magic medicine teaches us how to shed outmoded forms of being in order to rise to new heights.
Death and Rebirth are part of her cyclical dance and on the 11*11 portal, we are being called to trust our deepest instincts and walk through the door of self-mastery, I and I, at ONE with the shifting tides.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured readers of the stars. First from the wonderful PATRICIA LILES from The Power
“Scorpio New Moon aligns and awakens us to the cycle of the great Mysteries.
“Scorpio holds the power of the water element with its emotionally penetrating receptivity and capacity for depth and magnetism; it doesn’t get more feminine than this.
“The mysteries of birth, death, deep inner transformation, sexuality, and our power held in shadow as yet unconscious to us are all represented by this Scorpionic Moon.
The magnificent forms of destruction and creation are Scorpio’s realm…”
“The Scorpio luminaries (Sun/Moon) are ruled by the transformative power of Pluto, The King of the Underworld. No wonder the topics are dense with power.
“Scorpio rules healing power – where we align with Spirit to transform dis-ease into miraculous health as we rise up out of the ashes and surrender old, stuck energy for the regeneration of health.
“We are all self-healing. The intertwining snakes (Scorpio) of the caduceus on a healing staff are the classic archetype for the medical professions.
“And the serpent power also represents the power of the kundalini force to heal and invigorate our lives if we provide a sacred container (our bodies, our lives, our dedicated service) where it can manifest.
“Chiron, the wise healer/teacher, is trining the New Moon and Mercury bringing forward the wise counsel of wholistic understanding – seeing all the elements that contribute to health or dis-ease – our thoughts, how we nourish ourselves, our habits that express a love (or lack of) towards our bodies, our relationship to Spirit and each other.”
© Copyright 2015 ~PATRICIA LILES. All Rights Reserved
From the inspired KELLEY ROSANO:
“The Scorpio New Moon on November 11 gives birth to the new you. New Moons are new beginnings…”
“It is time to shed the old skins. Release what is dying. Let go of what is not working for you. Move to higher ground. That is raise your vibration…”
“Scorpio is about death and rebirth. This is a cycle of completions and new beginnings...
• What are you completing?
• What doors are opening up for you?
• Where are you ready to go to the next level?“…Breakthrough to the New You…Jupiter is empowering you to make positive changes in your life. Like Pluto, he is in a sextile with the New Moon. You can use this energy to change your life for the better…”
“Your power is inside of you. It is your Inner Being. Reach for your real power. The surface will not give you strength. Dive deep…”
“Chiron who acts like a planet in your astrology. Is an asteroid between Saturn and Uranus. Chiron is the bridge from the past to the future. He is in harmonious energy flow with the New Moon.
“This is about healing you. Healing your heart and mind. This Moon can heal your heavy heart. Let go. Surrender. Love you more than the need for something or someone in your life.
“You are a great spiritual being. You are a hero for being here at this turning of the ages. This is truth.”
“The Scorpio New Moon message is to trust your instincts. The mind can fool you. The eyes and ears can fail you…Use your inner power….Strengthen your intuition. It is like a muscle. Build it up. The more you use it. The stronger your intuition becomes.”
© Copyright 2015 ~KELLEY ROSANO. All Rights Reserved
From astrologer MOLLY HALL from
“If you’ve sensed something is up, but haven’t been able to figure out exactly what, this is epiphany time. A truth implosion may set off at the core of your deepest knowing and set off a chain reaction.
“This eventually leads to external changes, but for now, could be intuitive hits you keep close to your chest (Scorpio-like)…”
“The boiling heat of water sign Scorpio is likened to a cauldron — the elements are blended and broken down, and transformed into a new brew. Scorpio is so extreme, that something dies and is reborn as something else.
“This is a good time to muse on hard to reach — or resolve — issues in your life. Scorpio’s energy is one of risk, and New Moons are more powerful when you surrender to a higher force (of change).
“So bring your attention to areas you know there’s buried potential and energy. “
© Copyright 2015 ~MOLLY HALL. All Rights Reserved
From astrologer DANA GERHARDT from
“The dark can take you to a place deep within yourself if you let it. But there are other doorways.
“We in the Northern Hemisphere can follow the example of trees, the infallible and natural gurus of the time.
“…An autumn leaf is busy with purposeful activity. The trees are dismantling the chlorophyll in their leaves, drawing its nutrients back into their centers, storing its energy for new growth in spring…”
“By releasing something, we will draw new energy into our core.
“…just sit with a tree that is transforming. Be with the intelligence of this tree. As you stand as still as the tree, sense how busy it is. Connect and listen.
“As the cycle unfolds, maintain your relationship. When the bright leaves of your tree go brown and fall to the ground, observe how your own transformation is progressing.
“Or simply light a candle and say thanks to Scorpio for all the gifts it has brought you through death, loss, and rebirth. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you do it sincerely, and in the spirit of Scorpio.”
© Copyright 2015 ~DANA GERHARDT. All Rights Reserved
From astrologer CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 20* Scorpio is: A woman draws away two dark curtains closing the entrance to a sacred pathway.What a beautiful image!
“The Divine Feminine, and our right-brain imagination, can pull back the veils that keep us from seeing our sacred purpose in life.
“It is through the Feminine imagination that we glimpse and experience the sacredness of all life. This Divine Feminine is the new Hierophant revealing a larger awareness that goes beyond the either/or dualities of the left-brain rational mind.
“Once we get past the dark veils of ignorance, fear and ego-attachments, we discover the unity of the mystical path. It’s time to ‘plunge ahead into the unknown!”
“Mercury is close to this New Moon, transforming and opening our minds to larger perspectives that come from the heart and not just the mind…”
“Uranus in Aries, the great Awakener, connects to this New Moon in a frustrating yet enlightening aspect. It also sits at the point of a YOD from the New Moon in Scorpio and Jupiter in Virgo.
“A Yod is a configuration of three planets whose purpose is to realign ourselves with wholeness. Called ‘the sword in the stone’, it is an aspect which can be life-changing, as we take up our destinies.
“With this outer planet at the apex of the Yod, it signifies a moment of collective destiny. How we take part in the transformation is up to us. There are usually major shifts that occur when this happens.
“This is a time to express our originality and our freedom through creative self-expression. It’s time to sweep away convention and step into our personal destiny which in turn will influence our collective destiny. We are here to EVOLVE now.”
© Copyright 2015 ~CATHY PAGANO. All Rights Reserved
Yes! May this NEW MOON brings us all the peace that comes with sweet surrender to the wisdom of the heart~
with LOVE~
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TO SHARE >>> You may quote a small paragraph and please quote (” “) and fully credit 1) the astrologer whom you are quoting + 2) MYSTICMAMMA.COM with an active link to this Full Report. Thank you for supporting this work! ♥
SV says:
Nov 10, 2015
DONT DO, JUST BE!!!!! Love and much light to the DIVINE FEMININE that circles us and embraces us ~ leaving us whole. Mahalo !
Jennifer Poynter says:
Nov 10, 2015
Transcending dimensions with reverent alertness
Felipe says:
Nov 10, 2015
Gorgeous artwork MM!!
Amanda says:
Nov 10, 2015
Always the best artwork for Mystic Mamma!
mm says:
Nov 10, 2015
Thank you! ♥
MyMantra says:
Nov 11, 2015
That is so true! I love it! Thank you <3
Sadie says:
Nov 10, 2015
Really loving the image this moon! And as always, very thankful for the the carefully curated messages from the many gifted star readers! THANK YOU for all you do MM!
mm says:
Nov 10, 2015
Thank you so much Sadie! ♥
Danielle says:
Nov 10, 2015
Tania says:
Nov 10, 2015
Can I ask who the artist of this image is? Every single ounce of it resonates with me. Every aspect of it is a part of my story. So divine! Thank you!
mm says:
Nov 10, 2015
Thank you so much Tania! I’m the artist ;) MM aka Mijanou Montealegre ♥
Tania Edwards says:
Nov 10, 2015
Wow! Unreal. I am blown away. Is there anyway to buy this as a print? It speaks to me so much.
mm says:
Nov 11, 2015
:) soon!
Tania says:
Nov 12, 2015
Beautiful! Thank you for your creation! xo
Meredith says:
Nov 10, 2015
Thank you so much for all this wonderful information! Will be using this in planning my new moon ritual and will definitely come back to this site frequently! Blessed be!
sue says:
Nov 10, 2015
I am so happy and relieved that there is a community like this that feels similarly, and proceeds with love and light. What a beautiful site mystic mamma, I am grateful to have found you. All of you! xx
Jamiylah says:
Nov 10, 2015
On a spiritual Journey and All of this is new to me thank you for all that you all have done to educate those like me embarking on this journey. .
Kristi says:
Nov 10, 2015
Simply beautiful and yet awe-inspiring. Beautiful crafting of messages, MM, and deep bows to you for holding such a sacred container of wisdom in this space.
John says:
Nov 10, 2015
Thank You for the words of wisdom
cj says:
Nov 10, 2015
the image is awesome. cj
Christine says:
Nov 11, 2015
The image and the words are wonderful. I shall go and be with a tree and ponder the inner work.
I shall also remember the images and smells of volcanic cycles and reflect on the magnitude of its power.
MaryAnne says:
Nov 11, 2015
Where to begin… I’ve been on the path forever but conscious of it since the age of 19 when I knew I had lived several lives before. Started reading books, digging for insight. Doing the work. Almost 33 years later, I find myself stil stuck. Dealing with the past all the while trying to be in the NOW. I just realized that I could go on & on but the truth is, just as I was beginning to feel like my wings were healed up enough to take flight, I am now facing a huge lfe change as my marriage is coming to an end. I’m devastated & because I was 100% abandoned by my mother emotionally as an infant, I am once again facing the core issue that drags me to the pits of despair. I have tried everything possible to just to move on already. But it hurts I know that there is no bottom of that well. I know that Light is my home along with so many other Wonderous truths. I’m just really Happy to have found this site which my husband told me about actually. Mixed Blessings right? Love to All.
Aleks says:
Nov 11, 2015
Sometimes time is the only healer. Much love to you during this very challenging time of change x
Breanne says:
Nov 11, 2015
I am so sorry to here this Maryanne. I have recently ended things with the person I thought to be my twin flame, for good this time and have no doubt gone through the most difficult time I can remember. As this new moon grows closer I have been finding more and more security and power within myself. I thought I needed him to help me heal but now I know I needed to find him, and lose him so that I could remember that I have the power to heal myself. With the Light and Love that we are put onto this Earth with, we can truly do anything. I can’t even imagine the devastation of your losses, but do not forget that we were put on this Earth for a reason and we have the power to overcome everyyyyy single thing we are faced with!!! This period of transformation is reminding me of this truth and I am finally beginning to feel the Light and power again that I lost for a while but have known is inside me all along. Blessings no doubt come in all forms and we have the ability to take them and mold them into whatever we wish. In this case, we have the power to heal and transform but needed the hardships to get to the higher states that await us. Trust in the path as hard as it can be, and I will be sending you all the Light and Love I can!!
Doreen says:
Nov 11, 2015
❤️ I hear You! We are steering the same boat. I am 59, experiencing deep and healing sadness. Matt Kahn says: “Tears are liquid gratitude.” “Love your Heart more, not less.” may We be blessed.
aubrey adams says:
Nov 11, 2015
How does one become featured on your site?
alushia says:
Nov 11, 2015
Just incredible as always so much gratitude and love beaming out x thank you
Aleks says:
Nov 11, 2015
Thank you…Last night I had Hawaiian Kahuna massage done (timely just before the New Moon) and it brought up a tidal wave of stored emotions that I lovingly released through breathing and tears (shedding old skin). Once the rain passed I came to many realisations, notably that I have been dismissing my instincts and not trusting and an attitude shift of ‘Let it begin with me’ in every part of my life I am struggling as it is only within me that change takes places. Today I feel energized and more in my power as a creator and more willing to take risks and surrende to the wisdom of my heart and intuition!
Lilly says:
Nov 11, 2015
Wow, wow! This Scorpio woman is aware and ready for the transformation that Pluto brings! 11/8 birthday and 11/11 here we come! :-)
Blessings, thank you.
Love and Light.
Kiran says:
Nov 11, 2015
Coincidently this 11/11 is also Diwali the Indian festival of Lights.
Here is wishing you all a Happy Diwali – May the Light shine brightly iand illuminate your life….with Radiance and Eternal Luminosity!
Thank you all for sharing your wisdom and inspiration.
Shantelle says:
Nov 11, 2015
My birthday is on 11/11 and I feel deeply connected to this. I am in much need of a complete life transformation and I know this new moon isn’t a coincidence, just another sign that it’s time to shine bright and connect with the inner me and love myself and follow my hearts true destiny !!! Much love blessed be universe. I love you.
Stephani says:
Nov 11, 2015
Thank you so much for this, and all of your lovingly crafted posts, MM!
Katarina says:
Nov 11, 2015
This would all be great if Moon was really in Scorpio. But it is not – it’s in Libra. Check the position for yourself just use any sky observing app (Stellarium, SkyMap)
Wood says:
Mar 9, 2017
Kafa is using is a coabmnition of raising awareness through TV ads and social media (which has gladly taken the bait) and street action. They are focusing on naming and shaming MPs tasked with passing
Tanya says:
Nov 11, 2015
The image is so beautiful, and your message speaks volumes. I am interested in your print when it is available. 11/17 here
FaeZen says:
Nov 11, 2015
Portal & Gateway, lift the veils and go to where the planetary Yod (“finger of God”) points.
I go inside. Closing eyes & sensing in silence or while laying in bed, while doing yoga asana or drawing a divination card for a women’s circle, I am encouraged to go deeper and deeper. Menstruation happens. The tree’s leaves fall, sun power being drawn into the core of the tree. I accept the Middle Years of my life as a new stage!
As a hunter for the heart of the innocent deer, This Death and Rebirth in myself personally is:
Killing off the sickest, saddest, most unfortunate aspects of my own heart (!) in >~surrender~< to Higher, Happier, Healthier vibrations! Stir the cauldron, drink the brew, compost the plant matter.
Chris says:
Nov 11, 2015
Sorry but the type is so light I can’t read it on my phone. Wishing everyone a GREAT11:11😊
Bridget says:
Nov 11, 2015
Just.. Thankyou.. That is all:)
Lolove says:
Nov 12, 2015
Divine Art, Divine message!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!!!! Thank you!
Laura says:
Nov 12, 2015
This is so beautiful and so true. I just opened my heart to the transformations and they happened. I was born under the scorpio sign and have always loved what it stands for. I am new to most of this, but I am learning as I go :)
Earth-Based Lifestyle says:
Nov 12, 2015
Thank you for this compilation of insight and the gorgeous artwork – always in harmony, and always on point! -So said the Scorpio ;)
Dash says:
Mar 9, 2017
We&8…well&#l230;welll#8230;as you know ‘BOLLYWOOD IS ALL ABOUT CONTROVERSY’…why on earth they can’t give credit to someone’s story…these filmmakers just act like a streetthug… Can’t they just tell the truth and stop it down… Chetan Don’t give up…as a fan of FPS…I AM ON YOUR SIDE…
moonomic says:
Nov 13, 2015
I just wanted to say big thank you!! The message was so divine, so beautiful, soothing and encouraging to my soul…I was tearing up when I read this. I am Scorpio and so thankful that I was able to open my dream shop online on the New Moon day..(a day late). It is a small beginning for me, but how great it is to know that when we die with our old-self we will be renewed to press forward to a higher ground… The passion that the Divine gave me truly guided me through. So thankful to know the Divine blesses us. Many blessings to you all.
Flora Love says:
Nov 16, 2015
Whee!!! Huge transformation…feeling like nothing I know feels right anymore. Like I’ve been changing so much and I hsve been tempted by my hugest darkest parts of myself…..but strange thing is I didn’t go through with it, like God kept bringing me back to all that I’ve been learning.No doubt tempted by the oh so familiar darkness, extreme parts of myself that destroy and overtake, I just can’t go there anymore….even if I truly wanted to. I’ve changed!! But it’s like my emotions are catching up to the realizations and the universe has been testing…Scorpio I love you.
hectorius says:
Aug 17, 2016
this cycle sux bros and broettes! that being said, we need to form a scorpions gang to nto build a spectrum of scorpios with different birth years and months todays. we can meet in nyc and live at my crib. this a big joob and doing it seperately aint gonna but it for the gods, not nthis time. gods demand UNIFIED CONFIGURATIONS, as all is stripped, cledan and merged. librabscorpcusp here, nyc 31yo males. 0ct22late. libra told me this (hid it had to decipher). aight….GOOO SCORPIONS, BREAK!