Posts tagged "self-worth"
The theme for September 2013 is RESPONSIBILITY~

The theme for September 2013 is RESPONSIBILITY~

From Lena Stevens: "This month is all about the study of responsibility and what role it plays and has played in your to recognize what is not your responsibility and how to truly embrace what is your own responsibility."...
Recognize the patterns~

Recognize the patterns~

"You will need to have come to grips with all that now has you in its grasp. And to do so, you will need to recognize the truth of what motivates your patterns of response...
The world has a you-shaped hole in it~

The world has a you-shaped hole in it~

"Sometimes the world feels inhospitable. You feel all the ways that you and it don't fit. You see what's missing, how it could all be different. You feel as if you weren't meant for the world, or the world wasn't meant...
You are intrinsically worthy~

You are intrinsically worthy~

"Love yourself. Remember: beliefs that are ready to be transformed show you the way through their shadows...
Your inner wisdom knows the answers~

Your inner wisdom knows the answers~

"Support yourself in making the right choices for yourself. When you are in doubt, ask yourself: 'Am I coming from the loving space of the heart? Is this a decision that is loving for me? Is this right for me...
Anchor into your core~

Anchor into your core~

"At our core we are each the ultimate and highest value. There is no rank or comparison here, no striving or proving. At our core, we are each a deep and potent well of self-creation...