Posts tagged "relationships"

Look for the gifts within your relationships~
"Discover the loom of reality that is intricately woven in relationship...Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliance...

Woman is the axis~
"To be a woman is to have interests and duties raying out in all directions from the central mother-core, like spokes from the hub of a wheel. The pattern of our lives is essential circular. We must be open to...

Feel the difference between being magnetic to love and working hard for love~
"When you are magnetic to love you stop doing things you do not want to do so others will love you. Instead you do things that are loving to yourself...

Complete what brings light and joy~
"Most of us at one time or another tasted the sweet nectar of success and felt the surge of joy when we see our creative ideas come into realization. Yet we have dreams that still await manifestation...

To master a relationship is all about you~
"The quality of your communication depends upon the choices you make in each moment, whether you tune your emotional body to love or to fear. If you catch yourself in the track of fear, just by having that awareness, you...

Soul connections inspire us to expand~
"A soul connection is a resonance between two people who respond to the essential beauty of each other's individual natures, behind their facades, and who connect on this deeper level...

Learn from the past and let it go~
"Forgive the past. It is over. Learn from it and let it go. People are constantly changing and growing. Do not cling to a limited, disconnected, negative image of a person in the past. See that person now...

By offering kindness, we can turn hostility into goodwill~
"Resentments don't come from the conduct of the other party in the altercation no, they survive and thrive because you're unwilling to end that altercation with an offering of kindness, love and authentic forgiveness...

The Circle of Life moves by the energy of choices~
"In the Medicine Way, living a life of harmony and balance does not mean living a life without challenges, difficulties, hardships, and even conflict..."

We must assume our existence as broadly as we can~
"We must assume our existence as broadly as we in any way can; everything, even the unheard-of, must be possible in it. That is at the bottom the only courage that is demanded of us...