Our main source of learning is through relationships~
“After our birth in the physical state, our main source of learning is through relationships. Through the joy and pain of interaction with other people, we progress on our spiritual paths in order to learn about love from all sides. Relationships are a living laboratory, a field test to determine how we are doing, whether our lessons have been learned…
“In relationships our emotions are evoked, and we react. Have we learned to turn the other cheek or do we retaliate with violence? Do we reach out to others with understanding, love and compassion, or do we react with fear, selfishness, or rejection? Without relationships we would not know; we could not test our progress. They are wonderful but difficult opportunities to learn.”
~Brian Weiss, M.D.
Tags: brian weiss, brian weiss quote, choices, community, emotions, evolution, growth, inner work, interactions, learning, life lessons, love and compassion, messages from the masters, mirror, mystic mamma, progress, reflection, relationships, spiritual development, spiritual growth, spiritual path, wisdom, wisdom quotes
Luna says:
Jun 17, 2014
Thank you. I needed this as I’m in a constant struggle with one of my relationships. I know there is a point to the struggle. Something I need to learn, but it’s still difficult nonetheless.
Nathaniel V says:
Jun 18, 2014
Thank you so very much for all of your Blessed postings! This last year and a half has been a portal of transformative truths that I’ve seeked out and opened my heart and eyes to . Conversations, as well as heart to heart meetings are more profound and fulfilling. In sincere gratitude to you MM, Nathaniel
mm says:
Sep 21, 2015
Chris says:
Sep 21, 2015
jessica says:
May 12, 2015
Phenomenal photo.
So right-on-time!
silva says:
Oct 25, 2017
Oh so beautiful and inspiring . . . that picture and the article too!
Jo says:
Oct 25, 2017
Thank you and Blessed-be – I’m hopeful to start our healing as we start the mutual process to end our marriage today. This was a perfect post – tks for the Light!