79th Verse of the Tao~
“After a bitter quarrel, some resentment remains.
What can one do about it?
Being content with what you have
is always best in the end.
Someone must risk returning injury with kindness,
or hostility will never turn to goodwill.”
~Lao Tzu
“In this verse which has been so helpful to me personally, you’re asked to change the way you hold resentments following a difference of opinion or an outright quarrel. Now what causes annoyance and anger after a dispute? The generic response would be a laundry list that detailed why the other person was wrong and how illogically and unreasonably so they behaved…”
“Resentments don’t come from the conduct of the other party in the altercation—no, they survive and thrive because you’re unwilling to end that altercation with an offering of kindness, love and authentic forgiveness. Lao-Tzu says, ‘Someone must risk returning injury with kindness, or hostility will never turn to goodwill…’
“As the storm of a quarrel subsides, you must find a way to disregard your ego’s need to be right. It’s time to extend kindness by letting go of your anger. It’s over, so offer forgiveness to yourself and the other person and encourage resentment to dissipate…”
“Picture yourself at the termination of a quarrel or major dispute. Rather than reacting with old patterns of residual anger, revenge and hurt, visualize offering kindness, love and forgiveness. Do this right now by sending out ‘true virtue’ thoughts to any resentments you’re currently carrying. Make this your standard response to any future altercations: I end in love, no matter what!”
~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer from Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao
Sabrina Smith says:
Oct 10, 2011
My thoughts on kindness and letting go anger is definitely a releasing that old me negativity.To become a more positive, happier, loving ,and respectful person. Change is a big step knowing you must live and move on into a better future only allows forgiveness set in your heart faster. what doesn’t kill you only makes the soul stronger .
Anthony says:
Mar 1, 2012
<3 Brilliant <3
"I end in Love, no matter what!"