Posts tagged "personal growth"

Live your light with courage~
"First and foremost, live your light. Live that light inside of yourself with courage. Don't live in the closet---live it. Speak what you know...

Tap into your own intuitive energy~
"Finding your Medicine means tapping into your own intuitive energy and listening to it. All too often, we are taught to think and not to feel, when in fact we can do both, and in doing so, we open ourselves...

Feel the great turning~
"Feel the great turning, feel the change
the new life runs through your blood like fire
and all of nature rises with it
greening, burgeoning, bursting into a flower...

By offering kindness, we can turn hostility into goodwill~
"Resentments don't come from the conduct of the other party in the altercation no, they survive and thrive because you're unwilling to end that altercation with an offering of kindness, love and authentic forgiveness...