Posts tagged "Caretakers of Mother Earth"
EQUINOX September 22, 2016 : A time of significance and prayerful intentions~

EQUINOX September 22, 2016 : A time of significance and prayerful intentions~

Around and round we go. Day meets night, night meets day in equal balance. Within this alchemical magic lies the mystery...
Act for the well being of all life~

Act for the well being of all life~

"Could the next leap in evolution arise out of a shift in identification, in which we shed the story of battling for supremacy and move instead into playing our role as part of a larger team of life on Earth? ...
NEW MOON in TAURUS (Super Moon) May 6th 2016~

NEW MOON in TAURUS (Super Moon) May 6th 2016~

*NEW MOON* in TAURUS calls us to ground into Mamma Earth and fully embrace and embody the multicolored spectrum of our human experience in all it's bountiful fullness. ..
Total Eclipse in Pisces SuperMoon March 8th 9th 2016~

Total Eclipse in Pisces SuperMoon March 8th 9th 2016~

In the archetypal waters of Pisces, we are asked to step into the Dreamtime to reflect, feel it all, cleanse it all and draw forth from the ocean of the collective unconscious the new dream that wants to be birthed......
Return to the world~

Return to the world~

"Return to the world means return to the real world. Return to the world of the body, the senses, the world of Nature...
Blessed be the Healers of the Earth~

Blessed be the Healers of the Earth~

"We give thanks for all those who are moved, in their lives, to heal and protect the earth, in small ways and large...May they bring alive a great awakening, open a listening ear to hear the earth's voice..."
May we shine~

May we shine~

"We call upon the power that sustains the planets in their orbits, that wheels our Milky Way in its 200-million-year spiral, to imbue our personalities and our relationships with harmony, endurance, and joy...
We need the discipline of magic~

We need the discipline of magic~

"Magic might also be called the art of opening our awareness to the consciousness that surrounds us, the art of conversing in the deep language that nature speaks...
Indigenous Elders from North and South America unite and send a Call to Action~

Indigenous Elders from North and South America unite and send a Call to Action~

The Indigenous Elders and Medicine People of North and South America have united and issued forth a powerful statement for humanity which will be read at the UN next week...
We must speak for the Earth~

We must speak for the Earth~

“To do this, we must become the Voices of the Wells ourselves- and the Voices of the Rivers, the polluted waterways and seas; Voices of the Trees and the dying, decimated forests; Voices of the Birds and Animals...