On July 29th, 2013 when we will experience a RARE Star of David / Star Tetrahedron configuration in the heavens!
It is actually two Grand Trines, one in Water and one is Earth (all feminine) which create this configuration called a Grand Sextile or a Star Tetrahedron. Many names and much symbolism tied into this Sacred Geometry.
The essence is that this mystical configuration of Sacred Geometry opens a portal of energy that is accessible for those who choose to tune in to it. That is the key.
>>>As with everything, nothing magical is going to happen on it’s own. It is up to us to bring the magic, to add our magic to creation.<<<
This energetic portal is an opening in the subtle realms so to tune in to it, all we need is our relaxed awareness. It is simply an opportunity to find a moment of connection, of prayer. Â
>>>Visualize Peace<<<
Let’s use this moment to meet in our hearts, in the place of intention, the place of the dreamtime, Â and hold a vision of ~~~peace~~~ for our planet.
Here are the Astral insights on the astrology and symbolism of this >>>STAR TETRAHEDRON<<<
First from the wonderful Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“Any major astrology configuration is a gem of an opportunity. I’ve often mentioned, one must consciously work with the energy and potential of the astrological configuration to really notice it manifesting in one’s being or life. This is especially true of “Grand Trine Aspect.”.”
“On July 29th, 2013 there are two ‘Grand Trine Aspects’ joining together, one of the water element and the other of earth element. It is called the ‘Star of David’ aspect in astrology.”
“In sacred geometry is it called a ‘Star Tetrahedron’ a 6 pointed star and Spiritual or metaphysically it is called a Merkaba (energetic light-body) on a planetary level.”
“Both earth and water elements in astrology are considered “yin†in vibration and yet water and earth elements compliment one another so that we can bring the subtle into tangible form.”
“…the two “Grand Trine Aspects†join together providing the ‘Star Gateway through which the subtle inspirational energy is able to manifest creating a fertile and fruitful experience on a planetary level. We join together both our higher feelings and physical sensations in an effortless way…”
“Similar to how water makes the earth’s soil fertile for seeds to be planted, take root and feel nourished, we also need the earth to provide the stable, solid environment and a proper container for the water to be held and used wisely. In Nature, this process occurs naturally without much effort.”
“With the Star of David Aspect, we are invited to also see how gracefully this energy has the potential to materialize in our body, being and life. This is an opportunity to tangibly feel joy and bliss through our every day life knowing each step in alignment with our Soul is lifting us onto higher ground.”
“We need this energetic ‘Star Gateway’ or opening for the higher fertile energy to pour in more fully into the physical reality. New frequencies are already pouring in for those who are sensitive to sense and experience them. With the Star of David aspect or planetary Merkaba (light-body), there is potential to spin-off density through higher vibrational spin for greater healing and evolution.”
“There is a complimentary ‘Star Gateway’ or Star of David aspect happening in August 2013 but more on this later. With the two Star of David Astrological aspects, there is great potential for balance and harmony within the heart energetic space between the Sacred Feminine and Masculine.”
© Copyright 2013, Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved.
This is what Carol Ann Ciocco from Three Moon Ocean has to say about it:
“The celestial Star of David is an astrological aspect that ‘looks exactly like the Jewish Star many would recognize…The Star of David is not limited to the Jewish faith and the Kabbalah however, as it also appears in the Buddhist, Theosophical, and various other Eastern and Western traditions. It is fair to say that it is a symbol of integration (linking heaven and earth, as above, so below) and spirituality. – Mary Fortier Shea “
“…The Star of David is a multidimensional Stargate, which helps us to bring Spirit into Matter, to manifest Heaven on Earth, and to balance Masculine and Feminine. In keeping with its multidimensional nature, the Star of David is also known as a Grand Sextile and a Star Tetrahedron – intricate and lovely sacred geometry celestial configurations. The energies of these ancient symbols will be pouring down on us now.”
 “The Star Tetrahedron has great esoteric meaning and is key to the evolution of Humanity. This Star-form exists as an etheric vehicle around the human body and is closely tied to the Enlightenment process…”
“The ‘stellatedoctahedron’ (or stella octangula) was named by Johannes Kepler in 1609, though it was known to those geometric mathematicians. It was depicted in Pacioli’s ‘Divina Proportione’ in 1509. It can be seen as a 3D extension of the Star of David – it is two tetrahedra overlapping each other. It is a stage in the construction of the 3D Koch Snowflake (which is four small tetrahedra attached to a central, larger one).”
“…The Tetrahedral alone – i.e. before it doubles itself into a Star Tetrahedrom – “is the most fundamental building block of life on earth. Within it lies the energy that holds all life together. The bonds that hold atoms, particles and molecules together, all the way down to nano-particles and all the way up to macro-particles, are tetrahedral. Everything that exists as you conceive of it in a 3-dimensional world is held together by these tetrahedral bonds.”
“…The Star Tetrahedron is also known as the mystical Merkaba, a vehicle in the etheric which is said to be related to spiritual enlightenment. To understand the Merkaba, there are many, many sources of information…”
“Drunvalo defines the Merkaba as follows: ‘The Merkaba is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. In ancient Egyptian “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.”
“In Hebrew the Merkaba translates to ‘vehicle’ or ‘chariot’. We need this vehicle to travel to other dimensions. The geometric design that makes up the Merkaba Star has been known and utilized by civilizations in Atlantis, Lemuria, Tibet and Egypt…”
“…Starting now the Star of David begins to appear: The Water triangle (Grand Water Trine) appears first – on July 17 – like a glistening triangular liquid gem, a lake being fed by a waterfall and flowing to the ocean. Then on July 29 the Earth Trine descends and anchors the water into the earth realm, as if an island begins to descend into the ocean. “
 “It is as if we are approaching a body of water or a lake or a fountain with an earthen container – a clay vessel, a glass, bowl or cup – and using the vessel to hold the water, making it useful. The symbol for the Age of Aquarius is the Water Bearer, the one who holds a vessel of Life Giving Waters and pours them upon humanity.”
 “The shoreline, where sand meets sea, is also an example of how these energies work together – or a majestic mountain with a peaceful lake at its feet.”
 “When mixed together, these elements alchemize to make mud, for sinking purposes (sink into your feelings) or to be baked with the sunlight and fire of Spirit and used to make clay bricks; to build a home and create shelter, support and structure for the human family.”
“Water’s nature here teaches us to persevere, to keep at it, and to watch how we change over time. We can make a beginning now of healthy, real, lasting change…”
© Copyright 2013,  Carol Ann Ciocco. All Rights Reserved.
From astrologer Pat Liles from The Power Path:
“The chart I am personally looking forward to occurs on July 29th. It’s a highly exceptional chart of sacred geometry forming a Grand Sextile. THAT IS RARE!!!!! It is formed by a planet in every other sign all around the zodiac, and here, they are in all three Earth signs and all three Water signs, which makes it in the feminine polarity.”
“It’s not a long lasting influence/chart because one of the Earth signs is formed by the rapidly moving Moon, but while the Moon in Taurus moves from 4º-9º from early morning to early evening, it will be completing the final point of this Grand Sextile or six-pointed star. It seems the heavens are aligning in a rare portal.”
“In addition, that six-pointed star consists of Two Grand Trines (both Kites) – one in water signs, one in earth signs, and two Mystic Rectangles (a surprisingly practical formation). Only the Sun in Leo and Uranus in Aries are not part of the formation, and they throw down with some much needed tension and dynamism added to the pot.”
“The Sun forms a wide Finger of God to Pluto and Neptune and squares the North and South Nodes – so you know some evolution and adaptation will be taking place. Uranus forms a T-Square with Pluto and Mars-Jupiter. These last two arrangements will help us identify and excavate the barriers to our participation in the ease and opportunities of the feminine collective energies offered us now through the Grand Trine.”
“Who knows how it will manifest? But focusing your intentions, meditating on what you want to bring into manifestation, holding the highest consciousness of the feminine archetype and dreaming a beautiful dream of how you want the world to be would be ‘right use’ of a configuration of this magnitude.”
“Eliminate the resistance and fear of change and old models of scarcity and powerlessness that exist inside you, thus defusing these energies out in the world. Give your top priority to using this day of supreme perfection for creating something beautiful, healing and inclusive with the support of the quantum field and the planets.”
 © Copyright 2013,  Pat Liles All Rights Reserved.
From astrologer Amy Bird:
“Before Monday’s profound and beautiful celestial event we must first experience some pretty uncomfortable and explosive planetary energy this week in the form of a tense T-square between aggressive Mars, powerful Pluto and unpredictable Uranus…”
“This combination of planetary energy is combined to push us right out of our comfort zones towards massive change and growth …This T-square is likely to be very intense and volatile indeed and could bring some pretty powerful emotions to the surface…”
“Combined with the powerful intensity of the T-square this weekend has the potential to be very interesting indeed and we may find ourselves experiencing some quite intense and confusing feelings that seem to erupt from nowhere. Two Grand Trines join together to form this Grand Sextile…”
“This trine in the water signs involves Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter and Mars combined in Cancer. Saturn in Scorpio is helping us to look at our shadows and face our fears, accepting those parts of ourselves that are not so pretty so that we can open ourselves up to true intimacy with another.”
“Saturn asks for complete emotional honesty, first with ourselves and then with others. Neptune in Pisces is opening us up to true compassion and healing…reminding us that we have the power to create our own reality depending on what we choose to believe…”
“The third part of the Water Trine is a blend of Jupiter and Mars in Cancer, bringing a healthy dose of confidence, optimism and enthusiasm to the picture as well as the courage to face whatever Saturn throws at us. Jupiter in Cancer places a high emphasis on family values, nurturance, domesticity and our emotional life.”
“This Grand Trine brings the potential to face our shadows, healing ourselves and others with compassion and forgiveness and daring to dream of a better reality where people are more open, tender and caring towards each other.”
“The second Grand Trine involves Pluto in Capricorn, Venus in Virgo and the Moon in Taurus. It holds the promise of a profound shift towards feminine values and a transformation of the structure of our society through love and beauty. Pluto has a detoxifying effect on any sign he travels though and in the case of Capricorn he is transforming our patriarchal societal structure, exposing all that is rotten so that something better can be born in its place…”
“…Venus in Virgo reminds us that we are all in it together and shows her affection and love through acts of kindness, service and humility.”
“Last but not least, the missing piece in the whole puzzle, Moon in Taurus, Mother Earth herself! She is the embodiment of all things natural and feminine; the divine feminine we seek to connect with. She represents sensuality, femininity, security, fertility and beauty in nature.”
“Put these planets together and what do you get? Transformation of patriarchal structure, changing the way woman is perceived and treated and embracing the feminine in our culture. “
“On a personal level this Trine brings the potential of connecting to each other in a very deep and soulful way and delving into the depth of our emotions. This combination promises great passion and the possibility of being transformed by love. Our relationships with others will be far from superficial this weekend, that’s for sure! Not with the planet of the soul aspecting the two feminine planets!”
“This combination of planets definitely shows the potential for some much needed energetic rebalancing with a shift towards the feminine principles. Our society is so geared towards outer success that our family and emotional life has taken the back seat as people work harder and harder and take more and more on…”
“We are living in a rat race, spinning our wheels and something simply has to change. I am sure that we would all like to see a shift from competition to cooperation, from war and abuse of power to harmony and mutual empowerment, from greed and lust to loving connection and sharing all we have. “
“How wonderful it would be to live in a world where intuition is valued as much as reason and intellect and where all are treated equally regardless of sex, colour or creed…”
“It is time to honour and embrace our emotions as the amazing guides they are rather than being ashamed, denying or suppressing them and to trust our intuition rather than favouring rational logic. A healthy balance between logic and intuition would definitely make this world a better place.”
“This Grand Sextile invites us to step through a portal, giving us a glimpse of another way of being…”
“During this time we may find ourselves confronting our blocks, recognising where we feel resistance and hold ourselves back from true connection, intimacy and closeness with others. The energy of this Sextile should help us look at ourselves with compassion and forgiveness and help us move through and past our limitations, and blocks.”
“Sextiles are like open doors or gateways, showing us what opportunities lie beyond and what skills are available to us if we are to step through them. In order to make the most of this powerful and energetic occurrence we should focus our intentions on Monday, meditating on what we want for ourselves and for the world.”
“We should hold Mother Earth and all things feminine in our mind’s eye as we imagine a beautiful future both for ourselves and for the planet…”
“The time to meditate or focus our intentions would be during the afternoon/evening (between about 2pm and 9pm) in England and Europe, between 9am and 4pm on East Coast of America and between 11pm 29th and 6am 30th July in Sydney Australia.”Â
© Copyright 2013,  Amy Bird All Rights Reserved.Â
From astrologer Robert Wilkinson and his Aquarius Papers:
“There’s a lot of speculation about what this celestial event means. Some believe this “Star of Solomon†is a window in time to a higher spiritual state of Being. Let’s explore some elements of this event to find out more.”
“As I’ve noted before, this event is more like a series of rolling aspects than a singular event. Also, it’s important to note that we’ve had this Grand Sextile Merkaba 6-pointed Star pattern activated off and on ever since Mercury and Venus made their Grand Water Trines in early June.”
“…All should clearly understand in fairly simple terms some part of the past that must be left behind to open the door to self-renewal…anchored in the core teaching of learning how to get beyond fear.”
“…This focuses elements of our long term process of substantiating and confirming what we value. This particular sequence begins with letting go, joining with others to bridge some kind of gap or evolutionary challenge, and using knowledge and skill to meet the demands of a stage of life still on the way. It then moves into seeing how to create happiness in dark times and situations, knowing how we have all entered a greater life consecration…”
“Have a sense of humor, or the irony in what you’re seeing or hearing. Many egos are being punctured in good natured ways right now. And some not so good natured ways as well. Communications are front and center, but be aware that if you’re dealing with someone who is out of balance, while it may be good for exercising your imagination, you may not be able to penetrate superficial reasoning or unfair perspectives.”
“The Cardinal T-square is still in full force via Jupiter, so be careful in all agreements, and make sure you’re not agreeing to opportunities that could be dangerous or not real. Be open and above board in knowing and asserting what is in your best interests, and make no secret agreements since they will blow up via the Jupiter opposition Pluto.”
“We’re still getting oriented through Jupiter square Uranus, which provides tremendous power if we know how to focus the hard edge of the energy. Again, balance, a sense of perspective or proportion, and a clear sense of what’s just and fair is required.”
“… Communications are going to be important in a healthy expression of this energy, and no doubt some will see the emergence of their Global Self, freed from old standards based in local conditions.”
“That implies mid-morning, when Libra is on the Ascendant and filling in the void of the Cardinal T, and around sunset, when Aquarius is on the Ascendant, will prove important times of seeing clearly what is to be done, to be said, to be communicated, to be envisioned, or who our spiritual family actually are.”
“And remember that the recent Full Moon had the Moon in Aquarius forming the Fixed T-square with the void in early Taurus, and now the Moon occupies that void. A very dynamic time indeed!
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Yes we are in a very dynamic time indeed! There are many channels and we all have a choice what we choose to tune into. Â
I say tune into opportunity. Tune into your heart and the truth of what is revealed and have courage to move  with it. We are in a time of great transformation which is on-going. These are not easy times and there are no easy solutions. Continue to shed, to let go, to tune into your heart so you can step into new territories of experience. Life is how you experience it.
Don’t worry to much about what time, what is or isn’t, listen to what is true for you and honor that. And if you’re feel it, then take a moment to connect and access this subtle opening… meditate, sing, pray, or commune with Mother Earth. Create something from your heart, something of beauty as offering for peace. Â
Blessings to us all!
>>>Â If you wish to share please use a small passage and link back to site. Please do not copy entire article for your blogs or websites. This compilation was put together as content for MYSTIC MAMMA. Thank your cooperation and honoring the work I do in gathering and filtering all the news out there to bring you these Astral Insights!
tyrus wilson says:
Jul 24, 2013
thank you!
jessica mullen says:
Jul 24, 2013
How exciting!
Antoinette says:
Jul 24, 2013
Perfectly timed, thank you!
David says:
Jul 24, 2013
Wow!!! this has been an incredible year, and there’s a lot more of it to come. Keep us posted and Thanks
Kimberly Forness Wilson says:
Jul 24, 2013
Awesome! Thank you! Abundant Blessings to All
Fay West says:
Jul 24, 2013
Much appreciated…much love…
bill says:
Jul 24, 2013
Ezekial is coming :)
Shauntahl says:
Jul 25, 2013
What time does this occur?
mm says:
Jul 25, 2013
According to Dipali Desai, we have a window from 10:40am to 10pm Eastern Daylight Time. She encourages us to be relaxed in our experience and in our knowing that it is our intention to zero in on the energy! Blessings~~~
Shauntahl says:
Jul 26, 2013
Thank you! :)
macky says:
Jul 25, 2013
sounds amaZING AND BRINGING HOPE what is the best time to tap into the energy on the east coast–north carolina
Anne says:
Jul 25, 2013
People here are confused that this is being called the Mer Ka Ba,, and Drunvelo`s definition of such being used. This picture is not a Mer Ka Ba,, it is a star tetrahedron,,, it IS the mechanism used to activate the Mer Ka Ba — ( lightbody) Drunvelo`s definition is right,, but he is not describing the star tetrahedron pictured here. The Mer Ka Ba is a counter rotating field of light/energy approx. 55 ft in diameter around the human body. Specific techniques must be used in order for the star tetrahedron to be activated. I appreciate the huge significance of this formation, but I feel it would be more worthwhile if correct information was being provided. The difference is substantial, and will affect the impact, and outcome.
mm says:
Jul 25, 2013
@ANNE Thank you for the clarification! I moved the picture so it’s not misleading and tried to adjust accordingly.
Anne says:
Jul 26, 2013
Thank you MM. I do love your site, and these posts every Full and New Moon.
Micheline says:
Jul 26, 2013
As I understand it there are a gazillion types of Merkaba we can do. We must be careful in which we use.
DAG says:
Jul 28, 2013
Somosuno says:
Jul 29, 2013
Yes, Anne! I also wonder why almost no one is including the in-sign fire trine of Uranus Aries, Sun Leo, and The Galactic Center Sagittarius (2nd house). The whole point of the activation is our spiritual frequency or ascendant/first house, here in Scorpio connecting to the Galactic Door!!! Also, why is it the time of the door opening is not given so folks know when to stop in their daily routine to meditate and make their intentions to Source? Really makes me wonder…just sayin’.
Harkaranjeet Kaur says:
Jul 25, 2013
I got a Star of David tattoo a few years ago, symbolizing the combination of the ethereal and the physical. then yesterday I found out my Mayan Vibration number is 6, representing the 6 pointed star, or, Star of David. And then I found this post! Alignment!
Charyl says:
Dec 30, 2013
good to hear, works like that usually for me too.
Julia says:
Jul 25, 2013
July 29 is my birthdate. I will be conscious on the day and from there forward. I will be holding the consciousness for global peace and love.
Nickle says:
Jul 25, 2013
Veeerrrrry interesting
Ramayah says:
Jul 26, 2013
18 years of struggle to be or not to be , lately all materials ( astrology, religion) points to be,
Now this energy will manifest accordingly to effort sacrificed
lala says:
Jul 26, 2013
what better way to celebrate my 21st birthday!! I wonder if it has any astrological significance to have this happen on your birthday…
Marie Meade says:
Jul 26, 2013
Thank you very much. Great inspiration and hope.
Marie Meade says:
Jul 26, 2013
Quyanarpiitli. Great Spirit.
Tere says:
Jul 26, 2013
Great interpretation thanks!
Yuliard says:
Jul 27, 2013
can’t wait to have experience from it..
Ra Robertson says:
Jul 27, 2013
My name is Ra that is my given name I am to turn 33 years old on the night of the merkaba.
Feeling pretty fucking blessed right now.
I love you all. C U IN DA 5TH
Denzi says:
Apr 23, 2014
Bless u brother.
Joseph says:
Jul 27, 2013
On July 29th, Pluto in Capricorn is opposite the mid-point of Mars/Jupiter in Cancer and in square to Uranus in Aries. That T-square pattern continues with Mars through early August. The remainder of the geometry continues through the Equinox. That is one intense vibration. Also, Moon/Taurus opposite Saturn/Scorpio square the Sun in Leo. is another intense T-square pattern. Combined, these 2 T-squares are the driving force for the day’s sextiles/trines. Astrologically, that is not an easy energy.
I consider this “stargate” as an activating portal for the next 3 months. It suggests strong changes on the body/earth level. I say buckle your cosmic seat belts. This has the potential to be a difficult period for planet Earth and its inhabitants. At a minimum, expect very strong storms on the weather front. And the political/business climate may redefine the word “upheaval”. All this sets the stage for 2014, which I consider the most potent/transformative year of the period 2008-2015.
Lynnette Monrean says:
Jul 28, 2013
Joseph, can you tell me what affect this will have on a person (myself I am talking about) that has this Star of David in my natal chart?
I have always wanted to know what it means. I have read all the posts here and I agree so much with what ‘you’ have said. It is not as easy energy. A whole, supposedly ‘spiritual’ seeking group has turned against me in just two days, and out of my control totally, I have lost a dear, sweet pet friend that was with me for about 15 years. It is now the day ‘before’ this Star of David aspect, and I am wondering what else can happen. I am on a very Spiritual path with Spirit contact and I have been and always will be in tune with my Spirit Guides. Why has it been difficult this year leading up to this aspect? You know, when someone has even one grand trine, it makes things easy, I have around 11 grand trines, 7 almost exact grand trines. So when something here goes haywire, it affects me so strongly since not being used to negatives and everything has been very easy for me …just comes to me.
Why does it feel like “not an easy energy” when it always has been before? I am feeling the ‘pull’ of Spirit and would like to hear more of what you think about this aspect in a person’s natal chart? Is there anything I should be doing to prepare for the 29th? I have cancer rising so surely it will affect my body as well as my Spirit. I pray all the time for love and light to be in everyone’s hearts, but some take it as a joke and have made fun of me. But it is a sincere and real feeling to me. We are all part of one another, so I can’t understand why we can’t all live in harmony and peace – without trying to control each other?
Thank you for your answers, I do appreciate that so much!
Love and Light, Lyn
mm says:
Jul 28, 2013
Hi Lyn~ Thank you for sharing. This configuration is just an extremely subtle window, amidst a lot of intensity and transformation occurring right now. By no means is this an “easy time” it’s a time where we are really pushed to grow. I would suggest you read the post on the recent Uranus/Pluto square activation that just occurred on July 27th. Also if you want further insight on how these aspects are impacting you personally I would recommend an reader from any of the astrologers I feature on the site. Blessings on your journey! ~mm
Joseph says:
Jul 29, 2013
Lynn, within the context of all you share, grand trines are not necessarily an easy energy left unto themselves. They require conscious choice/intention to function in a beneficial fashion.
With that said, your ascendant Cancer is one of the cardinal signs (1st of each season). The intensity of Uranus/Pluto, as in 1932 -34, is occurring in cardinal signs. So yes, depending on degree placements in the chart, you may be experiencing the effects of this strong cycle.
I agree with MM. Very helpful to have a professional astrologer explore your chart with you. There are great astrologers who post here and in other forums. Also, you’ll find the same in your locality. If you like to contact me, click on the icon next to my name.
For the 29th, “prayer and conscious intention” is a very good start for attuning beneficially to this day’s magical qualities.
Charyl says:
Dec 30, 2013
Hi Lynn I just discovered a old 1st teen sweetheart has the star of david in capricorn so you mention so much loss, I wonder then pluto hits his earth, the blind spot, the femur and tibia if anything will happen. I’m searching for info too.
Darn I missed the July event! Anyone seen “contact?” movie.
Post again and let people know how your doing now. In the last 2 years i have seen the dove high above and then I noted it in a Book from the Italy Church of Rome I brought home in 79 and then on the church across the street.. I was so excited. I have also jumped into the non dual space in 2003 and I am aware of others talking of their leap too. We are happening. Don’t worry if they laugh. We are happy campers except I wish I wasn’t almost 70. Boo!
Bernice says:
Jul 28, 2013
Barry says:
Jul 28, 2013
I was told a couple of times that my anjana chakra
(third eye) was overlaid with the star of david but no one was able to explain what that meant,can anyone
explain? Barry
Светлана says:
Jul 28, 2013
Благодарю!Блага Вам!
Rae says:
Jul 28, 2013
You chose not to approve the link I posted. Seems to me it is important to share various viewpoints. Adam Sommer’s article is totally relevant and informative. Perhaps you will reconsider? I have attached the link again. Thanks, Rae.
mm says:
Jul 28, 2013
Thank you Rae. Yes, I am careful about what information I choose to spread on my site. There are many varying viewpoints on this subject and individuals are welcome to to share the viewpoints that are theirs. However what you shared is a link to someone else article. I do not have a responsibility nor do I choose to send my readers elsewhere. Take what is here if it resonates with you and is helpful to you. What I offer is a discerning filter on what is essential in this vast sea of information ;) There are many paths, many viewpoints, this is just one channel. Blessings!
Chase says:
Jul 29, 2013
What does it mean if I turn 29 on July 29th?
Somosuno says:
Jul 29, 2013
You are in your Saturn Return? Saturn is Karma (spiritual debts, broken spiritual contracts, etc.). Have you forgiven your debts and those of all others? If you do not have a natal chart get one at If you do not have a time of birth, use 12:00/Noonday, it’s better than nothing!!!
Fremarsch says:
Jul 29, 2013
A far more basic and ancient explanation of the Star of David is the blending of the symbols for masculine and feminine.
SuzyLily says:
Jul 29, 2013
Dearest Mysticmamma ,
I think it is so wonderful that you have so many viewpoint for everyone to share in .I enjoyed reading everyone of them and as always we take in our hearts what resonates and explore the possibilities of other information that could be life changing.It is so important to expand our consciousness and understanding the cycles of the universe brings us to a greater understanding of ourselves.Thank you I wish every blessing for you .You have a beautiful brave heart.Namaste
Nyna Bates says:
Jul 29, 2013
It is on point , I am feeling it within my being. Thank you for sharing.
Carol Ann Ciocco says:
Jul 29, 2013
Hello and Thank you for posting some of my material and your beautiful attention to linking back to my site and etc. How wonderful you are, and why haven’t I met you before now?? :) much love and many BLESSINGS OF THE STAR to you and to all! Carol // Carol Ann Ciocco
mm says:
Jul 30, 2013
Thank you so much for your insights Carol! Much love and Blessings to you!! ~mm
Deborah Taj Anapol says:
Jul 29, 2013
Thank you for posting! And please consider that contrary to what most people assume, yin does not equal feminine. Yin can manifest in either feminine or masculine form. And the ancient Egyptians were quite clear that Earth is masculine. From this point of view, what we have is the Yin Feminine (water) coming into union with the Yin Masculine (earth). This could be super exciting!
errol windwalker roberts says:
Jul 29, 2013
Awesome Mystical Night for All that Is on Mother Earth..Majical
River says:
Jul 29, 2013
Very interesting to find this information this morning. On July 27th I left my life of 26 years living on the water in my sailboats. I am now making my transition to living on land, giving away all material possessions, and beginning my journey home to visit with my nuclear family before moving to a new continent in the Southern hemisphere. I have been experiencing a shift in the universe and am allowing my life to compliment what is happening. Instead of ‘holding on’, I have chosen to ‘let go’. Harmony and Peace surround me amidst chaos and uncertainty. I am grateful……….
Elizabeth says:
Jul 29, 2013
Marina says:
Jul 29, 2013
Thank you for all that information
we are all one in love and light
Mark F. Aziz says:
Jul 29, 2013
I am a Pisces, born on the 3rd at 228pm, and a bicentennial baby, so my ascendant is Cancer, and my mother is Cancer as well! I know very little of astrology and wondered how this grand trine relates to me individually, as I feel it does. I cannot quite read my natal chart and fully understand it yet, so I need help on overlaying one against the other and seeing what transpire therein…any suggestions? And I wish everyone all their best wishes of ultimate goodwill and peace come to fruition in these times, and I give thanks to the feminine aspects of nature, in myself as well, having been raised by my mother and three sisters and having lost all my freinds since my debilitating car accident except for my female friends, who have all been kind and supportive. Women have always been my protectors and companions in life, and deserve to be honored for their nature, and not because of contemporary political correctness or social pressure. I am not one to use buzzwords attributed to particular spiritual schools of thought, so I will say that you have my best efforts today and I will be very thoughtful, calm, and create a safe space for myself so I am not influenced by lower astral impulses…My love goes out to all that are open to it, and my desire for deeper understanding goes towards those that chose to dwell in worldly pursuits of an egocentric natue, My love will remain pure today!♡
Iris says:
Jul 29, 2013
Greetings and thank you. I am asking for any assistance regarding birth daughter. She is 24, born 6/20/89 at 12:07am. She is undergoing extreme mental health issues along with substance abuse crisis. She is awaiting rehab. Wading through the states systems for help. In this moment she is staying with her birth father David. Wondering if there is anything i can be/do to help her?
Atom says:
Jul 29, 2013
Pluto is not in the correct position for this to be a true Grand Sextile
Angela Bixby-Energy Intuit says:
Jul 30, 2013
I always appreciate your posts, MM! Thanks!
Bill de Oliveira says:
Jul 30, 2013
I translated this text a portuges
links here, citing the source of information… authors
if you want to delete.
write me
thank you
Tahira says:
Jul 30, 2013
Thank you so much….it explains a lot of what we’re going through, and why. The challenge is to remain peaceful through the chaos, trust and know that all is well, all is as it should be; and focus on the inner ‘knowing’. Focus on love…..of self, of life, of all that is.
Jul 30, 2013
Maria says:
Jul 30, 2013
Absolutely loved all that information!
Thank you sooo much for sharing it….we all are truly blessed to be alive in this exciting time!
Thank you so, so very much!
Jesse says:
Jul 30, 2013
This some really interesting information! Thanks! Today is my Birthday and I happen to have the star of David in my natal chart. (July 30 1980 9am Vancouver BC)
Reading some of this helps integrate what’s going on.
Any suggestions on making the most of this time?
Manantial says:
Jul 30, 2013
Dear Mystic Mamma, what about the people like me we missing out this incredible event, is something we can do?
mm says:
Jul 30, 2013
Don’t worry, there is no missing out! You can choose to tune into your heart and find a moment of prayer and connection anytime. This was simply an opportunity to say now let’s do this! But like I stated before it is up to us to bring our magic into creation, to align our heart with the heart of the earth and the cosmos. This is open to us anytime! Blessings to you~~~
Anne says:
Jul 31, 2013
I do not understand what happened here. This day(this time period) that seemed to be so very lucky for me and hitting many personal points, is going down in the books as one of the saddest most disappointing days in my 40 yrs. I think my belief in astrology is over.
Joy says:
Aug 1, 2013
wow Ra! Amazing and number 33 the number of The Christ. It has been a wild week-so many synchronicities happening to get me to look at this, look at that. I mean wild stuff. Did a healing with frequencies on a woman years ago who had writer’s block and her doctorial dissertation was due the next day and she had not completed it. After the healing she sat up all night, wrote like a mad woman and completed it. so run into her and she says-please come to my book signing-I now have 3 books I have published. And here I have not published mine. Strong message to get going on it-I would say. Well that is only 1 of so many things that have happened like that this past week. Pretty powerful energies and I do feel that we are bringing
heaven to earth-that is what we are here to do. We are here to infuse spirit with matter-the Divine Alchemy. Hold on-it’s gonna be a wild ride from here on out.
Joy says:
Aug 1, 2013
River-I feel your peace and Divine flow of your energy. So beautiful your path!
charyl says:
Dec 30, 2013
yes so many things have happened for me in these years since 2000. 1st I got up to go to a rare bible class (for me) and felt I was “just” a channel. Beauty came throu. I am a yoga student since the 70’s. too. Then I found the non dual experience in 2003 and then much to my amazement I saw the “dove” radiant high above last year? Now however, I feel flux between happiness and suffering with the aging. One moment I feel the excitement absolutely sense what’s coming in welcome changes and then fall deeply into depression about a lot of people etc.
Life will go on and I am so enlightened from where I was in 1999. We are moving into it all absolutely. no doubt. but how long.