Posts tagged "Astrology Reports"
FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Sagittarius June 5th 2020~

FULL MOON Lunar ECLIPSE in Sagittarius June 5th 2020~

Our expanding realizations are transforming into bridges of solidarity and action calls to the ways we can each proactively participate in the active dismantling of the oppressive systems that we consciously or unconsciously maintain...
FULL MOON in Sagittarius June 12th / 13th 2014~

FULL MOON in Sagittarius June 12th / 13th 2014~

Full Moon in Sagittarius furthers the energies of expansion and bigger vision. As we align with our truth and essential values, we can envision new ways of being and actualizing...
Star of David - Merkaba - Grand Sextile Portal on July 29th 2013!

Star of David – Merkaba – Grand Sextile Portal on July 29th 2013!

The essence is that this mystical configuration of Sacred Geometry opens a portal of energy that is accessible for those who choose to tune in to it. That is the key.
NEW MOON in Cancer July 8th, 2013~

NEW MOON in Cancer July 8th, 2013~

"At this New Moon, we are nourished in the sign of Cancer...This feminine archetype of The Mother in all her forms Tara, Isis, Guadalupe, Ceres, Demeter, Mother Nature, Gaia, Pachamama, activates the wisdom of the emotional body..."