I’m sure you have been hearing about this rare astronomical event called a VENUS TRANSIT which is happening on JUNE 5th, 2012 right after the LUNAR ECLIPSE/ FULL MOON in Sagittarius on June 4th, 2012!
What is happening? Â
In most basic terms, Venus will be moving across the face of the sun which will appear like a small black dot in front of the sun. This occurance is called a “Venus transit” and happens in pairs, with 8 years in between.
The first one (in our lifetime) occurred in 2004 and the second one is June 5th! We will not experience this again in our lifetime!
This is considered a rare astronomical event because we only experience a Venus Transit every 121.5 or so years. One of the many magical things about this is that the path that Venus takes between the first transit and the second (8 years) makes a perfect five pointed star (pentagram). Â
The symbolism of this and the spiritual significance of Venus, which has represented love and harmony for numerous cultures, is abundant. This Venus Transit was a highly anticipated cosmic event by the Ancient Maya who saw this as a mark point in time that would herald the great shift leading up to 12-21-12.
So what does this all mean for us?
We are entering a new era, the Divine Feminine is rising, coming forth within each one of us to heal and  bring into right balance and right relation our planetary family. We are moving into HEART-based living! Feminine qualities (venus, moon) are going to transcend into wholeness and integrate with those of the masculine (the sun).  The Feminine is rising and coming into the forefront to bring unity consciousness forth. Can’t you see it and feel it? There are signs everywhere!
So here is the gathered gems from some of the best readers of the stars to inform and illuminate us during these cosmic events…Gratitude for their wisdom and insights!
First, a fantastic article from Rose Marcus and her Astrolink website. First a technical description of what it is and then we will get the details about what the significance is:
“On June 5 or 6, 2012, depending where on the planet you live, Venus will cross the face of the sun. This planetary alignment is called an occultation. It is similar to an eclipse, but Venus will not totally block our view, rather, she will appear like a dot crossing over the face of the sun.”
One of the first photographs of the transit of Venus 1882
“Unlike the short interval of an eclipse which takes just under a minute to a few minutes to view, Venus will take six hours to complete her passage….”
“Those in Hawaii, Alaska, Australia, Japan and the eastern edge of Asia will be able to see the event in its entirety. Those in North and Central America will be able to view the start of the transit beginning at sunset (6:10PM PDT) on June 5, 2012.”
“Although Venus and Sun meet up every couple of years, we have only witnessed this event six times in recent human history. History says that Jeremiah Horrocks was the first human to ever witness a transit by Venus in 1639. The next transit on June 5, 6 will be our seventh observance…”
“The Venus/Earth orbital 3/2 ratio replicates the perfect symmetry we know as the Golden Mean. The 2/3 ratio of a Venus day to an Earth year replicates the harmonic interval known as the perfect musical fifth (3.2), which is considered as the most universally harmonic consonant. This frequency is received as most pleasing sound to the ear, and evokes a pleasing/welcoming emotional response…”
IMAGE: James Ferguson’s, Astronomy ExplainedUpon Sir Isaac Newton’s Principles, 1799
“Over an eight year period, the retrograde cycles of Venus around the sun forms the shape of the pentagram, the five pointed star. The measurement between each retrograde peak is a 72 degree mathematical aspect called the Quintile. To astrologers, the quintile’s influence is one of creative transformation, which is exactly the meaning that has been projected onto December 21, 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar. Please remember that the Mayan Calendar was based on Venus cycles.”
“Many consider the momentous Venus in Gemini transit in June, 2012 as a key marker of a new 2600 year cycle of humanity. Â This Earth/Venus/Sun alignment has been suggested to symbolize the re-activation of the Solar Feminine.”
“What does that mean? In short, it suggests the energizing of the feminine creator in her one-ness or all-ness. The solarised feminine creator is all encompassing.”
“Just as woman gives birth to both genders, the rise of the solar feminine creator suggests a rebirth of the consciousness of our whole selves. Together in unison, yin and yang are transitioning into a major realignment chapter. Gemini correlates to blended diversity. True androgyny is the highest state of spiritual evolution.”
“We are leaving behind the polarization that has been built over this last cycle, the age of the patriarchy. In this last chapter of collective evolution, we have come to create existing reality and our understanding of god consciousness as one over the other, rather than one with the other. We have separated ourselves from Gaia, from one another, from ourselves. We have created a reality of superiority and inferiority rather than one of co-creative, equality existence.”
“…The finish of the previous cycle and the seeding of a new one are overlapping. As we observe what is manifesting throughout our contemporary reality, it is obvious that the creative juice of the old paradigm has not quite reached its saturation point. It is still building. Eventually the momentum will reach a tipping point, collapse in on itself and necessitate the transformation we are ready for….”
“…Venus correlates to our core being-ness, to our inner feminine or responsive consciousness, our yin energy charge, to needs and desires. The yin momentum is that of draw-in or attraction.”
IMAGE: Eugène Emmanuel Amaury-Duval
“Venus correlates to the principle of relatedness, relationship, and relativity. Like attracts like; how we feel inwardly, how we resonate and energize from within, this then becomes the basis of our magnetic force-field. We create and materialize from this energy source. Venus is fertile and fertilizing. She creates and she perpetuates….”
“On June 5/6 2012, there will be a significant energy surge transmitted between our creator consciousness and instinctual desires. The creative potency is so dynamic, it is compelling enough to turn the conceptual into the reality, to bring that which we are resonating with into being.  Simply whatever it is that we have evaluated as most desirable and necessary for our continuance and survival is brought to the fore.”
“We now face a critical impact moment along our evolutionary time-line. Destiny can show up in terms of life events and opportunities, or it can draw key people into our life. It is forceful enough to create a momentous shift in our awareness and therefore, our reality base…”
“The youth of 1960’s raised their voice when Uranus and Pluto conjoined. Now Uranus and Pluto are aligned again, by the more urgent square angle aspect this time. Without a doubt, we, the collective, have come to a decisive pivot point…”
“…it’s a good idea to keep your channel as clear as you can.  All transmissions to the universe carry more potent impact now.  Set deliberate intention.  Stay conscious and focused.”
“What do you want for yourself? Â AFFIRM it. Â The rise of the solar feminine offers you an exceptional opportunity to bear witness to your creative potential, to demonstrate yourself as the divine co-creator you are and have always been.”
Copyright © 2012 Rose Marcus, All Rights Reserved
Nick Anthony Fiorenza also some beautiful insight on the spiritual significance in terms of the heart chakra and intricate details and diagrams about the technicalities of this Venus transit on his site Lunar Planner. Here is an excerpt:
“The astrophysical resonances of Venus govern the heart bio-energy centre (chakra), and the thymus, which is the neurological control center for the immune system.”
“The heart chakra is our centre of intuitive knowing, harmony, magnetic attraction, that which we value, love, romance, and sexual rapture. It is where we find our capacity for compassion and appreciation of beauty….”
“Venus (and the heart chakra), when mature and clear, expresses love in art and beauty, with a wonderful capacity for unconditional acceptance of all conditions–true, non-judgmental love. The unconditionally open heart receives and expresses love that is harmoniously balanced.”
“Mature Venus is open to new experience, is courageous, optimistic, and aware of soul intent and purpose–as the unconditionally open heart is where soul fully radiates its light.”
“Mature Venus is also sociable, fashionable, artistic, good willed, benevolent, diplomatic, and magnetically sensuous. Venus is also of wealth and resources and plays a prominent role in financial matters and the flow of money….”
“Five is the number of the incarnate human–making possible the ascension from the lower quarternary world–that is, from the cyclic and temporal boundaries of space and time.– The Way is through the Passage of the Heart -“
Also there is all kinds of magical significance with the Pentagram, numerology, etc, etc. Â Although some of the math might be hard to wrap our head around, I can speak for myself ;), it is interesting to note that numerologically, vibrationally, harmonically there are amazing patterns of resonance and meaning. The more you look the more you see!
Here is another example from Nick Anthony Fiorenza from his Lunar Planning:
“Venus revolves in the opposite direction compared to Earth and to its rotation around the sun. Thus, on Venus, the sun and stars rise in the west and set in the east.”
“A Venus day is longer than its year, It takes Venus 243.0187 Earth days to make one rotation, and 224.701 Earth days to orbit the sun. The Venus day is exactly two-thirds of an Earth-year (243 Earth days). Because Venus revolves once every 2/3 of an Earth year, Venus revolves exactly twelve times in the eight-year pentagonal period–thus showing the same side of her body to Earth in the eight-year period.”
“This near perfect harmonic resonance between the Venus day, the Venus year, and Earth’s year is one of the astrophysical dynamics creating the gentle and harmonious astrological character of Venus. Thus, we have 5 synodic cycles and 12 Venusian days occurring in 8 Earth years creating a near perfect Venus-Earth synergy.”
“An interesting numerological technique is to explore the ratio between the Product and the Sum of a set of numbers:
The Product: 12 x 8 x 5 = 480.
The Sum: 12 + 8 + 5 = 25The Product / The Sum = 480 / 25 = 19.2″
“Qabalistic Numerology defines 192 as the the Divine Mother number. The mother element (the first element) is Hydrogen, from which life proceeds, fuel of the Sun; embodiment of the Divine Mother Principle.”
“The Arithmetic Reduction of 192 is 12, the Hebrew number Lamed, which corresponds to the sign of Libra – the astrological domicile of Venus.”
“The Venus Day / Earth Year harmonic interval is 2/3, the perfect musical fifth (3:2), the most universally consonant (pleasing to the ear and emotionally peaceful) harmonic and most durative (strong and long lasting compared to other harmonics which subside before the fifth). The Earth Venus pentagonal harmonic is 5/8, the sixth (8:5). The sixth emotionally invokes the concept of joy or natural innocence…”
“The more harmony (concordance) the more attraction there is–like between two people–and the more discordance, the more repulsion. Planets and our entire star system of planets compose a variety of musical chords (combinations of frequencies and their harmonic intervals) all continually changing as the ever-changing dance of the planets compose a majestic symphonic expression–the Music of the Spheres.”
“The most famous work exploring the “Music of the Spheres” is that published in 1619 by Johannes Kepler in his “Harmonices Mundi…”
“When enough of us, as individuals, express in the relationship of unconditional love, then we, as a planet, will express the resonance of unconditional love, and then we will graduate from the bounds of discord, quarantined and separate from the universe around us, and graduate into the majesty of extraterrestrial awareness–into the awareness of cosmic-God-consciousness.”
 Copyright © 2003 – 2012 Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved
Lastly,  I wanted include this download about the significance to the Ancient Maya. From Kiara Windrider at Mayan Majix:
“The ancient Mayans developed a calendar system that is very relevant to these times… it reflects a deep understanding of long-term cycles of creation…”
“The planet Venus is rich in archetypal symbology. It is often known as the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light. It is related to love, human unity, beauty, and oneness….”
“Venus transits always come in pairs. The second passage of Venus across the Sun’s disc takes place on June 6, 2012. The eight-year period in between represents a “doorway†through which Unity consciousness will come to dominate the mass consciousness of the Earth.”
“Since this is a 130-year cycle, there are few humans alive today who have experienced this transit, yet it can be seen that every time this transit has taken place in human history, it has represented a new level of harmonization on the planet. It is interesting to note that the Taj Mahal, one of the greatest monuments to Love in human history, was built during the Venus Transit of 1631-1639 AD!”
“This current “doorway of Venus†is especially significant because it remains open until 2012 AD, the completion our current cycle of human evolution… or as the end of a period of human consciousness conditioned by separation and duality. The Mayans refer to this time as the Return of Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent, and look to this eight-year doorway as the timeframe within which the mass enlightenment of humanity will take place….”
“Let us come together during this time in gatherings throughout the world to celebrate love and beauty, light and unity. Let us work with these expansive cosmic energies to anchor them deep into the heart of Earth Mother, deep into the human collective consciousness. Let us translate these energies into art, economics, culture, politics, education and ecology. Let us bring transformation into every field of human endeavor. Let us pray, each in our own way, for the emergence of the Golden Age, for enlightenment for all, for peace, healing, and beauty on the planet! Le us pray for the unity of humankind.”
Enjoy this magical time! Take time to honor the Divine Feminine within! Listen to your heart and do what feels right~~~
janna says:
Jun 1, 2012
Blessings and thanks for sharing this wisdom!
erica says:
Jun 1, 2012
this is great and so comprehensive…thank-you!
Isis says:
Jun 1, 2012
This totaly make sense how mass consciousness starting shape our destiny where noone, meaning no even a single singular being alive or death, is left out. Through this transit we could emerge at ease with the infinity.
Tighe says:
Jun 2, 2012
thank you for sharing your wisdom mystic mama!
Nirelle Boyd says:
Jun 2, 2012
Blessings.. I will be anchoring this energy through sacred dance at 11am wednesday.. Honouring the Sacred Feminine.. Activation Shakti.. Snake Priestess.. Intiation Temple Goddess Ceremonys.. East Ballina at my private home..
Angela says:
Jun 3, 2012
I’m very excited and looking forward to the Divine feminine emerging in all!
Bill says:
Jun 3, 2012
Right on. Heart re-emerges. Its time. Bless you Shannon!
Sindhumurti Saraswati says:
Jun 3, 2012
Yes a beautiful time indeed. It’s all perfect. Heart centered living is what is necessary for continued more feeling human existence for healing & refinement. Time for empathy, compassion, love, softness, grace & beauty. Amen. Thanks & oms.
Jabulile says:
Jun 4, 2012
LOVELY!! this is so exactly where I am at this moment – Once again I am leaving one reality to try to create another, more feminine and integrative life for myself, thank you for sharing!
Mónica Pablos says:
Jun 4, 2012
Tuis is just so well explain and it is a Blessing that you share it with all of us….Bless you!
Lok Goel says:
Jun 4, 2012
Thanks for sharing this wisdom
Cath Campbell says:
Jun 4, 2012
Amazing and beautiful I welcome this new energy with open arms. Thank you for sharing!
Sally says:
Jun 4, 2012
Thanks soo much for this great informetion.. Its so exciting to be here on earth at this time. Much Love and Laughter.
Margie Griffin says:
Jun 4, 2012
All Hail our beautiful Mother. Peace in our time. Thank you for helping me understand more and raise my spirit which was in a very up and down motion for the past month. I am now ready to end the struggle and dance with life. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Frances @ Lila Blog says:
Jun 4, 2012
Thank you! This is a wonderful overview and just what I needed to read this morning to align my intentions….this is such an exciting time to be alive. I’m so grateful.
AyphradiTea says:
Jun 4, 2012
All Magic and Love outward and inward to day and tomorrow .. onwardly, inwardly, upwardly. Have been looking forward to this for a half year. Happy Birthday to me today and many friends tomorrow, and may we indeed “anchor love deeper into the Mother” thru focused intentions and ritual. This is exciting. Well-written article here.. ;)
Susannah says:
Jun 5, 2012
I am in awe of you and all of the women tuning into the sacred feminine energy, setting intentions, and leading the path for others — it is an honor to carry the torch and light the way for others — Venus is here to guide us if we open to receive. It is time to heal the planet with reverence for the Divine Feminine, by returning to an old paradigm of connection and community, centered in peace, the common good, and sustainable environmental and social change. I believe that opening our hearts, living from the inside out, telling our stories, gathering in circles, creating art, connecting to and honoring nature, and collaborating in non-violent protest are some of the most powerful ways that we can move from our heads into our hearts to live more authentically. Thank you Mystic Mama.
JANA says:
Jun 5, 2012
Susan says:
Jun 5, 2012
Happy, happy, happy! I’m feeling excitement and ..relief! At last, at last..
I enjoyed this information..makes sense and I feel I can apply it, instead of other articles I’ve read which have left me confused and my asking, “Yes, okay, but really, what is the Venus Transit?”
Thank you!
Kathrin says:
Jun 5, 2012
I LOVE your page! Blessings to you and your loved ones!
Heart Portal says:
Jun 5, 2012
Thank you so much for this compilation of wisdom & insights. May we all be Blessed as we bring in the LIGHT & LOVE for all to see. May Source Love Prevail.
Annemarie says:
Jun 5, 2012
Have been feeling this now for a while and i am so so pleased that we are now moving into hopefully a more peaceful and united time. Thank you so very much for sharing all this with us <3
Ruba says:
Jun 5, 2012
Thank you, it’s a great LOVE message to Humanity:)
Jamie says:
Jun 5, 2012
With the Infinity symbol with the faces and the yellow border, can you please tell me where you got this IMAGE and what it represents? I have seen it before in my mind, and would like to know the significance. Thank you!
mm says:
Jun 5, 2012
It’s an ancient classic ALCHEMY symbol of the the union of the sun and moon! It signifies *sacred marriage* If google search it on you will find more of it’s significance. Blessings~
delia says:
Jun 5, 2012
Wonderful insight with encouragement to move forward by positive thinking.
Ondrej Mazan says:
Aug 11, 2019
please, could you say me a few words to the new visualising (Time Symbolic Hourscale) for meteo TV satellite animations time feeling – your opinion ?
I find your profile wonderful inspirative
Szilvia says:
Jun 5, 2012
Love it! and feeling it! thank you for sharing! blessings!
Trish says:
Jun 5, 2012
is this anything signifigant to me if my birthday is june 6th?
Violet Dawn says:
Jun 5, 2012
Woot Woot Affirming “When you find yourself entirely bathed in waves of love, you will recognize that you are living in the new. When you feel empowered and exhilarated, awed and peaceful, you can see that you are in the new energies. They are already available here and continuing to expand upward in frequency within you and within the sphere of the planet as a whole.” Love Sisters Love
Tina says:
Jun 5, 2012
sweet it falls on my birthday June 5th, does this mean anything?
Randi says:
Jun 5, 2012
Great resource, thanks!
Ella says:
Jun 5, 2012
thank you so much…many blessings ★
Kerry says:
Jun 5, 2012
A very interesting and inspiring read. I learned a lot by reading this about the Venus Transit. Fascinating.
Anna says:
Jun 5, 2012
Today would be my daughter’s 13th birthday, a very special year, indeed. Unfortunately, she died on June 8. It is interesting to me to note that she was born on the 5 and died on the 8, which are the same numbers as the 8 year pentagram made by Venus. I reached out to my mother today to share my grief, despite the fact that we have a troubled relationship, only to find that she was in the hospital following an emergency surgery. Despite the pain I feel at the loss of my daughter, I have always considered her brief life a call to celebrate love and beauty, light and unity. After all, as humans, we are subject to every pleasure and every pain. I’m not sure what to make of it all, but surely heaven is telling me something on this, my lovely ghost-daughter’s 13 birthday. Thank you so much for are your hard work and beautiful images.
mm says:
Jun 6, 2012
Dearest Ana, I’m sending you a huge hug of love and wrapping you in a blanket of light~~~ my hearts goes out to you and I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful daughter. Thank you for sharing and I honor and celebrate with you her beauty and light which shone so bright~ There are no coincidences and I am sure she’s with you, sending you signs of her presence… Blessings and all my love xx
G.K.Saxton says:
Jun 5, 2012
Grace Kerenapu.from Nelson,NZ.June 6,2012
Through the rain and snow, the Sun shone down on my house and Me I Raised
My arms and I felt the Love and Happyness in that moment of utter Joy.
jane says:
Jun 6, 2012
i have pleasure of having my birthday today and already feel strenthened
mm says:
Jun 6, 2012
Happy Birthday! â¤
Cathy Pollock says:
Jun 6, 2012
Today is my birthday and I feel blessed to have witnessed the venus transit tonight. I feel very hopeful that that which has been conceptual or just dreams until now will be begin to manifest and positively change my world and the world of others that I am in contact with. Thank you for this clear and beautiful message!
Cathy P. Salt Lake City, Utah
Mai Needham says:
Jun 6, 2012
I lay on my bed with my two beautiful goddess grandchildren. 5 yrs and 8 years. We made our labyrinth today with chalk..they as I danced in it…blew the conch and felt the blessing of this time and the divine feminine we are….One said I wish to be an apple with Venus, the other a tree, the other said, “I want to be me”. Happy Venus Happy Venus and Earth…we are Happy ! They sleep now and the dot we call Venus travels across their eyelids as the dream and be.
I am blessed to feel through their even breathing the truth of the greatness of life itself…! Life is Happy! Life is a tree and apple and life is wanting to be me!
Peace to all. Mai
mm says:
Jun 6, 2012
amazing…thank you for sharing!
Stream Gardner says:
Jun 6, 2012
Thank You!! Continued Love and Light
mm says:
Jun 6, 2012
Thank you all for your inspired comments! May we all stay connected to our heart energy lovelovelove
Jun 6, 2012
What a great event. Haven”t we all felt the changes in humanity for the last few years. I even changed my name to Shanti in 2009.
Peace to all the Universe and be happy.
Barvara Hush says:
Jun 6, 2012
Wonderful comments, thank you.
Have just watched the masses of people celebrating Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth, such jubilation! Amazing to see the surge of energy and love for a monarch, female too! Although I am not a true royalist, I found the TV/news clips of the events very moving, interesting at this time of the transit.
Kokila says:
Jun 6, 2012
Thank you, may the Venus bless all the living beings and enlighten to a new era. May peace be with throughout the universe. May Venus bless me to overcome my difficulties.
ruth housman says:
Jun 6, 2012
I know this, and that is, I am following a story of remarkable synchronicity every step of the way. Before I saw the announcement, in the recent Boston Sunday Globe, of the Venus transit, a moving black dot on the sun, I was listening to the Police, their CD, in my car, and of course they have a song, and it is called King of Pain. I suggest people listen to this, because it goes, “there’s a little black dot on the sun today… that’s my soul again”.
Now so far, in telling my story, and it’s not of course just mine, because any coincidental, synchronous story involves all of us, in order for this to happen, meaning there must be a prime mover here, a vast Intelligence, and I do call it LOVE, visibly moving this story forward, and all stories, as this beautiful series of commentaries about this particular Venus transit and certainly Venus spells LOVE. And maybe we’re all part of a love spell, a story that is certainly bout the goddess bringing us all forward.
I just noticed that at Brandeis, Billy Flesch, a Shakespearean scholar is doing for the Learning in Retirement Seminars, the Rapaporte, The Maltese Falcon. Well, having been in Malta, and a story that is remarkable that took me there, I can say, Malta was a major source of Goddess Worship, and was apparently connected to Atlantis, the lost mystical continent. I do not think what I notice is at all random, meaning this total beautiful connectivity, which I keep putting down on paper, and is in parts at Brown University, The Mel Yoken Collection of Letters, due to an astounding story which involves Tony Goldwyn and meeting Mel Yoken, and he feels he was “pushed” forward to meet me this one fateful day which accounts for a man of letters, holding a document in letters, that is also about rhe sacred letters, moving across Babel. An astounding story.
So what do I think? I think what is written on these beautiful pages is totally Right, and yes, we have entered a new portal in consciousness. The wonder of so many people for example, being keyed to 11:11 on the clock is a part of this, and there is a reason for this mystic turning, at just the “right time”.
I do not mean to take up too much space here, except to say, YES, we’re moving forward to the Omega point, and the evolution of consciousness involves LOVE, and in evolution itself, the word, is LOVE running backwards.
So let’s hold hands around the world in song, in accord, A Cord, that both binds us all and is the music and in One Chord.
with hugs to all on this line. We’re all part of the WEB and it is for Charlotte and her web that I do honor this day.
E.B. White’s initials, W. E.B. spell WEB. It’s beautiful wherever one looks!!!!
Cheryl says:
Jun 6, 2012
In deep gratitude for sharing this wisdom! As our hearts beat as one today, may we feel our connection to our Essential Self our true authentic essence bringing about a humanity based on the one truth….. LOVE.
Mishayla says:
Jun 6, 2012
A beautiful collection of insights. So much appreciation for this posting – thank you. May our hearts overflow with the juiciness of this extraordinary event – weaving into the beauty that is abundant everywhere.
Rosie Echelmeier says:
Jun 6, 2012
I created in bronze a bare chested goddess sculpture,..”Unite”..her head and shoulders. She was inspired by an ancient wooded Kwan Yin that I saw in Hawaii,..and by the beauty and kindness that I saw in the face of my model. I am moved to share her,and explain the meaning in her name which I came to after much thought. What is projected in her gaze is The Unity of Wisdom and Unconditional Love. This prescious kind of Love that could be abundant….innocent and non-judgemental regard…true and wise. I see in all the previous replys that openess to love,….and we are all here ready to make a shift to more love…
s taylor says:
Jun 6, 2012
it’s no coincidence that I have seen a most beautiful video of a new born’s first bath on facebook .It is THE most nuturing scene that I have ever witnessed….so much love and understanding within an hour of birth…..women will soon be recognised for their inner strength.
mulila david says:
Jun 7, 2012
I’m so blessed to have raed the articles above. I thank God for your taking time to share deep insights with us.I’m so priveledged to be alive and I pray that i will use the positive energy to love and live. Thanks a million times.
Laura says:
Jun 14, 2012
Thank you so much for all the information. I was trying to learn more of the transit. I got married on June, 5 2012 and the ceremony was pushed back until around 6:15 due to weather, i was informed th next day about venus’ transit. I am very happy to have such a occassion on the same day as my wedding. We had talked about getting married on an astrological occurrance years before but picked this day because it was when we had gotten engaged 6 years ago. Had no idea that we would be married during the Venus transit.
jessica narayanan says:
Jun 30, 2012
Thank you for sharing such secrets which cannot be revealed at all times may the paramporul sends more secrets of the universe tru His loving creature… thank you again… santhoshyam!!!
Margie Kampf says:
Jul 2, 2012
Thank you for sharing! I will be waiting for June 5th.
Gloria says:
Jul 19, 2012
Fascinating… So much wisdom… its this year in particular I feel that the awakening of consciousness is taking place in many of us, that we are more intuitive Let’s just keep very positive and attentive.. Only the collective shift of consciousness can save the planet and society as we know it.. Thanks for the wonderful information…
Giselle says:
Oct 3, 2012
I Love everything. 💜💜â¤ðŸ’–💕💓thank you for sharing . The picture Is lovely. Blessing and incondicional love for everyone. ðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ’«âœ¨ðŸŒŸðŸ˜˜ðŸ˜˜ðŸ˜˜
ZionDawta says:
Nov 11, 2012
The Four of Swords – A One Page Guide – IsleVue says:
Sep 3, 2019
[…] helped us to estimate the distances within our solar system. It is also a special event for astrologers, who see a pentagram in its motion between the first and second transits during that cycle. In more […]