Posts tagged "mamma mystic"

Occupy your center~
"Tune in to the core of your body," the Grandmothers said. "Whenever you occupy your center, everyone and everything connected to you lifts..."

Kaypacha Pele Astrology Report for week of July 10th 2013~
Astrological report says a storm is brewing... Great to have an understanding so that we can allow and flow, move with the cyclical nature of things. Become empowered. Spirit rise!

NEW MOON in Cancer July 8th, 2013~
"At this New Moon, we are nourished in the sign of Cancer...This feminine archetype of The Mother in all her forms Tara, Isis, Guadalupe, Ceres, Demeter, Mother Nature, Gaia, Pachamama, activates the wisdom of the emotional body..."

July 2013 Astrology Overview by Sarah Varcas~
"A key message from the cosmos in the first two weeks of July: It’s time to grow up and gather all that we are, all of our energy, emotions, thoughts, behaviours, hopes and dreams, right here into the present..."

Mercury Retrograde “Reflections” June 26th till July 20th 2013~
"Use this retrograde cycle to to feel your way through whatever you're working with, and take your time with it. The past two months brought about a lot of changes, internally and externally...