Posts tagged "earth’s wisdom"
Total Eclipse in Pisces SuperMoon March 8th 9th 2016~

Total Eclipse in Pisces SuperMoon March 8th 9th 2016~

In the archetypal waters of Pisces, we are asked to step into the Dreamtime to reflect, feel it all, cleanse it all and draw forth from the ocean of the collective unconscious the new dream that wants to be birthed......
Know the hidden and forgotten Mother~

Know the hidden and forgotten Mother~

“What a recovery of the wisdom of the Mother brings to all of us is the knowledge of inseparable connection with the entire creation and the wise, active love that is born from that knowledge...
Spirit is all around~

Spirit is all around~

"All power is in my partnership with Spirit. I say to myself often and steadily. I say it until my heart sings with joy for the safety and personal power it means to me...
May we shine~

May we shine~

"We call upon the power that sustains the planets in their orbits, that wheels our Milky Way in its 200-million-year spiral, to imbue our personalities and our relationships with harmony, endurance, and joy...
Remember who we once were and what we still can be~

Remember who we once were and what we still can be~

"Nothing is as important for the recovery of the feminine face of God as a rich and reverent understanding of the traditions of the world's First Peoples. In them is preserved our original human relationship with Mother Earth...
Remembrance of the sacred is a key that can awaken our consciousness~

Remembrance of the sacred is a key that can awaken our consciousness~

"The 'sacred' is not something primarily religious or even spiritual. It is not a quality we need to learn or to develop. It belongs to the primary nature of all that is...
Spark inspiration~

Spark inspiration~

"Spark of inspiration, light my spirit's fire. Let the joy of creation be my heart's desire. Let me flow with the music. Let me dance my dreams alive. Let me sing my deepest feelings, until...
Every inch of the Earth Mother is sacred~

Every inch of the Earth Mother is sacred~

"Mother Earth is a living being. When a human being goes to a Power Place, the attention of the Mother Earth is directed to that spot, and energy begins to flow to that area because our bodies, like hers, are...
Stand in good relation to the Earth~

Stand in good relation to the Earth~

"I am an eagle playing with the wind, I am a cluster of bright beads, I am the farthest star, I am the cold of the dawn, I am the roaring of the rain..."
Spirit reaches to us from the Earth~

Spirit reaches to us from the Earth~

"No matter how much we turn our faces from the earth, she is always with us. The sweetwater of the Spirit reaches to us from the earth herself. Our very bodies are composed of the same substances..."
See possibilities~

See possibilities~

"There was a time in which humanity saw itself as a part of Nature and Nature as a part of it. Dreaming and waking were inseparable. Animal, plant and human were inseparable. The natural and the supernatural merged and blended......
All of nature is a friend and relative~

All of nature is a friend and relative~

"Indigenous wisdom is based on the experiential understanding of an inherent integrity to creation, and the human is part of that natural unity..."