Posts tagged "blue moon astrology"
FULL MOON Blue Moon in Libra April 19th 2019~

FULL MOON Blue Moon in Libra April 19th 2019~

This Full Moon in Libra brings us to the precipice, initiating trust in our evolutionary hearts as we step through the alchemical ring of fire...
FULL MOON Blue Moon in Sagittarius May 21st 2016~

FULL MOON Blue Moon in Sagittarius May 21st 2016~

As the Moon rises to her fullness, it's likely we'll feel the pull and tug of our hearts calling us to align with our deepest truth and encouraging us to bring forth the balance needed to embody it.
*BLUE MOON* August 31, 2012 *Full Moon* in Pisces~

*BLUE MOON* August 31, 2012 *Full Moon* in Pisces~

What seems to be emerging are feelings needing to be healed, old wounds being exposed and coming into our awareness so we can clear the energetic beliefs around our wounds! Here are some gathered insights...